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#1  2006-07-01 17:30:16

  rzuku - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2005-08-13

CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

Hello all !!!

Mam mały problemik z cupsem. Pracuje na Debianie Sarge 3.1. Wyglada on następująco. Instaluje drukareczke marki Lexmark model Z31 komendą:
/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p LexmarkZ31 -E -v parallel:/dev/lp0 -m lexmark.ppd

(za literówki przepraszam;) instalacja przebiega bezproblemowo. Jednak gdy chce coś wydrukowac np. strone testową to cisza, gdy wchode prze localhost:631 do Job i daje restart zadania to wyskakuje mi: Error: client-error-not-possible. Siedze już nad tym kilka dni. Przegladnąłem różne fora, poruszałem się zgodnie z wskazówkami, ale drukarka jak milczy tak milczy. Może któryś z Was sie spotkał z takim czymś i mógłby mnie chociaż naprowadzić poczęści.




#2  2006-07-01 17:54:41

  czadman - Bicycle repairman

Bicycle repairman
Skąd: Wrocław
Zarejestrowany: 2005-07-08

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

Może być wiele przyczyn.
Usuń wszystkie zadania i zapodaj sobie komendę:


tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log

Następnie spróbuj coś wydrukować i wklej to co wyskoczy na konsoli. Być może trzeba będzie bardziej szczegółowych logów. Przestaw wtedy parametr LogLevel w pliku cupsd.conf na info albo debug i zrestartuj cupsys.



#3  2006-07-02 02:19:49

  rzuku - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2005-08-13

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

W logu mam takie coś po tych czynnościach co mi kazałeś zrobić:

I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=4608)
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] Adding start banner page "none" to job 7.
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] Adding end banner page "none" to job 7.
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] Job 7 queued on 'LexmarkZ31' by 'root'.
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 4609) for job 7.
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 4610) for job 7.
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 4611) for job 7.
E [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] PID 4610 stopped with status 22!
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:49 +0200] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:50 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=4612)
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:54 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=4613)
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:55 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=4614)
I [02/Jul/2006:02:09:57 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=4615)
I [02/Jul/2006:02:10:13 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=4616)
I [02/Jul/2006:02:10:15 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=4617)
I [02/Jul/2006:02:10:17 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=4618)
E [02/Jul/2006:02:10:17 +0200] restart_job: job #7 cannot be restarted - no files!

Wnioskuje, że mu jakiegoś pliku brakuje, ale jakiego?? może trzeba doinstalwoać jakiś pakiet. Ja już nie wiem:/



#4  2006-07-02 08:28:18

  czadman - Bicycle repairman

Bicycle repairman
Skąd: Wrocław
Zarejestrowany: 2005-07-08

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

Przestaw poziom logowania na debug i wklej po powtórce, będzie tego więcej, ale więcej będzie także informacji.



#5  2006-07-02 10:47:06

  rzuku - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2005-08-13

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

Debug ?? nigdy takiego czegoś nie robiłem. Może jakaś instrukcja ?



#6  2006-07-02 13:37:15

  czadman - Bicycle repairman

Bicycle repairman
Skąd: Wrocław
Zarejestrowany: 2005-07-08

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

Debug ?? nigdy takiego czegoś nie robiłem. Może jakaś instrukcja ?

Chodzi o to, że program loguje domyślnie tylko ogólne info, że coś się dzieje nie tak. Aby zdiagnozować problem szerzej można poziom logowania przestawić w bardziej gadatliwy tryb, ująłbym to jako zbyt wylewny na co dzień.
Z konta root otwierasz plik /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, znajdujesz linię z zawartością:

LogLevel warning


LogLevel info

i zmieniasz na

LogLevel debug

Następnie restartujesz cupsa:

/etc/init.d/cupsys restart

i od teraz cupsd będzie bardzo szczegółowo logował swoje akcje.



