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A próbowałeś wywalić z ustawieniami ;
sudo apt-get purge iceweasel
Na Wheezly to ( próbuje ) zastępuje iceweaselsa na iceape (SeaMonkey ) , wydaje się że iceape-browser jest bardziej stabilny , iceweasel różnie na różnym sprzęcie ma .
Ostatnio edytowany przez jawojx (2012-12-14 23:22:55)
'Purge' nie próbowałem, gdyby szlag trafił zakładki, hasła.... nie miałbym po co wracać do domu :) Ale zastanawiałem się nad iceape. W poniedziałek powalczę i postaram się po kolei wypróbować wszystkie Wasze pomysły.
piobia78 napisał(-a):
'Purge' nie próbowałem, gdyby szlag trafił zakładki, hasła.... nie miałbym po co wracać do domu :)
Te dane znajdują się w profilu przeglądarki w katalogu domowym użytkownika. Menedżer pakietów nie ma prawa usunąć czegokolwiek z katalogów domowych użytkowników.
Może komuś coś to podsunie - zainstalowałem iceape i działa równie niestabilnie co iceweasel. Np. wejście na od razu wywala program.
Dziś miałem mało czasu, pozostałe pomysły wypróbuję jutro, pojutrze
ArnVaker napisał(-a):
gvfs do automontowania z thunara jest potrzebny, różnice w nazwach pakietów wynikają pewnie z tego, że w Wheezym gvfs został podzielony na kilka mniejszych pakietów. Co do błędu związanego z dbusem przy odpalaniu thunara z konsoli, który przytoczyłeś w poście 8: to jest ze zwykłego użytkownika czy z roota? Sprawdź czy dbus przekręca się ładnie:
/etc/init.d/dbus restartI jeszcze jedno: nie masz zainstalowanych jakichś innych programów związanych z automontowaniem, ewentualnie HAL-a itp.?
Błąd dbusa pojawia się tylko przy odpaleniu thunara z konta root. Błąd nie występuje dla zwykłego użytkownika.
dbus przekręca się bezproblemowo.
Jakie programu/pakiety mogą być odpowiedzialne za automontowanie? 'Hal' jest zainstalowany, powinienem go odinstalować?
Jak tylko z roota, to jest to normalne (via np. gksu thunar z użytkownika nie powinno wystąpić), nie ma co kombinować z dbusem. HAL-a możesz usunąć, zobaczymy czy to coś da:
aptitude purge hal~i
Nie znam na pamięć wszystkich programów związanych z automontowaniem, wrzuć może listę zainstalowanych pakietów, to ktoś przejrzy w wolnej chwili.
Nie tak łatwo wywalić hal-a....
Aneta:/home/aneta# dpkg --purge hal dpkg: problemy z zależnościami uniemożliwiają usunięcie hal: k3b zależy od hal. thunar-volman zależy od hal. xfce4-power-manager zależy od hal; jednakże: Pakiet hal jest przeznaczony do usunięcia. xfburn zależy od hal. dpkg: błąd przetwarzania hal (--purge): problemy z zależnościami - nie będzie usuwany Wystąpiły błędy podczas przetwarzania: hal
Może wywalić thunara :)
Wybaczcie pytanie ale.... jak stworzyć listę aktualnie zainstalowanych pakietów? :)
Dodam jeszcze, że tytułowy problem z iceweasel uznajmy za rozwiązany - Chromium jest ok i przy nim zostanę. Automontowanie niestety nie jest ok :/
Ostatnio edytowany przez piobia78 (2012-12-17 18:56:01)
Nie, zostaw w takim razie HAL-a (tzn. zainstaluj/przeinstaluj go z powrotem). Myślałem, że te programy w Squeeze nie wymagały już HAL-a, sorry.
Tak zrobiłem, nie dotykałem hal-a.
Właśnie chcę zostać przy stable. W testingu powstawały problemy innego rodzaju (często aktualizacja xfce4 kończyła się zniknięciem wszystkich ustawień środowiska. W stable ten problem nie występuje. Żona nie znosi kiedy wpisuję apt-get update/upgrade, bo to oznacza kłopoty (aktualizuję system raz na kilka miesięcy). W stable dotychczas tak rzadkie aktualizacje nie powodowały problemów (ale to pierwsze dist-upgrade)
Ostatnio edytowany przez piobia78 (2012-12-17 18:58:38)
A może zaktualizujesz system do Wheezy'ego? ;)
EDIT: Lista pakietów:
dpkg -l
A jak zrobić, aby wyświetlał stronami? Pakietów jest zbyt wiele aby je na raz skopiować :)
|less i |more, dobrze pamiętam?
Aneta:/home/aneta# dpkg -l |more Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Nazwa Wersja Opis +++-====================================-==============================-============================ =========================================== ii a2ps 1:4.14-1.1 GNU a2ps - 'Anything to Post Script' converter and pretty-printer ii acpi-support-base 0.137-5 scripts for handling base AC PI events such as the power button ii acpid 1:2.0.7-1squeeze4 Advanced Configuration and P ower Interface event daemon ii adduser 3.112+nmu2 add and remove users and gro ups ii alsa-base 1.0.23+dfsg-2 ALSA driver configuration fi les ii alsa-utils 1.0.23-3 Utilities for configuring an d using ALSA ii alsamixergui 0.9.0rc2-1-9 graphical soundcard mixer fo r ALSA soundcard driver ii amule 2.2.6+debian0-8 client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule ii amule-common 2.2.6+debian0-8 common files for the rest of aMule packages ii amule-utils 2.2.6+debian0-8 utilities for aMule (command -line version) ii anacron 2.3-14 cron-like program that doesn 't go by time ii apache2 2.2.16-6+squeeze10 Apache HTTP Server metapacka ge ii apache2-mpm-prefork 2.2.16-6+squeeze10 Apache HTTP Server - traditi onal non-threaded model ii apache2-utils 2.2.16-6+squeeze10 utility programs for webserv ers ii apache2.2-bin 2.2.16-6+squeeze10 Apache HTTP Server common bi nary files ii apache2.2-common 2.2.16-6+squeeze10 Apache HTTP Server common fi les ii apt Advanced front-end for dpkg ii apt-utils APT utility programs ii apt-xapian-index 0.41 maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages ii aptitude 0.6.3-3.2+squeeze1 terminal-based package manag er (terminal interface only) ii ark 4:4.4.5-1+squeeze1 archive utility ii aspell 0.60.6-4 GNU Aspell spell-checker ii aspell-en 6.0-0-6 English dictionary for GNU A spell ii at 3.1.12-1+squeeze1 Delayed job execution and ba tch processing ii aumix 2.9.1-1 Simple text-based mixer cont rol program ii aumix-common 2.9.1-1 Simple text-based mixer cont rol program (common files) ii avahi-daemon 0.6.27-2+squeeze1 Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon ii base-files 6.0squeeze6 Debian base system miscellan eous files ii base-passwd 3.5.22 Debian base system master pa ssword and group files ii bash 4.1-3 The GNU Bourne Again SHell ii bash-completion 1:1.2-3 programmable completion for the bash shell ii bc 1.06.95-2 The GNU bc arbitrary precisi on calculator language ii bind9-host 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze8 Version of 'host' bundled wi th BIND 9.X ii bluefish 2.0.1-1 advanced Gtk+ HTML editor ii bluefish-data 2.0.1-1 advanced Gtk+ HTML editor (d ata) ii bluefish-plugins 2.0.1-1 advanced Gtk+ HTML editor (p lugins) ii brasero-common 2.30.3-2 Common files for the Brasero CD burning application and library ii browser-plugin-gnash 0.8.8-5+squeeze1 GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) pl ayer - Plugin for Mozilla and derivatives ii bsd-mailx 8.1.2-0.20100314cvs-1 simple mail user agent ii bsdmainutils 8.0.13 collection of more utilities from FreeBSD ii bsdutils 1:2.17.2-9 Basic utilities from 4.4BSD- Lite ii bsh 2.0b4-12 Java scripting environment ( BeanShell) Version 2 ii bsh-gcj 2.0b4-12 Java scripting environment ( BeanShell) Version 2 (native code) ii busybox 1:1.17.1-8 Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems ii bzip2 1.0.5-6+squeeze1 high-quality block-sorting f ile compressor - utilities ii ca-certificates 20090814+nmu3squeeze1 Common CA certificates ii ca-certificates-java 20100412 Common CA certificates (JKS keystore) ii cabextract 1.3-1 a program to extract Microso ft Cabinet files ii cdparanoia 3.10.2+debian-9 audio extraction tool for sa mpling CDs ii cdrdao 1:1.2.3-0.1 records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode ii chromium-browser 6.0.472.63~r59945-5+squeeze6 Chromium browser ii chromium-browser-inspector 6.0.472.63~r59945-5+squeeze6 page inspector for the chrom ium-browser ii chromium-browser-l10n 6.0.472.63~r59945-5+squeeze6 chromium-browser language pa ckages ii console-common 0.7.85 basic infrastructure for tex t console configuration ii console-data 2:1.10-9 keymaps, fonts, charset maps , fallback tables for console-tools ii console-tools 1:0.2.3dbs-69.1 Linux console and font utili ties ii consolekit 0.4.1-4 framework for defining and t racking users, sessions and seats ii coreutils 8.5-1 GNU core utilities ii cpio 2.11-4 GNU cpio -- a program to man age archives of files ii cpp 4:4.4.5-1 The GNU C preprocessor (cpp) ii cpp-4.4 4.4.5-8 The GNU C preprocessor ii cpufrequtils 007-1+squeeze1 utilities to deal with the c pufreq Linux kernel feature ii cron 3.0pl1-116 process scheduling daemon ii cups 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - server ii cups-bsd 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - BSD commands ii cups-client 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - client programs (SysV) ii cups-common 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - common files ii cups-driver-gutenprint 5.2.6-1 printer drivers for CUPS ii cups-ppdc 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - PPD manipulation utilities ii cupsddk 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System (transitional package) ii dash POSIX-compliant shell pi dbus 1.2.24-4+squeeze1 simple interprocess messagin g system ii dbus-x11 1.2.24-4+squeeze1 simple interprocess messagin g system (X11 deps) ii dc 1.06.95-2 The GNU dc arbitrary precisi on reverse-polish calculator ii debconf Debian configuration managem ent system ii debconf-i18n full internationalization su pport for debconf ii debian-archive-keyring 2010.08.28+squeeze1 GnuPG archive keys of the De bian archive ii debian-faq 4.0.4+nmu1 The Debian FAQ ii debianutils 3.4 Miscellaneous utilities spec ific to Debian ii deborphan program that can find unused packages, e.g. libraries ii defoma 0.11.11 Debian Font Manager -- autom atic font configuration framework ii desktop-base 6.0.5squeeze1 common files for the Debian Desktop ii desktop-file-utils 0.15-2 Utilities for .desktop files ii dhcp3-client 4.1.1-P1-15+squeeze8 ISC DHCP server (transitiona l package) ii dhcp3-common 4.1.1-P1-15+squeeze8 ISC DHCP common files (trans itional package) ii dialog 1.1-20100428-1 Displays user-friendly dialo g boxes from shell scripts ii dictionaries-common 1.5.17 Common utilities for spellin g dictionary tools ii diffutils 1:3.0-1 File comparison utilities ii dmidecode 2.9-1.2 Dump Desktop Management Inte rface data ii dmsetup 2:1.02.48-5 The Linux Kernel Device Mapp er userspace library ii dnsutils 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze8 Clients provided with BIND ii doc-debian 4.0.2 Debian Project documentation and other documents ii doc-linux-pl 2002.06.14-2 Linux docs in Polish: HOWTO - ascii version ii doc-linux-pl-html 2002.06.14-2 Linux docs in Polish: HOWTO - html version ii doc-linux-text 2008.08-1 Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in ASC II format ii dosfstools 3.0.9-1 utilities for making and che cking MS-DOS FAT filesystems ii dpkg Debian package management sy stem ii dvd+rw-tools 7.1-6 DVD+-RW/R tools ii e2fslibs 1.41.12-4stable1 ext2/ext3/ext4 file system l ibraries ii e2fsprogs 1.41.12-4stable1 ext2/ext3/ext4 file system u tilities ii ed 1.4-3 The classic UNIX line editor ii eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-7.1 ejects CDs and operates CD-C hangers under Linux ii epdfview 0.1.7-4 Lightweight pdf viewer based on poppler libs ii esound-common 0.2.41-8 Enlightened Sound Daemon - C ommon files ii exim4 4.72-6+squeeze3 metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation ii exim4-base 4.72-6+squeeze3 support files for all Exim M TA (v4) packages ii exim4-config 4.72-6+squeeze3 configuration for the Exim M TA (v4) ii exim4-daemon-heavy 4.72-6+squeeze3 Exim MTA (v4) daemon with ex tended features, including exiscan-acl rc exim4-daemon-light 4.69-9+lenny4 lightweight Exim MTA (v4) da emon ii exiv2 