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Więcej informacji na
Czy istnieje jakiś proces u developerów debiana, który zmusza ich do uaktualniania wersji pakietów?
Dla przykładu aoetools od squeeze do jassie jest w wersji 30.3 czyli na przełomie ok 3 lat nic się nie dzieje, a widać że developerzy aoetools wydają nowsze wersje. Dzisiaj mamy już wersję 36.
Czy w debianie weryfikuje się w jakikolwiek sposób pracę ludzi odpowiedzialnych za pakiety?
Wolałbym mieć tzw core z liczbą pakietów nad którym panują ludzie i które sa w stanie "obrobić" na bieżąco.
Chciałbym się dowiedzieć czy istnieje jakiś system weryfikacji jakości tych pakietów. Po tak długim czasie braku aktywności można by wykluczyć opiekuna pakietu dlatego że nie aktualizuje. Jeśli nie ma czasu/nie umie to trzymać pakiet tylko dla podbijania liczby pakietów? Bez sensu.
Podejrzewam, że takich pakietów jest mnóstwo w repo.
Ostatnio edytowany przez hello_world (2013-08-18 13:28:00)
Zgłoś jako błąd, że jest nowa wersja dostępna.
Czy w debianie weryfikuje się w jakikolwiek sposób pracę ludzi odpowiedzialnych za pakiety?
Chciałbym się dowiedzieć czy istnieje jakiś system weryfikacji jakości tych pakietów. Po tak długim czasie braku aktywności można by wykluczyć opiekuna pakietu dlatego że nie aktualizuje. Jeśli nie ma czasu/nie umie to trzymać pakiet tylko dla podbijania liczby pakietów? Bez sensu.
Podejrzewam, że takich pakietów jest mnóstwo w repo.
Nawzajem developerzy się kontrolują. Na przykład mnie pilnuje 3 innych. Co do pakietów:, przykład prac w tym tygodniu:
The following is a listing of packages for which help has been requested
through the WNPP (Work-Needing and Prospective Packages) system in the
last week.
Total number of orphaned packages: 488 (new: 5)
Total number of packages offered up for adoption: 153 (new: 4)
Total number of packages requested help for: 58 (new: 1)
Please refer to for more information.
The following packages have been orphaned:
aafigure (#719549), orphaned 2 days ago
Description: ASCII art to image converter
Installations reported by Popcon: 53
cone (#719337), orphaned 4 days ago
Description: COnsole Newsreader and Emailer
Installations reported by Popcon: 127
hibernate (#719539), orphaned 3 days ago
Description: utility which smartly puts your computer to sleep
(suspend to RAM or disk)
Installations reported by Popcon: 4065
syslinux-themes-debian (#719550), orphaned 2 days ago
Description: collection of boot loaders (theme metapackage)
Reverse Depends: syslinux-themes-debian
Installations reported by Popcon: 5618
tuxonice-userui (#719529), orphaned 3 days ago
Description: user-space interfaces for TuxOnIce
Installations reported by Popcon: 149
483 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.
The following packages have been given up for adoption:
reconf-inetd (#719792), offered today
Description: maintainer script for programmatic updates of
Reverse Depends: nyancat-server
Installations reported by Popcon: 14
spring (#719618), offered 2 days ago
Description: modern full-3D RTS game engine
Reverse Depends: spring spring-dbg spring-javaai springlobby
Installations reported by Popcon: 328
update-inetd (#719794), offered today
Description: inetd configuration file updater
Reverse Depends: amanda-common approx apt-cacher atftpd ax25-node
bootp cfingerd cups-bsd dictd ebhttpd (32 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 119356
xrdp (#719624), offered 2 days ago
Installations reported by Popcon: 1761
149 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.