#7  2006-07-02 14:12:49

  rzuku - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2005-08-13

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

No zrobiłem. Faktycznie dokładniejsze, ale teraz to już wogole nie wiem o co chodzi i skąd się bierze ten bład :/
Mój log:
I [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] Listening to 0:631
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] AddLocation: added location '/'
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] AllowIP: / allow 00000000/00000000
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] AddLocation: added location '/jobs'
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] AddLocation: added location '/admin'
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] AllowIP: /admin allow 00000000/00000000
I [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] Full reload is required.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer LexmarkZ31...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "smb"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "ipp"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "http"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "lpd"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "parallel:/dev/lp0"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "socket"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp0"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp1"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp2"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp3"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp4"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp5"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp6"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp7"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp8"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp9"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp10"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp11"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp12"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp13"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp14"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp15"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "cups-pdf:/"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "epson:/dev/lp0"...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadDevices: Added device "canon:/dev/lp0"...
I [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadPPDs: Read "/etc/cups/ppds.dat", 251 PPDs...
I [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadAllJobs: Scanning /var/spool/cups...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 8...
I [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] Full reload complete.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] StartListening: NumListeners=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] StartListening: address=00000000 port=631
D [02/Jul/2006:14:07:59 +0200] ResumeListening: setting input bits...
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] AcceptClient: 5 from
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] SendFile: 5 file=6
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] CloseClient: 5
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] AcceptClient: 5 from
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET /cups.css HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] SendFile: 5 file=6
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET /images/navbar.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] SendFile: 5 file=6
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:18 +0200] CloseClient: 5
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:20 +0200] AcceptClient: 5 from
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:20 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET /printers HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:20 +0200] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 12861
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:20 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=12861)
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:20 +0200] SendCommand: 5 file=8
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] AcceptClient: 6 from localhost:631.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] CloseClient: 6
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET /images/right.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 5 file=6
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] AcceptClient: 8 from
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 8 GET /images/left.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 8 file=9
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] AcceptClient: 10 from
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] AcceptClient: 11 from
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] AcceptClient: 6 from
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] AcceptClient: 9 from
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET /images/modify-printer.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 5 file=12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 10 GET /images/printer-idle.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 10 file=13
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 11 GET /images/print-test-page.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 11 file=12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 6 GET /images/stop-printer.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 6 file=13
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 9 GET /images/reject-jobs.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 9 file=14
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 8 GET /images/config-printer.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 8 file=15
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET /images/delete-printer.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 5 file=12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 10 GET /images/set-as-default.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 10 file=13
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] ReadClient: 11 GET /images/add-printer.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:21 +0200] SendFile: 11 file=14
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] ReadClient: 6 GET /printers/LexmarkZ31?op=print-test-page HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 12862
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=12862)
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] SendCommand: 6 file=13
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] AcceptClient: 12 from localhost:631.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] ReadClient: 12 POST /printers/LexmarkZ31 HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] print_job: request file type is application/postscript.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] check_quotas: requesting-user-name = ''
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] print_job: requesting-user-name = ''
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"...
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Adding start banner page "none" to job 9.
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Adding end banner page "none" to job 9.
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Job 9 queued on 'LexmarkZ31' by ''.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Job 9 hold_until = 0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob(9, 0x80adf88)
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob() id = 9, file = 0/1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] job-sheets=none,none
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] banner_page = 0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: argv = "LexmarkZ31","9","","Test Page","1","","/var/spool/cups/d00009-001"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[0]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=iso-8859-1"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=en"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[5]="TZ=Europe/Warsaw"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[6]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/LexmarkZ31.ppd"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[7]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[8]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[9]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[10]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[11]="DEVICE_URI=parallel:/dev/lp0"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[12]="PRINTER=LexmarkZ31"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[13]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[14]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=localhost"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: statusfds = [ 14 15 ]
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 16 -1 ]
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 17 18 ]
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops", 0xbfff0070, 0xbffef3e0, 16, 18, 15)
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 12863) for job 9.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 16 19 ]
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip", 0xbfff0070, 0xbffef3e0, 17, 19, 15)
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 12864) for job 9.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: backend = "/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel"
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 17 ]
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel", 0xbfff0070, 0xbffef3e0, 16, 17, 15)
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 12865) for job 9.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0
E [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] PID 12864 stopped with status 22!
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] CloseClient: 12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] Page = 595x842; 0,0 to 595,842
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0, sloworder=0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%Pages: 1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%LanguageLevel: 1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-Roman
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%Creator: Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%CreationDate: May 11, 1999
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%Title: Test Page
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%EndComments
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%BeginProlog
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%BeginResource procset testprint 1.1 0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%EndResource
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%EndProlog
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] pw = 595.0, pl = 842.0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] PageLeft = 0.0, PageRight = 595.0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] PageTop = 842.0, PageBottom = 0.0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] 0 %%EOF
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] [Job 9] Saw EOF!
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] UpdateJob: job 9, file 0 is complete.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] CancelJob: id = 9
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StopJob: id = 9, force = 0
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:22 +0200] StopJob: printer state is 3
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] ReadClient: 9 GET /printers/LexmarkZ31 HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 12866
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=12866)
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] SendCommand: 9 file=13
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] AcceptClient: 12 from localhost:631.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] ReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] ReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] ReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] CloseClient: 12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] ReadClient: 8 GET /images/show-completed.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:26 +0200] SendFile: 8 file=12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET /printers/LexmarkZ31?which_jobs=completed HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 12867
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=12867)
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] SendCommand: 5 file=13
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] AcceptClient: 12 from localhost:631.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] CloseClient: 12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ReadClient: 10 GET /images/restart-job.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] SendFile: 10 file=12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] ReadClient: 11 GET /images/show-active.gif HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:28 +0200] SendFile: 11 file=13
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:33 +0200] ReadClient: 6 GET /jobs/?op=restart-job&job_id=9&job_printer_uri=/printers/LexmarkZ31 HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:33 +0200] SendError: 6 code=401 (Unauthorized)
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:33 +0200] CloseClient: 6
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] ReadClient: 9 GET /jobs/?op=restart-job&job_id=9&job_printer_uri=/printers/LexmarkZ31 HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi started - PID = 12868
I [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=12868)
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] SendCommand: 9 file=12
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] AcceptClient: 6 from localhost:631.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] ReadClient: 6 POST /jobs HTTP/1.1
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] SendError: 6 code=401 (Unauthorized)
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] CloseClient: 6
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] AcceptClient: 6 from localhost:631.
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] ReadClient: 6 POST /jobs HTTP/1.1
E [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] restart_job: job #9 cannot be restarted - no files!
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] Sending error: client-error-not-possible
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=404
D [02/Jul/2006:14:08:40 +0200] CloseClient: 6