0.20-2 EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulat ion tool ii exo-utils 0.3.107-1 Utility files for libexo ii fastjar 2:0.98-3 Jar creation utility ii file 5.04-5+squeeze2 Determines file type using " magic" numbers ii findutils 4.4.2-1+b1 utilities for finding files- -find, xargs ii firmware-linux-free 2.6.32-46 Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kernel ii flashplugin-nonfree 1:2.8.2 Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin ii fontconfig 2.8.0-2.1 generic font configuration l ibrary - support binaries ii fontconfig-config 2.8.0-2.1 generic font configuration l ibrary - configuration ii foo2zjs 20090908dfsg-5.1+squeeze0 Support for printing to ZjSt ream-based printers ii foomatic-db 20100630-1 OpenPrinting printer support - database ii foomatic-db-engine 4.0.4-3 OpenPrinting printer support - programs ii foomatic-db-gutenprint 5.2.6-1 OpenPrinting printer support - database for Gutenprint printer drivers ii foomatic-filters 4.0.5-6+squeeze2 OpenPrinting printer support - filters ii foomatic-filters-ppds 1:4.0.4-3 OpenPrinting prebuilt PPD fi les (dummy package) rc foomatic-gui GNOME interface for configur ing the Foomatic printer filter system ii fortune-mod 1:1.99.1-4 provides fortune cookies on demand ii fortunes-min 1:1.99.1-4 Data files containing fortun e cookies ii freepats 20060219-1 Free patch set for MIDI audi o synthesis ii ftp 0.17-23 The FTP client ii fuse-utils 2.8.4-1.1 Filesystem in USErspace (uti lities) ii gcc-4.2-base 4.2.4-6 The GNU Compiler Collection (base package) ii gcc-4.4-base 4.4.5-8 The GNU Compiler Collection (base package) ii gcj-4.3-base 4.3.2-2 The GNU Compiler Collection (gcj base package) ii gcj-4.4-base 4.4.5-2 The GNU Compiler Collection (gcj base package) ii gcj-4.4-jre-lib 4.4.5-2 Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files) ii gconf2 2.28.1-6 GNOME configuration database system (support tools) ii gconf2-common 2.28.1-6 GNOME configuration database system (common files) ii gdm 2.20.11-4 GNOME Display Manager ii genisoimage 9:1.1.11-1 Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM file system images ii gettext-base GNU Internationalization uti lities for the base system ii gftp 2.0.19-2 X/GTK+ and console FTP clien t ii gftp-common 2.0.19-2 shared files for other gFTP packages ii gftp-gtk 2.0.19-2 X/GTK+ FTP client ii gftp-text 2.0.19-2 colored FTP client using GLi b ii ghostscript 8.71~dfsg2-9 The GPL Ghostscript PostScri pt/PDF interpreter ii ghostscript-cups 8.71~dfsg2-9 The GPL Ghostscript PostScri pt/PDF interpreter - CUPS filters ii gij-4.3 4.3.2-2 The GNU Java bytecode interp reter ii gimp 2.6.10-1+squeeze3 The GNU Image Manipulation P rogram ii gimp-data 2.6.10-1+squeeze3 Data files for GIMP ii gimp-gutenprint 5.2.6-1 print plugin for the GIMP ii gksu 2.0.2-5 graphical frontend to su ii gnash 0.8.8-5+squeeze1 GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) pl ayer ii gnash-common 0.8.8-5+squeeze1 GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) pl ayer - Common files/libraries ii gnome-icon-theme 2.30.3-2 GNOME Desktop icon theme ii gnome-keyring 2.30.3-5 GNOME keyring services (daem on and tools) ii gnome-media 2.30.0-1 GNOME media utilities ii gnome-media-common 2.30.0-1 GNOME media utilities - comm on files rc gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-1 base MIME and Application da tabase for GNOME. rc gnome-mount 0.7-2 wrapper for (un)mounting and ejecting storage devices ii gnupg 1.4.10-4 GNU privacy guard - a free P GP replacement ii gnupg-curl 1.4.10-4 GNU privacy guard - a free P GP replacement (cURL) ii gpgv 1.4.10-4 GNU privacy guard - signatur e verification tool ii grep 2.6.3-3 GNU grep, egrep and fgrep ii groff-base 1.20.1-10 GNU troff text-formatting sy stem (base system components) ii grub 0.97-64 GRand Unified Bootloader (du mmy package) ii grub-common 1.98+20100804-14+squeeze1 GRand Unified Bootloader, ve rsion 2 (common files) ii grub-pc 1.98+20100804-14+squeeze1 GRand Unified Bootloader, ve rsion 2 (PC/BIOS version) ii gsfonts 1:8.11+urwcyr1.0.7~pre44-4.2 Fonts for the Ghostscript in terpreter(s) ii gstreamer0.10-alsa 0.10.30-1 GStreamer plugin for ALSA ii gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.10-1 FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer ii gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 0.10.14.debian-1 Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreame r plugin ii gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 0.10.19-2+b2 GStreamer plugins from the " bad" set ii gstreamer0.10-plugins-base 0.10.30-1 GStreamer plugins from the " base" set ii gstreamer0.10-plugins-good 0.10.24-1 GStreamer plugins from the " good" set ii gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly 0.10.15-1 GStreamer plugins from the " ugly" set ii gstreamer0.10-x 0.10.30-1 GStreamer plugins for X11 an d Pango ii gtk2-engines-xfce 2.6.0-2 A GTK+-2.0 theme engine for Xfce ii gutenprint-doc 5.2.6-1 users' guide for Gutenprint and CUPS ii gutenprint-locales 5.2.6-1 locale data files for Gutenp rint ii gvfs 1.6.4-3 userspace virtual filesystem - server ii gvfs-backends 1.6.4-3 userspace virtual filesystem - backends ii gvfs-fuse 1.6.4-3 userspace virtual filesystem - fuse server ii gzip 1.3.12-9 GNU compression utilities pi hal 0.5.14-3 Hardware Abstraction Layer ii hal-info 20091130-1 Hardware Abstraction Layer - fdi files ii hdparm 9.32-1 tune hard disk parameters fo r high performance ii hicolor-icon-theme 0.12-1 default fallback theme for F icon themes ii hostname 3.04 utility to set/show the host name or domain name ii hp-ppd 0.9-0.1 HP Postscript Printer Defini tion (PPD) files ii hpijs 3.10.6-2+squeeze1 HP Linux Printing and Imagin g - gs IJS driver (hpijs) ii hplip 3.10.6-2+squeeze1 HP Linux Printing and Imagin g System (HPLIP) ii hplip-cups 3.10.6-2+squeeze1 HP Linux Printing and Imagin g - CUPS Raster driver (hpcups) ii hplip-data 3.10.6-2+squeeze1 HP Linux Printing and Imagin g - data files ii iamerican An American English dictiona ry for ispell ii ibritish A British English dictionary for ispell ii icedove 3.0.11-1+squeeze14 mail/news client with RSS an d integrated spam filter support ii icedove-l10n-pl 1:3.0.10-1 Polish language package for Icedove ii icedove-locale-pl 1: Polish language package for Icedove (transitional package) ii ifupdown 0.6.10 high level tools to configur e network interfaces ii ijsgutenprint 5.2.6-1 inkjet server - Ghostscript driver for Gutenprint ii imagemagick 8: image manipulation programs ii info 4.13a.dfsg.1-6 Standalone GNU Info document ation browser ii initramfs-tools 0.98.8 tools for generating an init ramfs ii initscripts 2.88dsf-13.1+squeeze1 scripts for initializing and shutting down the system ii insserv 1.14.0-2 Tool to organize boot sequen ce using LSB init.d script dependencies ii install-info 4.13a.dfsg.1-6 Manage installed documentati on in info format ii installation-report 2.44 system installation report ii ipolish 20100612-1 The Polish dictionary for is pell ii iproute 20100519-3 networking and traffic contr ol tools ii iptables 1.4.8-3 administration tools for pac ket filtering and NAT ii iputils-ping 3:20100418-3 Tools to test the reachabili ty of network hosts ii isc-dhcp-client 4.1.1-P1-15+squeeze8 ISC DHCP client ii isc-dhcp-common 4.1.1-P1-15+squeeze8 common files used by all the isc-dhcp* packages ii iso-codes 3.23-1 ISO language, territory, cur rency, script codes and their translations ii ispell International Ispell (an int eractive spelling corrector) ii java-common 0.40 Base of all Java packages ii java-gcj-compat 1.0.78-2 Java runtime environment usi ng GIJ ii java-gcj-compat-headless 1.0.78-2 Java runtime environment usi ng GIJ (headless version) ii k3b 2.0.1-2 A sophisticated CD/DVD burni ng application ii k3b-data 2.0.1-2 A sophisticated CD/DVD burni ng application - data files ii k3b-i18n 2.0.1-2 A sophisticated CD/DVD burni ng application - localizations files ii kaboom 1.1.2+nmu1 The Debian KDE settings migr ation tool ii kadu Gadu-Gadu client for X11 ii kadu-common Gadu-Gadu client for X11 ii kadu-external-modules Additional modules for Kadu ii kadu-themes Additional icons and emotico ns for Kadu rc kcontrol 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-6+lenny1 control center for KDE rc kdebase-data 4:4.4.5-2 shared data files for the KD E base applications ii kdebase-runtime 4:4.4.5-1 runtime components from the official KDE release ii kdebase-runtime-data 4:4.4.5-1 shared data files for the KD E base runtime module ii kdelibs-bin 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 core executables for KDE App lications rc kdelibs-data 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-5 core shared data for all KDE applications rc kdelibs4c2a 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-5 core libraries and binaries for all KDE applications ii kdelibs5-data 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 core shared data for all KDE Applications ii kdelibs5-plugins 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 core plugins for KDE Applica tions rc kdemultimedia-kio-plugins 4:4.4.5-1 transparent audio CD access for applications using the KDE Platform ii kdoctools 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 various tools for accessing application documentation ii kerneloops 0.12+git20090217-1 kernel oops tracker ii keyboard-configuration 1.68+squeeze2 system-wide keyboard prefere nces rc kicker 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-6+lenny1 desktop panel for KDE ii klibc-utils 1.5.20-1+squeeze1 small utilities built with k libc for early boot ii konwert 1.8-11.2 Charset conversion for files or terminal I/O ii konwert-filters 1.8-11.2 Filters used by konwert for charset conversion ii language-env 0.69 simple configuration tool fo r native language environment ii laptop-detect 0.13.7 attempt to detect a laptop ii less 436-1 pager program similar to mor e ii liba52-0.7.4 0.7.4-14 library for decoding ATSC A/ 52 streams ii libaa1 1.4p5-38 ascii art library ii libaccess-bridge-java 1.26.2-5 Java Access Bridge for GNOME ii libaccess-bridge-java-jni 1.26.2-5 Java Access Bridge for GNOME (jni bindings) ii libacl1 2.2.49-4 Access control list shared l ibrary rc libakode2 2.0.2-3 akode plugin for aRts ii libao-common 1.0.0-5 Cross Platform Audio Output Library (Common files) rc libao2 0.8.8-4 Cross Platform Audio Output Library ii libao4 1.0.0-5 Cross Platform Audio Output Library ii libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.3-7+squeeze14 server-side, HTML-embedded s cripting language (Apache 2 module) ii libapr1 1.4.2-6+squeeze4 The Apache Portable Runtime Library ii libaprutil1 1.3.9+dfsg-5 The Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library ii libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 1.3.9+dfsg-5 The Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - SQLite3 Driver ii libaprutil1-ldap 1.3.9+dfsg-5 The Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - LDAP Driver ii libarchive1 2.8.4.forreal-1+squeeze2 Single library to read/write tar, cpio, pax, zip, iso9660, etc. ii libart-2.0-2 2.3.21-1 Library of functions for 2D graphics - runtime files rc libarts1-akode 4:3.5.9-2 akode plugin for aRts rc libarts1c2a 1.5.9-3+b2 aRts sound system core compo nents rc libartsc0 1.5.9-3+b2 aRts sound system C support library ii libasound2 1.0.23-2.1 shared library for ALSA appl ications ii libaspell15 0.60.6-4 GNU Aspell spell-checker run time library ii libass4 0.9.9-1 library for SSA/ASS subtitle s rendering ii libasyncns0 0.3-1.1 Asyncronous name service que ry library ii libatasmart4 0.17+git20100219-2 ATA S.M.A.R.T. reading and p arsing library ii libatk1.0-0 1.30.0-1 The ATK