For the following packages help is requested:
[NEW] jmol (#719330), requested 5 days ago
Description: Molecular Viewer
Reverse Depends: jalview jmol jmol-applet libbiojava3.0-java
Installations reported by Popcon: 290
apt-xapian-index (#567955), requested 1291 days ago
Description: maintenance tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages
Reverse Depends: ept-cache fuss-launcher goplay packagesearch
Installations reported by Popcon: 72200
asymptote (#517342), requested 1630 days ago
Description: script-based vector graphics language inspired by
Installations reported by Popcon: 3934
athcool (#278442), requested 3215 days ago
Description: Enable powersaving mode for Athlon/Duron processors
Installations reported by Popcon: 57
balsa (#642906), requested 690 days ago
Description: An e-mail client for GNOME
Reverse Depends: balsa-dbg
Installations reported by Popcon: 909
cardstories (#624100), requested 843 days ago
Description: Find out a card using a sentence made up by another
Installations reported by Popcon: 8
chromium-browser (#583826), requested 1173 days ago
Description: Chromium browser
Reverse Depends: chromium chromium-browser chromium-browser-dbg
chromium-browser-inspector chromium-browser-l10n chromium-dbg
chromium-l10n mozplugger
Installations reported by Popcon: 18292
cups (#532097), requested 1531 days ago
Description: Common UNIX Printing System
Reverse Depends: bluez-cups chromium cups cups-backend-bjnp
cups-browsed cups-bsd cups-client cups-daemon cups-dbg cups-filters
(60 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 119266
debtags (#567954), requested 1291 days ago
Description: Enables support for package tags
Reverse Depends: goplay packagesearch
Installations reported by Popcon: 2400
fbcat (#565156), requested 1310 days ago
Description: framebuffer grabber
Installations reported by Popcon: 145
flightgear (#487388), requested 1881 days ago
Description: Flight Gear Flight Simulator
Installations reported by Popcon: 520
freeipmi (#628062), requested 812 days ago
Description: GNU implementation of the IPMI protocol
Reverse Depends: freeipmi freeipmi-bmc-watchdog freeipmi-ipmidetect
freeipmi-tools libfreeipmi-dev libfreeipmi12 libipmiconsole-dev
libipmiconsole2 libipmidetect-dev libipmidetect0 (3 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 3405
gnat-4.4 (#539633), requested 1948 days ago
Description: backport bug fixes from trunk (GCC 4.5)
Reverse Depends: ghdl gnat-4.4 libgnat-4.4 libgnat-4.4-dbg
libgnatprj-dev libgnatprj4.4 libgnatprj4.4-dbg libgnatprj4.4-dev
libgnatvsn-dev libgnatvsn4.4 (2 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 1226
gnat-gps (#496905), requested 1813 days ago
Description: co-maintainer needed
Reverse Depends: gnat-gps gnat-gps-dbg
Installations reported by Popcon: 488
gnokii (#677750), requested 425 days ago
Description: Datasuite for mobile phone management
Reverse Depends: gnokii gnokii-cli gnokii-smsd gnokii-smsd-mysql
gnokii-smsd-pgsql gnome-phone-manager libgnokii-dev libgnokii6
Installations reported by Popcon: 1934
gnupg (#660685), requested 542 days ago
Description: GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
Reverse Depends: apt bootstrap-base cdebootstrap cdebootstrap-static
cdebootstrap-udeb clamav-unofficial-sigs cloud-utils
debian-archive-keyring debian-edu-archive-keyring
debian-ports-archive-keyring (49 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 147836
gpa (#663405), requested 523 days ago
Description: GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA)
Installations reported by Popcon: 673
gradle (#683666), requested 378 days ago
Description: Groovy based build system
Reverse Depends: gradle libgradle-plugins-java
Installations reported by Popcon: 36
gridengine (#703256), requested 151 days ago
Description: Distributed resource management
Reverse Depends: gridengine-client gridengine-drmaa-dev
gridengine-exec gridengine-master gridengine-qmon logol
Installations reported by Popcon: 1247
grub2 (#248397), requested 3384 days ago
Description: GRand Unified Bootloader
Reverse Depends: grml-rescueboot grml2usb grub-coreboot
grub-coreboot-bin grub-coreboot-dbg grub-disk grub-efi
grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-dbg (25 more
Installations reported by Popcon: 140404
hfsprogs (#557892), requested 1359 days ago
Description: mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems
Installations reported by Popcon: 1356
hotkey-setup (#483107), requested 1906 days ago
Description: auto-configures laptop hotkeys
Installations reported by Popcon: 2256
iproute (#705169), requested 127 days ago
