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Czy systemd działa w trybie "kompatybilności" z sysvinit? Czyli nie jest to czysty systemd?
#systemctl disable cron.service Synchronizing state for cron.service with sysvinit using update-rc.d... ...
Pytam, bo niewiele jest konkretnych informacji o systemd w debianie.
Jest to tryb kompatybilności.
system and service manager - SysV links
systemd is a replacement for sysvinit. It is dependency-based and able to read the LSB init script headers in addition to parsing rcN.d links as hints.
It also provides process supervision using cgroups and the ability to not only depend on other init script being started, but also availability of a given mount point
or dbus service.
This package provides the manual pages and links needed for systemd to replace sysvinit. Installing systemd-sysv will overwrite /sbin/init with a link to systemd.
W Debianie jest masa skryptów startowych i nikt ich pewnie nie usunie ze względu na konieczną kompatybilność z sysvinit, openrc itp.
It was not noticeable faster. That's because Debian's systemd honors /etc/rcS.d/ and /etc/rc2.d/. Every file in those directories are made implicitly into systemd services and started. But all of those files use lots of shell script magic, which make them slow.