accessibility toolki t ii libattica0 0.1.4-1 a Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API ii libattr1 1:2.4.44-2 Extended attribute shared li brary rc libaudclient1 1.5.1-4 audacious dbus remote contro l library ii libaudio2 1.9.2-4 Network Audio System - share d libraries ii libaudiofile0 0.2.6-8 Open-source version of SGI's audiofile library ii libaudit0 1.7.13-1+b2 Dynamic library for security auditing ii libavahi-client3 0.6.27-2+squeeze1 Avahi client library ii libavahi-common-data 0.6.27-2+squeeze1 Avahi common data files ii libavahi-common3 0.6.27-2+squeeze1 Avahi common library rc libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 0.6.27-2+squeeze1 Avahi Apple Bonjour compatib ility library rc libavahi-core5 0.6.23-3lenny3 Avahi's embeddable mDNS/DNS- SD library ii libavahi-core7 0.6.27-2+squeeze1 Avahi's embeddable mDNS/DNS- SD library ii libavahi-glib1 0.6.27-2+squeeze1 Avahi glib integration libra ry rc libavahi-qt3-1 0.6.27-2+squeeze1 Avahi Qt 3 integration libra ry ii libavc1394-0 0.5.3-1+b2 control IEEE 1394 audio/vide o devices rc libavcodec51 0.svn20080206-18+lenny3 ffmpeg codec library ii libavcodec52 4:0.5.9-1 ffmpeg codec library ii libavformat52 4:0.5.9-1 ffmpeg file format library ii libavutil49 4:0.5.9-1 ffmpeg utility library ii libbabl-0.0-0 0.0.22-1 Dynamic, any to any, pixel f ormat conversion library ii libbcel-java 5.2-7 Analyze, create, and manipul ate (binary) Java class files rc libbind9-50 1:9.6.ESV.R4+dfsg-0+lenny4 BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND ii libbind9-60 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze8 BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND ii libblas3gf 1.2-8 Basic Linear Algebra Referen ce implementations, shared library ii libblkid1 2.17.2-9 block device id library ii libbluetooth3 4.66-3 Library to use the BlueZ Lin ux Bluetooth stack rc libbonobo2-0 2.24.3-1 Bonobo CORBA interfaces libr ary rc libbonobo2-common 2.24.3-1 Bonobo CORBA interfaces libr ary -- support files rc libbonoboui2-0 2.24.3-1 The Bonobo UI library ii libboost-date-time1.42.0 1.42.0-4 set of date-time libraries b ased on generic programming concepts ii libboost-iostreams1.42.0 1.42.0-4 Boost.Iostreams Library ii libboost-thread1.42.0 1.42.0-4 portable C++ multi-threading ii libbrasero-media0 2.30.3-2 CD/DVD burning library for G NOME - runtime ii libbsd0 0.2.0-1 utility functions from BSD s ystems - shared library ii libburn4 0.8.0.pl00-2+squeeze1 library to provide CD/DVD wr iting functions ii libbz2-1.0 1.0.5-6+squeeze1 high-quality block-sorting f ile compressor library - runtime ii libc-bin 2.11.3-4 Embedded GNU C Library: Bina ries ii libc6 2.11.3-4 Embedded GNU C Library: Shar ed libraries ii libc6-i686 2.11.3-4 Embedded GNU C Library: Shar ed libraries [i686 optimized] ii libcaca0 0.99.beta17-1 colour ASCII art library ii libcairo2 1.8.10-6 The Cairo 2D vector graphics library ii libcanberra-gtk-module 0.24-1 translates Gtk+ widgets sign als to event sounds ii libcanberra-gtk0 0.24-1 Gtk+ helper for playing widg et event sounds with libcanberra ii libcanberra0 0.24-1 a simple abstract interface for playing event sounds ii libcap1 1:1.10-14 support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities ii libcap2 1:2.19-3 support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities ii libcdaudio1 0.99.12p2-9 library for controlling a CD -ROM when playing audio CDs ii libcdio-cdda0 0.81-4 library to read and control digital audio CDs ii libcdio-paranoia0 0.81-4 library to read digital audi o CDs with error correction ii libcdio10 0.81-4 library to read and control CD-ROM rc libcdio7 0.78.2+dfsg1-3 library to read and control CD-ROM ii libcdparanoia0 3.10.2+debian-9 audio extraction tool for sa mpling CDs (library) ii libcdt4 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing to ols - cdt library ii libcelt0-0 0.7.1-1 The CELT codec runtime libra ry ii libck-connector0 0.4.1-4 ConsoleKit libraries ii libclucene0ldbl 0.9.21b-2+b1 library for full-featured te xt search engine (runtime) ii libcolamd2.7.1 1:3.4.0-2 column approximate minimum d egree ordering library for sparse matrices ii libcomerr2 1.41.12-4stable1 common error description lib rary ii libcommons-beanutils-java 1.8.3-1 utility for manipulating Jav aBeans ii libcommons-collections3-java 3.2.1-4 A set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations ii libcommons-compress-java 1.0-1 Java API for working with ta r, zip and bzip2 files ii libcommons-digester-java 1.8.1-2 Rule based XML Java object m apping tool ii libcommons-logging-java 1.1.1-8 commmon wrapper interface fo r several logging APIs ii libconsole 1:0.2.3dbs-69.1 Shared libraries for Linux c onsole and font manipulation ii libcpufreq0 007-1+squeeze1 shared library to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature ii libcroco3 0.6.2-1 a generic Cascading Style Sh eet (CSS) parsing and manipulation toolkit rc libcrypto++7 5.5.2-2 General purpose cryptographi c shared library ii libcrypto++8 5.6.0-6 General purpose cryptographi c library - shared library ii libcups2 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - Core library ii libcupscgi1 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - CGI library ii libcupsdriver1 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - Driver library ii libcupsimage2 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - Raster image library ii libcupsmime1 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - MIME library ii libcupsppdc1 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System( tm) - PPD manipulation library rc libcurl3 7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 Multi-protocol file transfer library (OpenSSL) ii libcurl3-gnutls 7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 Multi-protocol file transfer library (GnuTLS) ii libcwidget3 0.5.16-3 high-level terminal interfac e library for C++ (runtime files) ii libdaemon0 0.14-2 lightweight C library for da emons - runtime library rc libdatrie0 0.1.3-2 Double-array trie library ii libdatrie1 0.2.4-1 Double-array trie library ii libdb-je-java 3.3.62-3 Oracle Berkeley Database Jav a Edition ii libdb4.7 4.7.25-9 Berkeley v4.7 Database Libra ries [runtime] ii libdb4.7-java 4.7.25-9 Berkeley v4.7 Database Libra ries for Java ii libdb4.7-java-gcj 4.7.25-9 Berkeley v4.7 Database Libra ries for Java (native code) ii libdb4.8 4.8.30-2 Berkeley v4.8 Database Libra ries [runtime] ii libdbd-mysql-perl 4.016-1 Perl5 database interface to the MySQL database ii libdbi-perl 1.612-1 Perl Database Interface (DBI ) ii libdbus-1-3 1.2.24-4+squeeze1 simple interprocess messagin g system ii libdbus-glib-1-2 0.88-2.1 simple interprocess messagin g system (GLib-based shared library) rc libdbus-qt-1-1c2 0.62.git.20060814-2 simple interprocess messagin g system (Qt-based shared library) ii libdc1394-22 2.1.2-3 high level programming inter face for IEEE1394 digital camera ii libdca0 0.0.5-3 decoding library for DTS Coh erent Acoustics streams ii libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.48-5 The Linux Kernel Device Mapp er userspace library ii libdirac-encoder0 1.0.2-3 open and royalty free high q uality codec - encoder library rc libdirectfb-1.0-0 1.0.1-11 direct frame buffer graphics - shared libraries ii libdirectfb-1.2-9 direct frame buffer graphics - shared libraries ii libdiscid0 0.2.2-1 Library for creating MusicBr ainz DiscIDs ii libdjvulibre-text 3.5.23-3 Linguistic support files for libdjvulibre ii libdjvulibre21 3.5.23-3 Runtime support for the DjVu image format ii libdmx1 1:1.1.0-2 X11 Distributed Multihead ex tension library rc libdns55 1:9.6.ESV.R1+dfsg-0+lenny2 DNS Shared Library used by B IND rc libdns58 1:9.6.ESV.R4+dfsg-0+lenny4 DNS Shared Library used by B IND ii libdns69 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze8 DNS Shared Library used by B IND ii libdrm-intel1 2.4.21-1~squeeze3 Userspace interface to intel -specific kernel DRM services -- runtime ii libdrm-nouveau1 2.4.21-1~squeeze3 Userspace interface to nouve au-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime ii libdrm-radeon1 2.4.21-1~squeeze3 Userspace interface to radeo n-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime ii libdrm2 2.4.21-1~squeeze3 Userspace interface to kerne l DRM services -- runtime ii libdv4 1.0.0-2.1 software library for DV form at digital video (runtime lib) ii libdvdnav4 4.1.3-7 DVD navigation library rc libdvdread3 0.9.7-11 library for reading DVDs ii libdvdread4 4.1.3-10 library for reading DVDs ii libedit2 2.11-20080614-2 BSD editline and history lib raries rc libeel2-2.20 2.20.0-7 Eazel Extensions Library (fo r GNOME2) ii libeggdbus-1-0 0.6-1 D-Bus bindings for GObject ii libenca0 1.13-3 Extremely Naive Charset Anal yser - shared library files ii libenchant1c2a 1.6.0-1 a wrapper library for variou s spell checker engines rc libept0 0.5.22 High-level library for manag ing Debian package information ii libept1 1.0.4 High-level library for manag ing Debian package information ii libesd0 0.2.41-8 Enlightened Sound Daemon - S hared libraries ii libevent-1.4-2 1.4.13-stable-1 An asynchronous event notifi cation library ii libexempi3 2.1.1-1 library to parse XMP metadat a (Library) ii libexif12 0.6.19-1+squeeze1 library to parse EXIF files ii libexiv2-9 0.20-2 EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulat ion library ii libexo-0.3-0 0.3.107-1 Library with extensions for Xfce
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ii libexo-common 0.3.107-1 libexo common files ii libexpat1 2.0.1-7+squeeze1 XML parsing C library - runt ime library rc libfaad0 2.6.1-3.1 freeware Advanced Audio Deco der - runtime files ii libfaad2 2.7-6 freeware Advanced Audio Deco der - runtime files ii libfam0 2.7.0-17 Client library to control th e FAM daemon ii libffi5 3.0.9-3 Foreign Function Interface l ibrary runtime ii libfftw3-3 3.2.2-1 library for computing Fast F ourier Transforms ii libfile-copy-recursive-perl 0.38-1 Perl extension for recursive ly copying files and directories ii libflac++6 1.2.1-2+b1 Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ runtime library ii libflac8 1.2.1-2+b1 Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library ii libflite1 1.4-release-2 a small run-time speech synt hesis engine - shared libraries ii libfltk1.1 1.1.10-2+b1 Fast Light Toolkit - shared libraries ii libfont-afm-perl 1.20-1 Font::AFM - Interface to Ado be Font Metrics files ii libfontconfig1 2.8.0-2.1 generic font configuration l ibrary - runtime ii libfontenc1 1:1.0.5-2 X11 font encoding library rc libfreebob0 1.0.7-1 FreeBoB API ii libfreetype6 2.4.2-2.1+squeeze4 FreeType 2 font engine, shar ed library files ii libfribidi0 0.19.2-1 Free Implementation of the U nicode BiDi algorithm ii libfs6 2:1.0.2-1 X11 Font Services library ii libfuse2 2.8.4-1.1 Filesystem in USErspace libr ary ii libgadu3 1:1.9.0-2 Gadu-Gadu protocol library - runtime files ii libgail18 2.20.1-2 GNOME Accessibility Implemen tation Library -- shared libraries ii libgc1c2 1:6.8-2 conservative garbage collect or for C and C++ ii libgcc1 1:4.4.5-8 GCC support library ii libgcj-bc 4.4.5-1 Link time only library for u se with gcj ii libgcj-common 1:4.4.5-1 Java runtime library (common files) ii libgcj10 4.4.5-2 Java runtime library for use with gcj ii libgcj9-0 4.3.2-2 Java runtime library for use with gcj ii libgcj9-0-awt 4.3.2-2 AWT peer runtime libraries f or use with gcj ii libgcj9-jar 4.3.2-2 Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files) ii libgconf2-4 2.28.1-6 GNOME configuration database system (shared libraries) ii libgcr0 2.30.3-5 Library for Crypto UI relate d task - runtime ii libgcrypt11 1.4.5-2 LGPL Crypto library - runtim e library rc libgd2-noxpm 