#8  2006-07-02 14:16:14

  rzuku - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2005-08-13

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

A jeszcze jedno zapomniałem napisać, może to ma jakiś wpływe, że cups milczy. Drukarke mam podłaczoną pod port równoległy LPT1. Na innych dystrybucjach mi pracowała na nim bez problemu.




#9  2006-07-02 14:30:27

  czadman - Bicycle repairman

Bicycle repairman
Skąd: Wrocław
Zarejestrowany: 2005-07-08

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

Masz zinstalowany pakiet foomatic-filters?



#10  2006-07-02 14:38:40

  rzuku - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2005-08-13

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

Działa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! co do Error: client-error-not-possible. trzeba było w cups.conf właczyć opcje - PreserveJobFiles On, aleto do końca nie pomogło, bo mogłem resetować zadania,ale drukarka milczała. Po instalcji pakietu foomatic-filters RUSZYŁA !!! :D:D:D dzięki stary jesteś wielki ;) Pozdrawiam i życze miłego dnia ;)



#11  2006-07-02 14:44:24

  rzuku - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2005-08-13

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

teraz to mi tylko pozostało podłaczenie pod sambe :)



#12  2006-07-02 14:46:06

  czadman - Bicycle repairman

Bicycle repairman
Skąd: Wrocław
Zarejestrowany: 2005-07-08

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

Przestaw sobie poziom logowania na poprzedni, bo Ci się dysk zapcha jak będziesz dużo drukował. :)



#13  2006-07-02 14:48:33

  rzuku - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2005-08-13

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

a no racja zapomniałem jeszcze raz wielkie dzięki



#14  2006-09-07 21:59:34

  stary67 - Nowy użytkownik

Nowy użytkownik
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-07

Re: CUPS --> error:client-error-not-possible

dzieki wg tego odpalilem tez epsona stylus c43sx



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