Description: networking and traffic control tools
Reverse Depends: aiccu apf-firewall arno-iptables-firewall
autopkgtest-xenlvm ctdb dsc-statistics-collector epoptes-client
fai-client firehol ganeti (39 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 144920
irssi-scripts (#663577), requested 521 days ago
Description: collection of scripts for irssi
Installations reported by Popcon: 1168
isdnutils (#661110), requested 538 days ago
Description: ISDN utilities
Reverse Depends: ant-phone asterisk-chan-capi capi4hylafax capiutils
drdsl ffgtk ibod ipppd isdnactivecards isdnlog (7 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 8180
jove (#470185), requested 1985 days ago
Description: Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs - a compact, powerful
Installations reported by Popcon: 1415
lesstif2 (#551853), requested 1394 days ago
Description: OSF/Motif 2.1 implementation released under LGPL
Reverse Depends: cmucl-clm dx elk grace grass-gui gridengine-qmon
ia32-libs-i386 kxterm lesstif-bin lesstif2-dbg (31 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 21709
libapache2-mod-python (#516501), requested 1636 days ago
Description: Python-embedding module for Apache 2
Reverse Depends: check-mk-multisite dicoweb
Installations reported by Popcon: 14923
libburn (#679249), requested 414 days ago
Description: library to provide CD/DVD writing functions
Reverse Depends: cdrskin cdw k3b libbrasero-media3-1 libburn-dbg
libburn-dev libisoburn-dbg libisoburn-dev libisoburn1 xfburn (1 more
Installations reported by Popcon: 67188
libcap2 (#534999), requested 1509 days ago
Description: support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
Reverse Depends: apache2-bin asterisk autodir avahi-daemon
bacula-common bacula-console bacula-console-qt
bacula-director-common bacula-director-mysql bacula-director-pgsql
(110 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 143042
libept (#678382), requested 420 days ago
Description: High-level library for managing Debian package
Reverse Depends: aptitude debtags goplay libept-dev packagesearch
Installations reported by Popcon: 77485
libisoburn (#679265), requested 414 days ago
Description: command line ISO-9660 and Rock Ridge manipulation tool
Reverse Depends: debian-cd libisoburn-dbg libisoburn-dev xorriso
Installations reported by Popcon: 1087
libisofs (#679254), requested 414 days ago
Description: library to create ISO9660 images
Reverse Depends: libbrasero-media3-1 libisoburn-dbg libisoburn-dev
libisoburn1 libisofs-dbg libisofs-dev xfburn xorriso
Installations reported by Popcon: 67021
libreoffice (#419523), requested 2313 days ago
Description: office productivity suite
Reverse Depends: browser-plugin-libreoffice docvert-libreoffice
gnome jodconverter jodreports-cli libaccessodf-java
libjodconverter-java libjodreports-java libreoffice libreoffice-base
(184 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 66302
libvorbisidec (#698378), requested 210 days ago
Reverse Depends: libvorbisidec-dev mpd onscripter
Installations reported by Popcon: 8231
link-grammar (#556010), requested 1371 days ago
Description: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser for
Reverse Depends: abiword-plugin-grammar liblink-grammar4
liblink-grammar4-dev liblink-grammar4-java link-grammar
Installations reported by Popcon: 10069
logcheck (#539944), requested 1472 days ago
Description: mails anomalies in the system logfiles to the
Reverse Depends: fiaif logcheck
Installations reported by Popcon: 4948
maradns (#678460), requested 420 days ago
Description: simple security-focused Domain Name Service server
Reverse Depends: maradns maradns-zoneserver
Installations reported by Popcon: 95
mediawiki-extensions (#484545), requested 1898 days ago
Description: set of extensions for MediaWiki
Reverse Depends: mediawiki-extensions
mediawiki-extensions-collection mediawiki-extensions-confirmedit
mediawiki-extensions-geshi mediawiki-extensions-graphviz
mediawiki-extensions-ldapauth mediawiki-extensions-openid
Installations reported by Popcon: 862
monotone (#574609), requested 1245 days ago
Description: a distributed version (revision) control system; more
maintainers needed
Reverse Depends: monotone-doc monotone-extras monotone-server qct
Installations reported by Popcon: 316
munin (#655889), requested 579 days ago
Description: please help keeping munin 2.0 in shape
Reverse Depends: mailping munin munin-async munin-libvirt-plugins
munin-node munin-plugins-core munin-plugins-extra munin-plugins-java
Installations reported by Popcon: 9360
nas (#354174), requested 2730 days ago