2.0.36~rc1~dfsg-3+lenny1 GD Graphics Library version 2 (without XPM support) ii libgd2-xpm 2.0.36~rc1~dfsg-5 GD Graphics Library version 2 ii libgdbm3 1.8.3-9 GNU dbm database routines (r untime version) ii libgdu0 2.30.1-2 GObject based Disk Utility L ibrary ii libgegl-0.0-0 0.0.22-2+b1 Generic Graphics Library ii libgeoip1 1.4.7~beta6+dfsg-1 A non-DNS IP-to-country reso lver library ii libgfortran3 4.4.5-8 Runtime library for GNU Fort ran applications ii libgif4 4.1.6-9 library for GIF images (libr ary) ii libgimp2.0 2.6.10-1+squeeze3 Libraries for the GNU Image Manipulation Program ii libgksu2-0 2.0.13~pre1-3 library providing su and sud o functionality ii libgl1-mesa-dri 7.7.1-5 A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- DRI modules ii libgl1-mesa-glx 7.7.1-5 A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime ii libglade2-0 1:2.6.4-1 library to load .glade files at runtime ii libglewmx1.5 1.5.4-1 The OpenGL Extension Wrangle r - runtime environment rc libglib1.2ldbl 1.2.10-19 The GLib library of C routin es ii libglib2.0-0 2.24.2-1 The GLib library of C routin es ii libglu1-mesa 7.7.1-5 The OpenGL utility library ( GLU) ii libgme0 0.5.5-2 Playback library for video g ame music files - shared library ii libgmime-2.4-2 2.4.14-1+nmu1 MIME message parser and crea tor library - runtime ii libgmp3c2 2:4.3.2+dfsg-1 Multiprecision arithmetic li brary ii libgnome-keyring0 2.30.1-1 GNOME keyring services libra ry ii libgnome-media0 2.30.0-1 runtime libraries for the GN OME media utilities rc libgnome-menu2 2.30.3-1 an implementation of the fre edesktop menu specification for GNOME rc libgnome2-0 2.30.0-1 The GNOME library - runtime files rc libgnome2-common 2.30.0-1 The GNOME library - common f iles ii libgnomecanvas2-0 2.30.1-1 A powerful object-oriented d isplay - runtime files ii libgnomecanvas2-common 2.30.1-1 A powerful object-oriented d isplay - common files rc libgnomeui-0 2.24.3-1 The GNOME libraries (User In terface) - runtime files rc libgnomevfs2-0 1:2.24.3-1 GNOME Virtual File System (r untime libraries) rc libgnomevfs2-common 1:2.24.3-1 GNOME Virtual File System (c ommon files) rc libgnomevfs2-extra 1:2.24.3-1 GNOME Virtual File System (e xtra modules) ii libgnutls26 2.8.6-1+squeeze2 the GNU TLS library - runtim e library ii libgomp1 4.4.5-8 GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support li brary ii libgp11-0 2.30.3-5 Glib wrapper library for PKC S#11 - runtime ii libgpg-error0 1.6-1 library for common error val ues and messages in GnuPG components ii libgpgme11 1.2.0-1.2 GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy ii libgphoto2-2 2.4.6-3 gphoto2 digital camera libra ry ii libgphoto2-port0 2.4.6-3 gphoto2 digital camera port library ii libgpm2 1.20.4-3.3 General Purpose Mouse - shar ed library ii libgraph4 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing to ols - graph library ii libgraphicsmagick3 1.3.12-1+b1 format-independent image pro cessing - C shared library ii libgraphite3 1:2.3.1-0.2 SILGraphite - a "smart font" rendering engine rc libgraphviz4 2.20.2-3 rich set of graph drawing to ols ii libgs8 8.71~dfsg2-9 The Ghostscript PostScript/P DF interpreter Library ii libgsf-1-114 1.14.18-1 Structured File Library - ru ntime version ii libgsf-1-common 1.14.18-1 Structured File Library - co mmon files ii libgsm1 1.0.13-3 Shared libraries for GSM spe ech compressor ii libgssapi-krb5-2 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze6 MIT Kerberos runtime librari es - krb5 GSS-API Mechanism ii libgssglue1 0.1-4 mechanism-switch gssapi libr ary ii libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 0.10.30-1 GStreamer libraries from the "base" set ii libgstreamer0.10-0 0.10.30-1 Core GStreamer libraries and elements rc libgtk1.2 1.2.10-18.1 The GIMP Toolkit set of widg ets for X rc libgtk1.2-common 1.2.10-18.1 Common files for the GTK+ li brary ii libgtk2.0-0 2.20.1-2 The GTK+ graphical user inte rface library ii libgtk2.0-bin 2.20.1-2 The programs for the GTK+ gr aphical user interface library ii libgtk2.0-common 2.20.1-2 Common files for the GTK+ gr aphical user interface library ii libgtkglext1 1.2.0-1.1 OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (sh ared libraries) rc libgtkhtml2-0 2.11.1-2 HTML rendering/editing libra ry - runtime files ii libgtop2-7 2.28.1-1 gtop system monitoring libra ry (shared) ii libgtop2-common 2.28.1-1 gtop system monitoring libra ry (common) ii libgucharmap7 1:2.30.3-1 Unicode browser widget libra ry (shared library) ii libgudev-1.0-0 164-3 GObject-based wrapper librar y for libudev ii libgutenprint2 5.2.6-1 runtime for the Gutenprint p rinter driver library ii libgutenprintui2-1 5.2.6-1 runtime for the Gutenprint p rinter driver user interface library ii libgvc5 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing to ols - gvc library ii libhal-storage1 0.5.14-3 Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library for storage devices ii libhal1 0.5.14-3 Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library ii libhpmud0 3.10.6-2+squeeze1 HP Multi-Point Transport Dri ver (hpmud) run-time libraries ii libhsqldb-java Java SQL database engine ii libhsqldb-java-gcj Java SQL database engine (na tive code) ii libhtml-format-perl 2.04-2 format HTML syntax trees int o text, PostScript or RTF ii libhtml-parser-perl 3.66-1 collection of modules that p arse HTML text documents ii libhtml-tagset-perl 3.20-2 Data tables pertaining to HT ML ii libhtml-template-perl 2.9-2 module for using HTML Templa tes with Perl ii libhtml-tree-perl 3.23-2 Perl module to represent and create HTML syntax trees ii libhunspell-1.2-0 1.2.11-1 spell checker and morphologi cal analyzer (shared library) ii libhyphen0 2.5-1 ALTLinux hyphenation library - shared library ii libice6 2:1.0.6-2 X11 Inter-Client Exchange li brary rc libicu38 3.8.1-3+lenny3 International Components for Unicode ii libicu44 4.4.1-8 International Components for Unicode ii libicu4j-java Library for unicode support and internalisation ii libid3tag0 0.15.1b-10 ID3 tag reading library from the MAD project ii libidl0 0.8.14-0.1 library for parsing CORBA ID L files ii libidn11 1.15-2 GNU Libidn library, implemen tation of IETF IDN specifications ii libiec61883-0 1.2.0-0.1 an partial implementation of IEC 61883 ii libieee1284-3 0.2.11-6 cross-platform library for p arallel port access ii libijs-0.35 0.35-7 IJS raster image transport p rotocol: shared library ii libilmbase6 1.0.1-3 several utility libraries fr om ILM used by OpenEXR ii libimobiledevice1 1.0.2-1 Library for communicating wi th the iPhone and iPod Touch ii libiodbc2 3.52.6-4 iODBC Driver Manager ii libiptcdata0 1.0.4-1+b1 Library to parse IPTC metada ta rc libisc50 1:9.6.ESV.R4+dfsg-0+lenny4 ISC Shared Library used by B IND rc libisc52 1:9.6.ESV.R1+dfsg-0+lenny2 ISC Shared Library used by B IND ii libisc62 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze8 ISC Shared Library used by B IND rc libisccc50 1:9.6.ESV.R4+dfsg-0+lenny4 Command Channel Library used by BIND ii libisccc60 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze8 Command Channel Library used by BIND rc libisccfg50 1:9.6.ESV.R4+dfsg-0+lenny4 Config File Handling Library used by BIND ii libisccfg62 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze8 Config File Handling Library used by BIND rc libiso9660-5 0.78.2+dfsg1-3 library to work with ISO9660 filesystems ii libiso9660-7 0.81-4 library to work with ISO9660 filesystems ii libisofs6 0.6.32-2 library to create ISO9960 im ages ii libjack0 1:0.118+svn3796-7 JACK Audio Connection Kit (l ibraries) ii libjasper1 1.900.1-7+squeeze1 The JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library ii libjaxp1.3-java 1.3.05-1 Java XML parser and transfor mer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP, TrAX) rc libjaxp1.3-java-gcj 1.3.05-1 Java XML parser and transfor mer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP, TrAX) - GCJ ii libjbig2dec0 0.11-1 JBIG2 decoder library - shar ed libraries ii libjline-java 0.9.94-5 Java library for handling co nsole input ii libjpeg62 6b1-1 The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library (version 6.2) ii libjtidy-java 7+svn20070309-4 a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer rc libk3b3 1.0.5-3 The KDE cd burning applicati on library - runtime files ii libk3b6 2.0.1-2 The KDE CD/DVD burning appli cation library - runtime files ii libk3b6-extracodecs 2.0.1-2 The KDE CD/DVD burning appli cation library - extra decoders ii libk5crypto3 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze6 MIT Kerberos runtime librari es - Crypto Library ii libkate1 0.3.7-3 Kate is a codec for karaoke and text encapsulation rc libkcddb1 4:3.5.9-2 CDDB library for KDE ii libkcddb4 4:4.4.5-1 CDDB library for KDE Platfor m (runtime) ii libkde3support4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KDE 3 Support Library fo r the KDE 4 Platform ii libkdecore5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KDE Platform Core Librar y ii libkdesu5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Console-mode Authenticat ion Library for the KDE Platform ii libkdeui5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KDE Platform User Interf ace Library ii libkdnssd4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the DNS-SD Protocol Library for the KDE Platform ii libkeyutils1 1.4-1 Linux Key Management Utiliti es (library) ii libkfile4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the File Selection Dialog Li brary for KDE Platform ii libkhtml5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KHTML Web Content Render ing Engine ii libkio5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Network-enabled File Man agement Library for the KDE Platform ii libkjsapi4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KJS API Library for the KDE Development Platform ii libkjsembed4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 library for binding JavaScri pt objects to QObjects ii libklibc 1.5.20-1+squeeze1 minimal libc subset for use with initramfs ii libkmediaplayer4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KMediaPlayer Interface f or the KDE Platform ii libknewstuff2-4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the "Get Hot New Stuff" v2 L ibrary for the KDE Platform ii libknewstuff3-4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the "Get Hot New Stuff" v3 L ibrary for the KDE Platform ii libknotifyconfig4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 library for configuring KDE Notifications ii libkntlm4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the NTLM Authentication Libr ary for the KDE Platform rc libkonq4 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-6+lenny1 core libraries for Konqueror ii libkonq5 4:4.4.5-2 core libraries for Konqueror ii libkonq5-templates 4:4.4.5-2 data files for the Konqueror libraries ii libkparts4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Framework for the KDE Pl atform Graphical Components ii libkpty4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Pseudo Terminal Library for the KDE Platform ii libkrb5-3 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze6 MIT Kerberos runtime librari es ii libkrb53 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze6 transitional package for MIT Kerberos libraries ii libkrb5support0 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze6 MIT Kerberos runtime librari es - Support library ii libkrosscore4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Kross Core Library ii libktexteditor4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KTextEditor interfaces f or the KDE Platform ii libkutils4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 various