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Wpisuje w terminal komendy:
transcode -J stabilize --mplayer_probe -i movie.mp4 transcode -J transform -mplayer_probe -i "movie.mp4" -y libx264 12134234.mp4
Pierwsze polecenie działa dobrze przy drugim wyskakuje coś takiego:
[transcode] warning: unused command line argument detected (8/9) [transcode] warning: argc[8]=12134234.mp4 (unused) transcode v1.1.7 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2010 Transcode Team [transcode] V: auto-probing | of movie (OK) [transcode] V: import format | (null) in (module=mplayer) [transcode] A: auto-probing | of movie (OK) [transcode] A: import format | AC3 in (module=mplayer) [transcode] V: AV demux/sync | (1) sync AV at initial MPEG sequence [transcode] V: import frame | disabled [transcode] V: bits/pixel | 0.000 (unknown) [transcode] V: decoding fps,frc | 25.000,0 [transcode] V: video format | YUV420 (4:2:0) aka I420 [transcode] A: import format | 0x2000 AC3 [ 0,16,0] [transcode] A: export format | 0x55 MPEG ES Layer 3 [ 0,16,0] 128 kbps [transcode] V: export format | unknown (module dependant) [transcode] V: encoding fps,frc | 25.000,3 [transcode] A: bytes per frame | 0 (0.000000) [transcode] A: adjustment | 0@1000 [transcode] V: IA32/AMD64 accel | ssse3 sse3 sse2 sse mmx cmove asm [transcode] warning: no option -o found, encoded frames send to "/dev/null" [transcode] V: video buffer | 10 @ 0x0 [0x2] [transcode] A: audio buffer | 10 @ 0x0x16 [] v0.1.2 (2007-11-01) (video) rendered by mplayer | (audio) rendered by mplayer [] v0.80 (2011-11-13) transforms each frame according to transformations given in an input file (e.g. translation, rotate) see also filter stabilize [] Image Transformation/Stabilization Settings: [] input = movie.mp4.trf [] smoothing = 10 [] maxshift = -1 [] maxangle = -1.000000 [] crop = Keep [] relative = True [] invert = False [] zoom = 0.000000 [] optzoom = On [] interpol = Bi-Linear (2) [] sharpen = 0.800000 [] Final zoom: inf [] unsharp: 5x5:0.80 (sharpen luma) [] unsharp: 5x5:0.40 (sharpen chroma) [] v1.0.1 (2003-10-27) unsharp mask & gaussian blur [transcode] warning: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/transcode/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [transcode] warning: (dl_loader.c) loading "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/transcode/" failed [encoder.c] warning: loading audio export module failed [transcode] critical: failed to init export modules [transcode] critical: plug-in initialization failed
Ostatnio edytowany przez TDK8GB (2014-05-15 17:51:54)
Problemy z czytaniem?
[transcode] warning: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/transcode/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [transcode] warning: (dl_loader.c) loading "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/transcode/" failed [encoder.c] warning: loading audio export module failed [transcode] critical: failed to init export modules [transcode] critical: plug-in initialization failed
Próbowałem też zrobić stabilizacje przez melt'a ale nic z tego nie wyszło, video jest identyczne jak oryginalne. … ze-video-melt
Ostatnio edytowany przez TDK8GB (2014-05-15 20:33:11)
A w tym momencie uzywasz jaki system eksploatacyjny ?
poste#1 napisał(-a):
transcode -J stabilize --mplayer_probe -i movie.mp4 transcode -J transform -mplayer_probe -i "movie.mp4" -y libx264 12134234.mp4
Jestes pewny twojej komendy, czy ma byc --mplayer czy -mplayer ?
$ apt-file search libx264-142: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ libx264-142: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x264-10bit/ libx264-dev: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
W poście #4 masz ważniejszą wskazówkę do sprawdzenia.
Przeczytaj jeszcze raz uważnie.
Wątek do zamknięcia. Wrzuciłem na yt i wystabilizowałem.