Description: The Network Audio System
Reverse Depends: acm alsaplayer-nas gbsplay ia32-libs-i386
isdnvboxclient libaudio-dev libqtgui4 mplayer2 nas nas-bin (3 more
Installations reported by Popcon: 80608
nn (#470187), requested 1985 days ago
Description: Heavy-duty USENET news reader (curses-based client)
Installations reported by Popcon: 90
openldap (#512360), requested 1668 days ago
Description: OpenLDAP server, libraries, and utilities
Reverse Depends: 389-admin 389-ds-base 389-ds-base-dev
389-ds-base-libs 389-dsgw adcli alpine am-utils aolserver4-nsldap
apache2-bin (203 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 143717
openmx (#706711), requested 104 days ago
Description: package for nano-scale material simulations
Installations reported by Popcon: 206
openscenegraph (#392266), requested 2501 days ago
Description: 3d scenegraph
Reverse Depends: choreonoid choreonoid-plugins-base fgrun flightgear
libcnoid-dev libcnoid1 libopenscenegraph-dev libopenscenegraph80
libopenscenegraph99 libopenthreads-dev (15 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 887
openssl (#332498), requested 2870 days ago
Description: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
cryptographic tools
Reverse Depends: 3270-common 389-ds-base afflib-tools alpine
amanda-client amanda-common amanda-server android-tools-adb
anon-proxy aolserver4-nsopenssl (733 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 144883
openvanilla-modules (#678401), requested 420 days ago
Description: libraries of openvanilla input method
Reverse Depends: openvanilla-imgeneric-data-all
openvanilla-imgeneric-data-ja openvanilla-imgeneric-data-ko
openvanilla-imgeneric-data-th openvanilla-imgeneric-data-vi
openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-cn openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-hk
openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-tw ucimf-openvanilla
Installations reported by Popcon: 16
parmetis (#706710), requested 104 days ago (non-free)
Reverse Depends: libparmetis-dev libsuitesparse-metis-3.1.0
libsuitesparse-metis-dbg libsuitesparse-metis-dev parmetis-test
Installations reported by Popcon: 183
php-horde-core (#686007), requested 353 days ago
Description: web-based groupware and other applications
Reverse Depends: php-horde php-horde-ansel php-horde-content
php-horde-dav php-horde-form php-horde-gollem php-horde-imp
php-horde-ingo php-horde-kronolith php-horde-mnemo (10 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 43
php5 (#664595), requested 514 days ago
Description: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language
Reverse Depends: adminer ampache auth2db-frontend cacti cakephp
cakephp-instaweb cakephp-scripts collabtive d-push davical (390 more
Installations reported by Popcon: 56836
ppp (#589632), requested 1123 days ago
Description: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) - daemon
Reverse Depends: ipppd kppp network-manager-pptp portslave pppconfig
pppdcapiplugin pppoe pppoeconf pptp-linux pptpd (6 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 76126
proftpd-dfsg (#519175), requested 1619 days ago
Description: versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
Reverse Depends: gadmin-proftpd proftpd-dev proftpd-mod-autohost
proftpd-mod-case proftpd-mod-dnsbl proftpd-mod-fsync
proftpd-mod-geoip proftpd-mod-ldap proftpd-mod-msg proftpd-mod-mysql
(5 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 8363
pyro (#530280), requested 1545 days ago
Description: distributed object system for Python
Reverse Depends: pyro-examples pyro-gui shinken-core
Installations reported by Popcon: 1796
rng-tools (#630920), requested 789 days ago
Description: Daemon to use a Hardware TRNG
Installations reported by Popcon: 761
screen (#654116), requested 591 days ago
Description: terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
Reverse Depends: apt-dater byobu cereal epoptes-client mdm
piuparts-slave podracer screen-dbg screenie
Installations reported by Popcon: 44679
spamassassin (#676314), requested 435 days ago
Description: seeking co-maintainers
Reverse Depends: claws-mail-spamassassin fuzzyocr sa-exim
sa-learn-cyrus spamass-milter spamassassin-heatu spampd
Installations reported by Popcon: 15100
xml-core (#660687), requested 542 days ago
Description: XML infrastructure and XML catalog file support
Reverse Depends: dia-common docbook-ebnf docbook-mathml
docbook-simple docbook-slides docbook-website docbook-xml
docbook-xsl docbook-xsl-ns docbook2x (11 more omitted)
Installations reported by Popcon: 131017
See for more information.