utility classes for the KDE Platform ii liblapack3gf 3.2.1-8 library of linear algebra ro utines 3 - shared version ii liblcms1 1.18.dfsg-1.2+b3 Color management library ii libldap-2.4-2 2.4.23-7.2 OpenLDAP libraries ii liblircclient0 0.8.3-5 infra-red remote control sup port - client library ii liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-6 Using libc functions for int ernationalization in Perl ii liblockfile1 1.08-4 NFS-safe locking library, in cludes dotlockfile program ii liblog4j1.2-java 1.2.15-11 Logging library for java ii liblqr-1-0 0.4.1-1 converts plain array images into multi-size representation rc libltdl3 1.5.26-4+lenny1 A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool ii libltdl7 2.2.6b-2 A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool rc liblua50 5.0.3-4 Main interpreter library for the Lua 5.0 programming language rc liblualib50 5.0.3-4 Extension library for the Lu a 5.0 programming language ii liblucene2-java 2.9.2+ds1-1 Full-text search engine libr ary for Java(TM) rc liblwres50 1:9.6.ESV.R4+dfsg-0+lenny4 Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND ii liblwres60 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze8 Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND ii liblzma2 5.0.0-2 XZ-format compression librar y ii liblzo2-2 2.03-2 data compression library ii libmad0 0.15.1b-5 MPEG audio decoder library ii libmagic1 5.04-5+squeeze2 File type determination libr ary using "magic" numbers rc libmagick10 7: image manipulation library ii libmagickcore3 8: low-level image manipulation library ii libmagickcore3-extra 8: low-level image manipulation library - extra codecs ii libmagickwand3 8: image manipulation library ii libmailtools-perl 2.06-1 Manipulate email in perl pro grams rc libmcs1 0.7.1-1 Abstraction library to store configuration settings (BSD-licensed) ii libmimic0 1.0.4-2+b2 A video codec for Mimic V2.x content ii libmms0 0.6-1+squeeze1 MMS stream protocol library - shared library ii libmng1 1.0.10-1+b1 Multiple-image Network Graph ics library rc libmodplug0c2 1:0.8.4-1+lenny2 shared libraries for mod mus ic based on ModPlug ii libmodplug1 1: shared libraries for mod mus ic based on ModPlug rc libmowgli1 0.6.1-1 a high performance developme nt framework for C rc libmozjs1d The Mozilla SpiderMonkey Jav aScript library ii libmozjs2d The Mozilla SpiderMonkey Jav aScript library rc libmpcdec3 1.2.2-1 Musepack (MPC) format librar y ii libmpcdec6 2:0.1~r459-1 MusePack decoder - library ii libmpeg2-4 0.4.1-3 MPEG1 and MPEG2 video decode r library rc libmpfr1ldbl 2.3.1.dfsg.1-2 multiple precision floating- point computation ii libmpfr4 3.0.0-2 multiple precision floating- point computation ii libmusicbrainz3-6 3.0.2-2 library to access the MusicB database ii libmusicbrainz4c2a 2.1.5-4 Second generation incarnatio n of the CD Index - library ii libmx4j-java 3.0.2-10 An open source implementatio n of the JMX(TM) technology ii libmysqlclient16 5.1.66-0+squeeze1 MySQL database client librar y ii libmythes-1.2-0 2:1.2.1-1 simple thesaurus library rc libnautilus-burn4 2.20.0-1 Nautilus Burn Library - runt ime version rc libnautilus-extension1 2.30.1-2squeeze1 libraries for nautilus compo nents - runtime version ii libncurses5 5.7+20100313-5 shared libraries for termina l handling ii libncursesw5 5.7+20100313-5 shared libraries for termina l handling (wide character support) rc libneon27 0.29.3-3 An HTTP and WebDAV client li brary ii libneon27-gnutls 0.29.3-3 An HTTP and WebDAV client li brary (GnuTLS enabled) ii libnepomuk4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Nepomuk Meta Data Librar y ii libnepomukquery4a 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Nepomuk Query Library fo r the KDE Platform ii libnet-daemon-perl 0.43-1 Perl module for building por table Perl daemons easily ii libnetpbm10 2:10.0-12.2+b1 Graphics conversion tools sh ared libraries ii libnewt0.52 0.52.11-1 Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang ii libnfnetlink0 1.0.0-1 Netfilter netlink library ii libnfsidmap2 0.23-2 An nfs idmapping library ii libnotify1 0.5.0-2 sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon ii libnspr4-0d 4.8.6-1 NetScape Portable Runtime Li brary ii libnss-mdns 0.10-3.1 NSS module for Multicast DNS name resolution ii libnss3-1d 3.12.8-1+squeeze5 Network Security Service lib raries ii libntfs-3g75 1:2010.3.6-1 ntfs-3g filesystem in usersp ace (FUSE) library ii libntfs10 2.0.0-1+b1 library that provides common NTFS access functions ii libofa0 0.9.3-3.1 Library for acoustic fingerp rinting ii libogg0 1.2.0~dfsg-1 Ogg bitstream library ii liboil0.3 0.3.17-2 Library of Optimized Inner L oops ii libonig2 5.9.1-1 Oniguruma regular expression s library ii libopenal1 1:1.12.854-2 Software implementation of t he OpenAL API (shared library) ii libopencore-amrnb0 0.1.2-1 Adaptive Multi Rate speech c odec - shared library ii libopencore-amrwb0 0.1.2-1 Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideba nd speech codec - shared library ii libopenexr6 1.6.1-4.1 runtime files for the OpenEX R image library ii libopenjpeg2 1.3+dfsg-4 JPEG 2000 image compression/ decompression library ii libopenraw1 0.0.8-2 free implementation for RAW decoding ii libopenspc0 0.3.99a-2 library for playing SPC file s ii liborbit2 1:2.14.18-0.1 libraries for ORBit2 - a COR BA ORB ii liborc-0.4-0 1:0.4.6-2 Library of Optimized Inner L oops Runtime Compiler ii libpam-ck-connector 0.4.1-4 ConsoleKit PAM module ii libpam-modules 1.1.1-6.1+squeeze1 Pluggable Authentication Mod ules for PAM ii libpam-runtime 1.1.1-6.1+squeeze1 Runtime support for the PAM library ii libpam0g 1.1.1-6.1+squeeze1 Pluggable Authentication Mod ules library ii libpango1.0-0 1.28.3-1+squeeze2 Layout and rendering of inte rnationalized text ii libpango1.0-common 1.28.3-1+squeeze2 Modules and configuration fi les for the Pango ii libpaper1 1.1.24 library for handling paper c haracteristics ii libparted0debian1 2.3-5 The GNU Parted disk partitio ning shared library ii libpathplan4 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing to ols - pathplan library ii libpci3 1:3.1.7-6 Linux PCI Utilities (shared library) ii libpciaccess0 0.12.0-1 Generic PCI access library f or X ii libpcre3 8.02-1.1 Perl 5 Compatible Regular Ex pression Library - runtime files ii libperl5.10 5.10.1-17squeeze4 shared Perl library ii libphonon4 4:4.6.0really4.4.2-1 the core library of the Phon on multimedia framework ii libpixman-1-0 0.16.4-1 pixel-manipulation library f or X and cairo ii libplasma3 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Plasma Library for the K DE Platform ii libplist1 1.3-2 Library for handling Apple b inary and XML property lists ii libplrpc-perl 0.2020-2 Perl extensions for writing PlRPC servers and clients ii libpng12-0 1.2.44-1+squeeze4 PNG library - runtime ii libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.96-4+squeeze2 PolicyKit Authentication Age nt API ii libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.96-4+squeeze2 PolicyKit backend API ii libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.96-4+squeeze2 PolicyKit Authorization API ii libpolkit-qt-1-0 0.95.1-1 PolicyKit-qt-1 library rc libpoppler-glib3 0.8.7-4 PDF rendering library (GLib- based shared library) ii libpoppler-glib4 0.12.4-1.2 PDF rendering library (GLib- based shared library) rc libpoppler3 0.8.7-4 PDF rendering library ii libpoppler5 0.12.4-1.2 PDF rendering library ii libpopt0 1.16-1 lib for parsing cmdline para meters ii libpostproc51 4:0.5.9-1 ffmpeg video postprocessing library ii libpq5 8.4.13-0squeeze1 PostgreSQL C client library ii libproxy0 0.3.1-2+squeeze1 automatic proxy configuratio n management library (shared) ii libpth20 2.0.7-16 The GNU Portable Threads ii libpulse-mainloop-glib0 0.9.21-3+squeeze1 PulseAudio client libraries (glib support) ii libpulse0 0.9.21-3+squeeze1 PulseAudio client libraries ii libqca2 2.0.2-1 libraries for the Qt Cryptog raphic Architecture ii libqca2-plugin-ossl 0.1~20070904-4 QCA OSSL plugin for libqca2 ii libqdbm14 1.8.77-4 QDBM Database Libraries [run time] rc libqt3-mt 3:3.3.8b-7+b1 Qt GUI Library (Threaded run time version), Version 3 ii libqt4-dbus 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 D-Bus module ii libqt4-designer 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 designer module ii libqt4-network 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 network module ii libqt4-opengl 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 OpenGL module ii libqt4-qt3support 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 3 compatibility library f or Qt 4 ii libqt4-script 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 script module ii libqt4-sql 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 SQL module ii libqt4-sql-mysql 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 MySQL database driver ii libqt4-svg 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 SVG module ii libqt4-webkit 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 WebKit module ii libqt4-xml 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 XML module ii libqt4-xmlpatterns 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 XML patterns module ii libqtcore4 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 core module ii libqtgui4 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 4 GUI module ii libraptor1 1.4.21-2+squeeze1 Raptor RDF parser and serial izer library ii librasqal2 0.9.20-1 Rasqal RDF query library ii libraw1394-11 2.0.5-2 library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire) rc libraw1394-8 1.3.0-4 library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire) ii librdf0 1.0.10-3 Redland Resource Description Framework (RDF) library ii libreadline5 5.2-7 GNU readline and history lib raries, run-time libraries ii libreadline6 6.1-3 GNU readline and history lib raries, run-time libraries ii librecode0 3.6-17 Shared library on which reco de is based ii libregexp-java 1.5-2 Regular expression library f or Java ii librpcsecgss3 0.19-2 allows secure rpc communicat ion using the rpcsec_gss protocol ii librsvg2-2 2.26.3-1 SAX-based renderer library f or SVG files (runtime) ii librsvg2-common 2.26.3-1 SAX-based renderer library f or SVG files (extra runtime) ii libruby1.8 Libraries necessary to run R uby 1.8 ii libsamplerate0 0.1.7-3 Audio sample rate conversion library ii libsane 1.0.21-9 API library for scanners ii libsane-extras API library for scanners -- extra backends ii libsane-hpaio 3.10.6-2+squeeze1 HP SANE backend for multi-fu nction peripherals ii libsasl2-2 2.1.23.dfsg1-7 Cyrus SASL - authentication abstraction library ii libsasl2-modules 2.1.23.dfsg1-7 Cyrus SASL - pluggable authe ntication modules ii libschroedinger-1.0-0 1.0.9-2 library for encoding/decodin g of Dirac video streams ii libsdl1.2debian 1.2.14-6.1 Simple DirectMedia Layer ii libsdl1.2debian-alsa 1.2.14-6.1 Simple DirectMedia Layer (wi th X11 and ALSA options) ii libselinux1 2.0.96-1 SELinux runtime shared libra ries rc libsensors3 1:2.10.8-2 library to read temperature/ voltage/fan sensors ii libsensors4 1:3.1.2-6 library to read temperature/ voltage/fan sensors ii libsepol1 2.0.41-1 SELinux library for manipula ting binary security policies ii libservlet2.5-java 6.0.35-1+squeeze2 Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 Java API classes ii libsexy2 0.1.11-2+b1 collection of additional GTK + widgets - library ii libsgutils2-2 1.29-1 utilities for devices using the SCSI command set (shared libraries) ii libshout3 2.2.2-5+b1 MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast str eaming library ii libsidplay1 1.36.59-5 SID (MOS 6581) emulation lib rary ii libsigc++-2.0-0c2a type-safe Signal Framework f or C++ - runtime ii libslang2 2.2.2-4 The S-Lang programming libra ry - runtime version ii libslp1 1.2.1-7.8 OpenSLP libraries ii libslv2-9 0.6.6-5 A library for simple use of LV2 plugins ii libsm6 2:1.1.1-1 X11 Session Management libra ry ii libsmbclient 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 shared library for communica tion with SMB/CIFS servers rc libsmbios2 2.0.3.dfsg-1.1 Provide access to (SM)BIOS i nformation -- dynamic library ii libsndfile1 1.0.21-3+squeeze1 Library for reading/writing audio files ii libsnmp-base 5.4.3~dfsg-2 SNMP (Simple Network Managem ent Protocol) MIBs and documentation ii libsnmp15 5.4.3~dfsg-2 SNMP (Simple Network Managem ent Protocol) library ii libsolid4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 Solid Library for KDE Platfo rm ii libsoprano4 2.5.0+dfsg.1-1 libraries for the Soprano RD F framework ii libsoundtouch1c2 1.3.1-2 sound stretching library ii libsoup-gnome2.4-1 2.30.2-1+squeeze1 an HTTP library implementati on in C -- GNOME support library ii libsoup2.4-1 2.30.2-1+squeeze1 an HTTP library implementati on in C -- Shared library ii libspeex1 1.2~rc1-1 The Speex codec runtime libr ary rc libsplashy1 0.3.13-3+lenny1 Library to draw splash scree n on boot, shutdown, resume or suspend ii libsqlite3-0 3.7.3-1 SQLite 3 shared library ii libss2 1.41.12-4stable1 command-line interface parsi ng library ii libssh-4 0.4.5-3+squeeze1 A tiny C SSH library rc libssh2-1 1.2.6-1 SSH2 client-side library ii libssl0.9.8 0.9.8o-4squeeze13 SSL shared libraries ii libstartup-notification0 0.10-1 library for program launch f eedback (shared library) ii libstdc++6 4.4.5-8 The GNU Standard C++ Library v3 ii libstlport4.6ldbl 4.6.2-7 STLport C++ class library ii libstreamanalyzer0 0.7.2-1+b1 streamanalyzer library for S trigi Desktop Search ii libstreams0 0.7.2-1+b1 streams library for for Stri gi Desktop Search rc libsuitesparse-3.1.0 3.1.0-3 collection of libraries for computations for sparse matrices ii libsvga1 1:1.4.3-29 console SVGA display librari es rc libswfdec-0.6-90 0.6.8-1 SWF (Macromedia Flash) decod er library ii libswscale0 4:0.5.9-1 ffmpeg video scaling library ii libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-1 interface library to sysfs ii libtag1-vanilla 1.6.3-1 TagLib Audio Meta-Data Libra ry (Vanilla flavour) ii libtag1c2a 1.6.3-1 TagLib Audio Meta-Data Libra ry ii libtagc0 1.6.3-1 TagLib Audio Meta-Data Libra ry (C bindings) rc libtalloc1 1.2.0~git20080616-1 hierarchical pool based memo ry allocator ii libtalloc2 2.0.1-1 hierarchical pool based memo ry allocator ii libtasn1-3 2.7-1+squeeze+1 Manage ASN.1 structures (run time) ii libtdb1 1.2.1-2+b1 Trivial Database - shared li brary ii libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-6 get display widths of charac ters on the terminal ii libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-2 converts between character s ets in Perl ii libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7 internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap ii libtextcat-data-utf8 2.2-4 Language detection library - data files ii libthai-data 0.1.14-2 Data files for Thai language support library ii libthai0 0.1.14-2 Thai language support librar y ii libtheora0 1.1.1+dfsg.1-3 The Theora Video Compression Codec ii libthreadweaver4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the ThreadWeaver Library for the KDE Platform ii libthunar-vfs-1-2 1.0.2-1+b2 VFS abstraction used in thun ar ii libtiff4 3.9.4-5+squeeze7 Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library ii libtimedate-perl 1.2000-1 collection of modules to man ipulate date/time information ii libtokyocabinet8 1.4.37-6 Tokyo Cabinet Database Libra ries [runtime] ii libtotem-plparser17 2.30.3-1 Totem Playlist Parser librar y - runtime files ii libts-0.0-0 1.0-7 touch screen library ii libtwolame0 0.3.12-1 MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library ii libudev0 164-3 libudev shared library ii libunique-1.0-0 1.1.6-1.1 Library for writing single i nstance applications - shared libraries ii libupnp3 1:1.6.6-5 Portable SDK for UPnP Device s, version 1.6 (shared libraries) ii liburi-perl 1.54-2 module to manipulate and acc ess URI strings ii libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-16 userspace USB programming li brary ii libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.8-2 userspace USB programming li brary ii libusbmuxd1 1.0.4-1 USB multiplexor daemon for i Phone and iPod Touch devices - library ii libutempter0 1.1.5-3 A privileged helper for utmp /wtmp updates (runtime) ii libuuid-perl 0.02-4 Perl extension for using UUI D interfaces as defined in e2fsprogs ii libuuid1 2.17.2-9 Universally Unique ID librar y ii libv4l-0 0.8.0-1 Collection of video4linux su pport libraries ii libv8-2.2.24 2.2.24-6 V8 JavaScript Engine ii libvcdinfo0 0.7.23-4+b2 library to extract informati on from VideoCD ii libvirtodbc0 6.1.2+dfsg1-1 high-performance database - ODBC libraries ii libvisual-0.4-0 0.4.0-3 Audio visualization framewor k ii libvisual-0.4-plugins 0.4.0.dfsg.1-2 Audio visualization framewor k plugins ii libvolume-id0 0.125-7+lenny3 libvolume_id shared library ii libvorbis0a 1.3.1-1+squeeze1 The Vorbis General Audio Com pression Codec (Decoder library) ii libvorbisenc2 1.3.1-1+squeeze1 The Vorbis General Audio Com pression Codec (Encoder library) ii libvorbisfile3 1.3.1-1+squeeze1 The Vorbis General Audio Com pression Codec (High Level API) ii libvpx0 0.9.1-2 VP8 video codec (shared libr ary) ii libvte-common 1:0.24.3-4 Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - common files ii libvte9 1:0.24.3-4 Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - runtime files ii libwavpack1 4.60.1-1 an audio codec (lossy and lo ssless) - library ii libwbclient0 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 Samba winbind client library ii libwebkit-1.0-2 1.2.7-0+squeeze2 Web content engine library f or Gtk+ ii libwebkit-1.0-common 1.2.7-0+squeeze2 Web content engine library f or Gtk+ - data files ii libwildmidi1 software MIDI player library ii libwmf0.2-7 Windows metafile conversion library ii libwnck-common 2.30.4-2 Window Navigator Constructio n Kit - common files ii libwnck22 2.30.4-2 Window Navigator Constructio n Kit - runtime files ii libwpd8c2a 0.8.14-1 Library for handling WordPer fect documents (shared library) ii libwpg-0.1-1 0.1.3-1 WordPerfect graphics import/ convert library (shared library) ii libwps-0.1-1 0.1.2-1 Works text file format impor t filter library (shared library) ii libwrap0 7.6.q-19 Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library ii libwww-perl 5.836-1 Perl HTTP/WWW client/server library ii libwxbase2.8-0 wxBase library (runtime) - n on-GUI support classes of wxWidgets toolkit ii libwxgtk2.8-0 wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime) ii libx11-6 2:1.3.3-4 X11 client-side library ii libx11-data 2:1.3.3-4 X11 client-side library ii libx11-xcb1 2:1.3.3-4 Xlib/XCB interface library ii libx86-1 1.1+ds1-6 x86 real-mode library rc libxalan2-java-gcj 2.7.1-5 XSL Transformations (XSLT) p rocessor in Java (native code) ii libxapian22 1.2.3-2 Search engine library ii libxau6 1:1.0.6-1 X11 authorisation library ii libxaw7 2:1.0.7-1 X11 Athena Widget library ii libxcb-atom1 0.3.6-1 utility libraries for X C Bi nding -- atom ii libxcb-aux0 0.3.6-1 utility libraries for X C Bi nding -- aux ii libxcb-dri2-0 1.6-1 X C Binding, dri2 extension ii libxcb-event1 0.3.6-1 utility libraries for X C Bi nding -- event ii libxcb-render-util0 0.3.6-1 utility libraries for X C Bi nding -- render-util ii libxcb-render0 1.6-1 X C Binding, render extensio n ii libxcb-shape0 1.6-1 X C Binding, shape extension ii libxcb-shm0 1.6-1 X C Binding, shm extension rc libxcb-xlib0 1.1-1.2 X C Binding, Xlib/XCB interf ace library ii libxcb-xv0 1.6-1 X C Binding, xv extension ii libxcb1 1.6-1 X C Binding ii libxcomposite1 1:0.4.2-1 X11 Composite extension libr ary ii libxcursor1 1:1.1.10-2 X cursor management library ii libxdamage1 1:1.1.3-1 X11 damaged region extension library ii libxdmcp6 1:1.0.3-2 X11 Display Manager Control Protocol library ii libxdot4 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing to ols - xdot library rc libxerces2-java-gcj 2.9.1-4.1 Validating XML parser for Ja va with DOM level 3 support (native code) ii libxext6 2:1.1.2-1 X11 miscellaneous extension library
rc libxfce4mcs-client3 4.4.2-4 Client library for Xfce4 con figure interface rc libxfce4mcs-manager3 4.4.2-4 Manager library for Xfce4 co nfigure interface ii libxfce4menu-0.1-0 4.6.2-1 compliant me nu implementation for Xfce ii libxfce4util-bin 4.6.2-1 tools for libxfce4util ii libxfce4util-common 4.6.2-1 common files for libxfce4uti l ii libxfce4util4 4.6.2-1 Utility functions library fo r Xfce4 ii libxfcegui4-4 4.6.4-1 Basic GUI C functions for Xf ce4 ii libxfconf-0-2 4.6.2-1 Client library for Xfce4 con figure interface ii libxfixes3 1:4.0.5-1 X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' ex tension library ii libxfont1 1:1.4.1-3 X11 font rasterisation libra ry ii libxft2 2.1.14-2 FreeType-based font drawing library for X ii libxi6 2:1.3-7 X11 Input extension library ii libxine1 1.1.19-2 the xine video/media player library, meta-package ii libxine1-bin 1.1.19-2 the xine video/media player library, binary files ii libxine1-console 1.1.19-2 libaa/libcaca/framebuffer/di rectfb related plugins for libxine1 ii libxine1-ffmpeg 1.1.19-2 MPEG-related plugins for lib xine1 ii libxine1-misc-plugins 1.1.19-2 Input, audio output and post plugins for libxine1 ii libxine1-plugins 1.1.19-2 the xine video/media player library, meta package ii libxine1-x 1.1.19-2 X desktop video output plugi ns for libxine1 ii libxinerama1 2:1.1-3 X11 Xinerama extension libra ry ii libxkbfile1 1:1.0.6-2 X11 keyboard file manipulati on library ii libxklavier16 5.0-2 X Keyboard Extension high-le vel API ii libxml-parser-perl 2.36-1.1+b1 Perl module for parsing XML files ii libxml2 2.7.8.dfsg-2+squeeze6 GNOME XML library ii libxml2-utils 2.7.8.dfsg-2+squeeze6 XML utilities ii libxmu6 2:1.0.5-2 X11 miscellaneous utility li brary ii libxmuu1 2:1.0.5-2 X11 miscellaneous micro-util ity library rc libxosd2 2.2.14-1.7 X On-Screen Display library - runtime ii libxpm4 1:3.5.8-1 X11 pixmap library ii libxrandr2 2:1.3.0-3 X11 RandR extension library ii libxrender1 1:0.9.6-1 X Rendering Extension client library ii libxres1 2:1.0.4-1 X11 Resource extension libra ry ii libxslt1.1 1.1.26-6+squeeze2 XSLT 1.0 processing library - runtime library ii libxss1 1:1.2.0-2 X11 Screen Saver extension l ibrary ii libxt6 1:1.0.7-1 X11 toolkit intrinsics libra ry rc libxtrap6 2:1.0.0-5 X11 event trapping extension library ii libxtst6 2:1.1.0-3 X11 Testing -- Record extens ion library ii libxv1 2:1.0.5-1 X11 Video extension library ii libxvmc1 2:1.0.5-1 X11 Video extension library ii libxxf86dga1 2:1.1.1-2 X11 Direct Graphics Access e xtension library rc libxxf86misc1 1:1.0.1-3 X11 XFree86 miscellaneous ex tension library ii libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.0-2 X11 XFree86 video mode exten sion library ii libzbar0 0.10+doc-4 bar code scanner and decoder (library) ii linux-base 2.6.32-46 Linux image base package ii linux-image-2.6-686 2.6.32+29 Linux 2.6 for modern PCs (me ta-package) ii linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-46 Linux 2.6.32 for modern PCs ii linux-sound-base 1.0.23+dfsg-2 base package for ALSA and OS S sound systems ii locales 2.11.3-4 Embedded GNU C Library: Nati onal Language (locale) data [support] ii lockfile-progs 0.1.15+squeeze1 Programs for locking and unl ocking files and mailboxes ii login 1: system login tools ii logrotate 3.7.8-6 Log rotation utility ii lp-solve Solve (mixed