Najlepiej zgłosić, że pakiet jest przestarzały lub wszcząć procedurę pakietu osieroconego, ktoś wtedy nim zajmie.
Napisałem do opiekuna i czekam na odpowiedź
Dostałem dzisiaj odpowiedź
On 8/18/13, 4:35 AM, tk@ wrote:
Hi, Are there plans to update aoetools? Best regards
Hello, I updated aoetools several weeks ago. Sorry that it took me sooo much
time. :-)
Prawie jak Poczta Polska
Ostatnio edytowany przez hello_world (2014-02-03 16:20:49)
eix aoetools * sys-block/aoetools Available versions: 35 36 Homepage: Description: tools for ATA over Ethernet (AoE) network storage protocol
Mnie się wydaje, ze Developerzy Debiana troszkę za dużo srok za ogon trzymają, żeby wszystkiego dopilnować.
W Gentusiu znacznie mniejsza liczba Devów wyrabia się dlatego,
że piszą ebuildy, a paczki sobie każdy buduje we własnym zakresie.
Ebuild pozwala też łatwo samodzielnie podbić wersję pakietu, sam tak robiłem z kilkoma programami i sterownikami Nvidii czy r8168.
Mi się wydaję, że gdyby stworzenie paczki *.deb było łatwiejsze i użytkownicy mogliby wysyłać swoje byłaby już dawno nowa wersja.
dominbik napisał(-a):
Mi się wydaję, że gdyby stworzenie paczki *.deb było łatwiejsze i użytkownicy mogliby wysyłać swoje byłaby już dawno nowa wersja.
Gdyby użytkownicy mogli wysyłać swoje, to antywirus na Debiana byłby bardziej potrzebny, niż na Windows. :D
Przy okazji, nie wiesz może jaki program z PPA w Ubuntu dokleja przy instalacji
do sudoers?
Pytam, bo na forum buntu już trzeci pacjent miał coś takiego w sudoers.
I nikt nie wie, skąd to się wzięło. :D
Przygotowuje się 3 pliki:
- pakiet_wersja-rewizja.dsc → z opisem źródeł, sumami kontrolnymi itd.
- pakiet_wersja-rewizja.debian.tar.{gz|xz|bz2} lub pakiet_wersja-rewizja.diff.gz - spakowany folder "debian" zawierający instrukcje kompilacji rules, plik nagłówkowy źródeł control, zbiór licencji, patche itd.
- pakiet_wersja.orig.tar.{gz|xz|bz2} oryginalne źródło programu, ewentualnie może być przepakowane pod kątem DFSG
Jacekalex napisał(-a):
Pytam, bo na forum buntu już trzeci pacjent miał coś takiego w sudoers.
I nikt nie wie, skąd to się wzięło. :D
Ostatnio ponoć jakaś aktualizacja usuwała apt. Nie wiem czy ci lubię nie czytają co im system zwraca, czy są debilami przepisującymi na pałę co im wywali. Z paroma się takimi ostatnio spotkałem.
Jacekalex napisał(-a):
Gdyby użytkownicy mogli wysyłać swoje, to antywirus na Debiana byłby bardziej potrzebny, niż na Windows. :D
wiesz, w AUR jakoś to działa i zweryfikowanie pod kątem "złośliwości" czegoś takiego:
albo zaktualizowanie tego aby budowało najnowszą wersję nie jest niczym trudnym.
Ostatnio edytowany przez dominbik (2014-02-03 18:35:39)