integer) linear programming problems ii lsb-base 3.2-23.2squeeze1 Linux Standard Base 3.2 init script functionality ii lsb-release 3.2-23.2squeeze1 Linux Standard Base version reporting utility ii lsof 4.81.dfsg.1-1 List open files ii lzma 4.43-14 Compression method of 7z for mat in 7-Zip program ii m4 1.4.14-3 a macro processing language ii makedev 2.3.1-89 creates device files in /dev ii man-db 2.5.7-8 on-line manual pager ii manpages 3.27-1 Manual pages about using a G NU/Linux system ii manpages-pl 20060617-3 Polish man pages ii manpages-pl-dev 20060617-3 Polish man pages for develop ers ii mawk 1.3.3-15 a pattern scanning and text processing language ii memtest86+ 4.10-1.1 thorough real-mode memory te ster ii menu 2.1.44 generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications rc menu-xdg 0.5 menu complia nt window manager scripts ii mime-support 3.48-1 MIME files 'mime.types' & 'm ailcap', and support programs ii min12xxw 0.0.9-3 Printer driver for KonicaMin olta PagePro 1[234]xxW ii mlocate 0.22.2-1 quickly find files on the fi lesystem based on their name ii module-init-tools 3.12-2+b1 tools for managing Linux ker nel modules ii mount 2.17.2-9 Tools for mounting and manip ulating filesystems ii mousepad 0.2.16-4 simple Xfce oriented text ed itor ii mplayer 2:1.0~rc3++final.dfsg1-1 movie player for Unix-like s ystems ii mplayer-doc 2:1.0~rc3++final.dfsg1-1 documentation for MPlayer ii msttcorefonts 2.7 transitional dummy package ii mtools 4.0.12-1 Tools for manipulating MSDOS files ii mutt 1.5.20-9+squeeze2 text-based mailreader suppor ting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading ii myspell-en-us 1:3.2.1-2 English_american dictionary for myspell ii myspell-pl 20100612-1 The Polish dictionary for my spell ii mysql-client-5.1 5.1.66-0+squeeze1 MySQL database client binari es ii mysql-common 5.1.66-0+squeeze1 MySQL database common files, e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf ii mysql-server 5.1.66-0+squeeze1 MySQL database server (metap ackage depending on the latest version) ii mysql-server-5.1 5.1.66-0+squeeze1 MySQL database server binari es and system database setup ii mysql-server-core-5.1 5.1.66-0+squeeze1 MySQL database server binari es ii nano 2.2.4-1 small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico ii ncurses-base 5.7+20100313-5 basic terminal type definiti ons ii ncurses-bin 5.7+20100313-5 terminal-related programs an d man pages ii ncurses-term 5.7+20100313-5 additional terminal type def initions ii net-tools 1.60-23 The NET-3 networking toolkit ii netbase 4.45 Basic TCP/IP networking syst em ii netcat-traditional 1.10-38 TCP/IP swiss army knife ii netpbm 2:10.0-12.2+b1 Graphics conversion tools be tween image formats ii nfs-common 1:1.2.2-4squeeze2 NFS support files common to client and server ii ntfs-3g 1:2010.3.6-1 read-write NTFS driver for F USE ii ntfsprogs 2.0.0-1+b1 tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux ii odbcinst 2.2.14p2-1 Helper program for accessing odbc ini files ii odbcinst1debian2 2.2.14p2-1 Support library for accessin g odbc ini files ii openbsd-inetd 0.20080125-6 The OpenBSD Internet Superse rver ii openjdk-6-jre 6b18-1.8.13-0+squeeze2 OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT ii openjdk-6-jre-headless 6b18-1.8.13-0+squeeze2 OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless) ii openjdk-6-jre-lib 6b18-1.8.13-0+squeeze2 OpenJDK Java runtime (archit ecture independent libraries) ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- database ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- shared library ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- spreadsheet ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- arch-independent files ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- arch-dependent files ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- drawing ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- mobile devices filters ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- Java libraries for GIJ ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- GTK+ integration ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- English_american help ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- Polish help ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- presentation ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- arch-independent Java support files ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- Polish language package ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- equation editor ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- Java bean ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 extension for building database reports -- libraries ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- Andromeda (Classic) symbol style ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- Tango symbol style ii 1:3.2.1-2 English Thesaurus for OpenOf ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 office productivity suite -- word processor ii openprinting-ppds 20100630-1 OpenPrinting printer support - PostScript PPD files ii openssh-client 1:5.5p1-6+squeeze2 secure shell (SSH) client, f or secure access to remote machines ii openssl 0.9.8o-4squeeze13 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) bi nary and related cryptographic tools ii orage 4.6.1-1+b1 Calendar for Xfce Desktop En vironment ii os-prober 1.42 utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives ii oss-compat 0.0.4+nmu3 OSS compatibility package ii oxygen-icon-theme 4:4.4.5-1 Oxygen icon theme ii p7zip-full 9.04~dfsg.1-1 7z and 7za file archivers wi th high compression ratio ii parole media player based on GStrea mer framework ii passwd 1: change and administer passwo rd and group data ii patch 2.6-2 Apply a diff file to an orig inal ii pciutils 1:3.1.7-6 Linux PCI Utilities ii perl 5.10.1-17squeeze4 Larry Wall's Practical Extra ction and Report Language ii perl-base 5.10.1-17squeeze4 minimal Perl system ii perl-modules 5.10.1-17squeeze4 Core Perl modules ii phonon 4:4.6.0really4.4.2-1 metapackage for the Phonon m ultimedia framework ii phonon-backend-xine 4:4.6.0really4.4.2-1 Phonon Xine 1.1.x backend ii php5 5.3.3-7+squeeze14 server-side, HTML-embedded s cripting language (metapackage) ii php5-cli 5.3.3-7+squeeze14 command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language ii php5-common 5.3.3-7+squeeze14 Common files for packages bu ilt from the php5 source ii php5-mysql 5.3.3-7+squeeze14 MySQL module for php5 ii php5-suhosin advanced protection module f or php5 ii plasma-scriptengine-javascript 4:4.4.5-1 the JavaScript script engine for Plasma ii pm-utils 1.3.0-3 utilities and scripts for po wer management rc pmount 0.9.23-1 mount removable devices as n ormal user ii pnm2ppa 1.12-16.3 PPM to PPA converter ii policykit-1 0.96-4+squeeze2 framework for managing admin istrative policies and privileges ii policykit-1-gnome 0.96-3 GNOME authentication agent f or PolicyKit-1 ii poppler-utils 0.12.4-1.2 PDF utilitites (based on lib poppler) ii portmap 6.0.0-2 RPC port mapper ii powermgmt-base 1.31 Common utils and configs for power management ii printconf automatically configures USB and parallel printers with CUPS ii procmail 3.22-19 Versatile e-mail processor ii procps 1:3.2.8-9squeeze1 /proc file system utilities ii psmisc 22.11-1 utilities that use the proc file system ii psutils 1.17-27 A collection of PostScript d ocument handling utilities ii python 2.6.6-3+squeeze7 interactive high-level objec t-oriented language (default version) ii python-apt Python interface to libapt-p kg ii python-apt-common Python interface to libapt-p kg (locales) ii python-cairo 1.8.8-1+b1 Python bindings for the Cair o vector graphics library ii python-central 0.6.16+nmu1 register and build utility f or Python packages ii python-chardet 2.0.1-1 universal character encoding detector ii python-dbus 0.83.1-1 simple interprocess messagin g system (Python interface) ii python-debian 0.1.18+squeeze1 Python modules to work with Debian-related data formats ii python-foomatic Python interface to the Foom atic printer database ii python-gobject 2.21.4+is.2.21.3-1 Python bindings for the GObj ect library ii python-gtk2 2.17.0-4 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set ii python-imaging 1.1.7-2 Python Imaging Library ii python-ipy 1:0.70-1 Python module for handling I Pv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks ii python-minimal 2.6.6-3+squeeze7 minimal subset of the Python language (default version) ii python-numpy 1:1.4.1-5 Numerical Python adds a fast array facility to the Python language ii python-pexpect 2.3-1 Python module for automating interactive applications ii python-reportbug 4.12.6 Python modules for interacti ng with bug tracking systems ii python-support 1.0.10 automated rebuilding support for Python modules ii python-xapian 1.2.3-3 Xapian search engine interfa ce for Python ii python2.5 2.5.5-11 An interactive high-level ob ject-oriented language (version 2.5) ii python2.5-minimal 2.5.5-11 A minimal subset of the Pyth on language (version 2.5) ii python2.6 2.6.6-8+b1 An interactive high-level ob ject-oriented language (version 2.6) ii python2.6-minimal 2.6.6-8+b1 A minimal subset of the Pyth on language (version 2.6) ii radeontool 1.6.1-1 utility to control ATI Radeo n backlight functions on laptops ii rar 2:3.9.3-1 Archiver for .rar files ii readline-common 6.1-3 GNU readline and history lib raries, common files ii reportbug 4.12.6 reports bugs in the Debian d istribution ii ristretto 0.0.22-2 lightweight picture-viewer f or the Xfce desktop environment ii rsyslog 4.6.4-2 enhanced multi-threaded sysl ogd ii ruby 4.5 An interpreter of object-ori ented scripting language Ruby ii ruby1.8 Interpreter of object-orient ed scripting language Ruby 1.8 ii samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 SMB/CIFS file, print, and lo gin server for Unix ii samba-common 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 common files used by both th e Samba server and client ii samba-common-bin 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 common files used by both th e Samba server and client ii sane-utils 1.0.21-9 API library for scanners -- utilities ii sed 4.2.1-7 The GNU sed stream editor ii sensible-utils 0.0.4 Utilities for sensible alter native selection ii shared-desktop-ontologies 0.5-1 shared ontologies for semant ic searching ii shared-mime-info 0.71-4 shared MIME database and spec ii skype Skype ii soprano-daemon 2.5.0+dfsg.1-1 daemon for the Soprano RDF f ramework ii sound-juicer 2.28.2-3 GNOME CD Ripper ii squeeze 0.2.3-8 modern and advanced archive manager for Xfce ii ssl-cert 1.0.28 simple debconf wrapper for O penSSL ii sudo 1.7.4p4-2.squeeze.3 Provide limited super user p rivileges to specific users ii swfdec-mozilla 0.8.8-5+squeeze1 dummy package for transition to browser-plugin-gnash ii sysv-rc 2.88dsf-13.1+squeeze1 System-V-like runlevel chang e mechanism ii sysvinit 2.88dsf-13.1+squeeze1 System-V-like init utilities ii sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-13.1+squeeze1 System-V-like utilities ii tango-icon-theme 0.8.90-3 Tango icon theme ii tar 1.23-3 GNU version of the tar archi ving utility ii tasksel 2.88 Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems ii tasksel-data 2.88 Official tasks used for inst allation of Debian systems ii tcpd 7.6.q-19 Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities ii telnet 0.17-36 The telnet client ii texinfo 4.13a.dfsg.1-6 Documentation system for on- line information and printed output ii thunar 1.0.2-1+b2 File Manager for Xfce ii thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4-5 Archive plugin for Thunar fi le manager ii thunar-data 1.0.2-1 Provides thunar documentatio n, icons and translations ii thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.1.2-2 Media tags plugin for Thunar file manager ii thunar-thumbnailers 0.4.1-2 thumbnailers for Thunar file manager ii thunar-volman 0.3.80-4 Thunar extension for volumes management ii time 1.7-23.1 The GNU time program for mea suring cpu resource usage ii traceroute 1:2.0.15-1 Traces the route taken by pa ckets over an IPv4/IPv6 network ii tsconf 1.0-7 touch screen library common files ii ttf-dejavu 2.31-1 Metapackage to pull in ttf-d ejavu-core and ttf-dejavu-extra ii ttf-dejavu-core 2.31-1 Vera font family derivate wi th additional characters ii ttf-dejavu-extra 2.31-1 Vera font family derivate wi th additional characters ii ttf-freefont 20090104-7 Freefont Serif, Sans and Mon o Truetype fonts ii ttf-liberation Fonts with the same metrics as Times, Arial and Courier ii ttf-lyx 1.6.7-1 TrueType versions of some Te X fonts ii ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.3 Installer for Microsoft True Type core fonts ii ttf-opensymbol 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze8 OpenSymbol TrueType font ii ttf-sil-gentium 20081126:1.02-11 extended Unicode Latin font ("a typeface for the nations") ii ttf-sil-gentium-basic 1.1-2 smart Unicode font families (Basic and Book Basic) based on Gentium ii twm 1:1.0.4-2 Tab window manager ii tzdata 2012c-0squeeze1 time zone and daylight-savin g time data ii tzdata-java 2012c-0squeeze1 time zone and daylight-savin g time data for use by java runtimes ii ucf 3.0025+nmu1 Update Configuration File: p reserve user changes to config files. ii udev 164-3 /dev/ and hotplug management daemon ii udisks 1.0.1+git20100614-3 abstraction for enumerating block devices ii ufraw-batch 0.16-3+b1 batch importer for raw camer a images ii uno-libs3 1.6.1+OOo3.2.1-11+squeeze8 UNO runtime e nvironment -- public shared libraries ii unrar 1:3.9.10-1 Unarchiver for .rar files (n on-free version) ii unrar-free 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 Unarchiver for .rar files ii unzip 6.0-4 De-archiver for .zip files ii update-inetd 4.38+nmu1+squeeze1 inetd configuration file upd ater ii ure 1.6.1+OOo3.2.1-11+squeeze8 UNO runtime e nvironment ii usbmuxd 1.0.4-1 USB multiplexor daemon for i Phone and iPod Touch devices ii usbutils 0.87-5squeeze1 Linux USB utilities rc uswsusp 0.7-1.2 tools to use userspace softw are suspend provided by Linux ii util-linux 2.17.2-9 Miscellaneous system utiliti es ii vbetool 1.1-2 run real-mode video BIOS cod e to alter hardware state ii vcdimager 0.7.23-4+b2 A VideoCD (VCD) image master ing and ripping tool ii vim 2:7.2.445+hg~cb94c42c0e1a-1 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi ed itor ii vim-addon-manager 0.4.3 manager of addons for the Vi m editor ii vim-common 2:7.2.445+hg~cb94c42c0e1a-1 Vi IMproved - Common files ii vim-runtime 2:7.2.445+hg~cb94c42c0e1a-1 Vi IMproved - Runtime files ii vim-scripts 20091011 plugins for vim, adding bell s and whistles ii vim-tiny 2:7.2.445+hg~cb94c42c0e1a-1 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi ed itor - compact version ii virtuoso-minimal 6.1.2+dfsg1-1 high-performance database - core dependency package ii virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin 6.1.2+dfsg1-1 high-performance database - binaries ii virtuoso-opensource-6.1-common 6.1.2+dfsg1-1 high-performance database - common files ii w3m 0.5.2-9 WWW browsable pager with exc ellent tables/frames support ii wamerican 6-3 American English dictionary words for /usr/share/dict ii wget 1.12-2.1 retrieves files from the web ii whiptail 0.52.11-1 Displays user-friendly dialo g boxes from shell scripts ii whois 5.0.10 an intelligent whois client ii wodim 9:1.1.11-1 command line CD/DVD writing tool ii wpolish 20100612-1 Polish dictionary words for /usr/share/dict ii x-ttcidfont-conf 32 TrueType and CID fonts confi guration for X ii x11-apps 7.5+5 X applications ii x11-common 1:7.5+8+squeeze1 X Window System (X.Org) infr astructure ii x11-session-utils 7.5+1 X session utilities ii x11-utils 7.5+4 X11 utilities ii x11-xfs-utils 7.4+1 X font server utilities ii x11-xkb-utils 7.5+5 X11 XKB utilities ii x11-xserver-utils 7.5+3 X server utilities ii xauth 1:1.0.4-1 X authentication utility ii xbitmaps 1.1.0-1 Base X bitmaps ii xdg-user-dirs 0.13-2 tool to manage well known us er directories ii xdg-utils 1.0.2+cvs20100307-2 desktop integration utilitie s from ii xfburn 0.4.3-1 CD-burner application for Xf ce Desktop Environment ii xfce-keyboard-shortcuts 4.6.4-1 xfce keyboard shortcuts conf iguration ii xfce4 4.6.2 Meta-package for the Xfce Li ghtweight Desktop Environment ii xfce4-appfinder 4.6.2-1 Application finder for the X fce4 Desktop Environment ii xfce4-artwork 0.1-2 additional artwork for the X fce4 Desktop Environment ii xfce4-battery-plugin 0.5.1-1+b1 battery monitor plugin for t he Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-clipman 2:1.1.3-3 clipboard history utility ii xfce4-clipman-plugin 2:1.1.3-3 clipboard history plugin for Xfce panel ii xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 0.2-3+b1 cpufreq information plugin f or the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 0.4.0-2+b1 CPU load graph plugin for th e Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.6.1-1+b1 date and time plugin for the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-dict 0.6.0-3+b1 Dictionary plugin for Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.2.0-3+b1 disk performance display plu gin for the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-fsguard-plugin 0.4.2-1+b1 filesystem monitor plugin fo r the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.2-3+b1 Generic Monitor for the Xfce 4 panel ii xfce4-goodies enhancements for the Xfce4 D esktop Environment ii xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 1.1.0-2+b1 mail watcher plugin for the Xfce4 panel rc xfce4-mcs-manager 4.4.2-3 Settings manager for Xfce4 ii xfce4-mixer 4.6.1-2+b1 Xfce mixer application ii xfce4-mount-plugin 0.5.5-1+b1 mount plugin for the Xfce4 p anel ii xfce4-netload-plugin 0.4.0-4+b1 network load monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-notes 1.7.6-1+b1 Notes application for the Xf ce4 desktop ii xfce4-notes-plugin 1.7.6-1+b1 Notes plugin for the Xfce4 d esktop ii xfce4-notifyd 0.1.0-5 simple, visually-appealing n otification daemon for Xfce ii xfce4-panel 4.6.4-1 The Xfce4 desktop environmen t panel ii xfce4-places-plugin 1.2.0-1+b1 quick access to folders, doc uments and removable media ii xfce4-power-manager 0.8.5-2 power manager for Xfce deskt op ii xfce4-power-manager-data 0.8.5-2 power manager for Xfce deskt op, arch-indep files ii xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4-8+b1 rapid launcher plugin for th e Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-screenshooter 1.7.9-1+b1 screenshots utility for Xfce ii xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.0.0-1+b1 hardware sensors plugin for the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-session 4.6.2-3 Xfce4 Session Manager ii xfce4-settings 4.6.5-2 graphical application for ma naging Xfce settings ii xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.4.2-3+b1 search the web via the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-systemload-plugin 0.4.2-3+b1 system load monitor plugin f or the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-taskmanager 0.4.1-1 process manager for the Xfce 4 Desktop Environment ii xfce4-terminal 0.4.5-1 Xfce terminal emulator ii xfce4-timer-plugin 0.6.1-3+b1 timer plugin for Xfce panel ii xfce4-utils 4.6.2-1 Various tools for Xfce ii xfce4-verve-plugin 0.3.6-1+b1 Verve (command line) plugin for Xfce 4.4 panel ii xfce4-wavelan-plugin 0.5.5-3+b1 wavelan status plugin for th e Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-weather-plugin 0.7.3-3+squeeze1 weather information plugin f or the Xfce4 panel ii xfce4-xkb-plugin xkb layout switch plugin for the Xfce4 panel ii xfconf 4.6.2-1 utilities for managing setti ngs in Xfce ii xfdesktop4 4.6.2-1+b1 xfce desktop background, ico ns and root menu manager ii xfdesktop4-data 4.6.2-1 xfce desktop background, ico ns and root menu (common files) ii xfonts-100dpi 1:1.0.1 100 dpi fonts for X ii xfonts-75dpi 1:1.0.1 75 dpi fonts for X ii xfonts-base 1:1.0.1 standard fonts for X ii xfonts-encodings 1:1.0.3-1 Encodings for X.Org fonts ii xfonts-mathml 4 Type1 Symbol font for MathML ii xfonts-scalable 1:1.0.1-1 scalable fonts for X ii xfonts-terminus 4.30-2 Fixed-width fonts for fast r eading ii xfonts-utils 1:7.5+2 X Window System font utility programs ii xfprint4 4.6.1-1 Printer GUI for Xfce4 ii xfwm4 4.6.2-1 window manager of the Xfce p roject ii xinit 1.2.0-2 X server initialisation tool ii xinput 1.5.2-1 Runtime configuration and te st of XInput devices ii xkb-data 1.8-2 X Keyboard Extension (XKB) c onfiguration data ii xorg 1:7.5+8+squeeze1 X.Org X Window System ii xorg-docs-core 1:1.5-1 Core documentation for the X .org X Window System ii xsane 0.997-2+b1 featureful graphical fronten d for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) ii xsane-common 0.997-2 featureful graphical fronten d for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) ii xserver-common 2:1.7.7-14 common files used by various X servers ii xserver-xorg 1:7.5+8+squeeze1 the X.Org X server ii xserver-xorg-core 2:1.7.7-14 Xorg X server - core server ii xserver-xorg-input-all 1:7.5+8+squeeze1 the X.Org X server -- input driver metapackage ii xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.3.2-6 X.Org X server -- evdev inpu t driver ii xserver-xorg-input-kbd 1:1.4.0-2 X.Org X server -- keyboard i nput driver ii xserver-xorg-input-mouse 1:1.5.0-2 X.Org X server -- mouse inpu t driver ii xserver-xorg-input-synaptics 1.2.2-2 Synaptics TouchPad driver fo r X.Org server ii xserver-xorg-input-wacom 0.10.5+20100416-1 X.Org X server -- Wacom inpu t driver ii xserver-xorg-video-all 1:7.5+8+squeeze1 the X.Org X server -- output driver metapackage ii xserver-xorg-video-apm 1:1.2.2-2 X.Org X server -- APM displa y driver ii xserver-xorg-video-ark 1:0.7.2-2 X.Org X server -- ark displa y driver ii xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:6.13.1-2+squeeze1 X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI di splay driver wrapper ii xserver-xorg-video-chips 1:1.2.3-1 X.Org X server -- Chips disp lay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-cirrus 1:1.3.2-2+squeeze1 X.Org X server -- Cirrus dis play driver ii xserver-xorg-video-dummy 1:0.3.3-2 X.Org X server -- dummy disp lay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-fbdev 1:0.4.2-2 X.Org X server -- fbdev disp lay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-geode 2.11.9-7 X.Org X server -- Geode GX2/ LX display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-glint 1:1.2.4-2 X.Org X server -- Glint disp lay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-i128 1:1.3.3-2 X.Org X server -- i128 displ ay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-i740 1:1.3.2-2 X.Org X server -- i740 displ ay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.13.0-7 X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx , i9xx display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-mach64 6.8.2-3 X.Org X server -- ATI Mach64 display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-mga 1:1.4.11.dfsg-4+squeeze1 X.Org X server -- MGA displa y driver ii xserver-xorg-video-neomagic 1:1.2.4-3 X.Org X server -- Neomagic d isplay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-nouveau 1:0.0.15+git20100329+7858345-5 X.Org X server -- Nouveau di splay driver (experimental) ii xserver-xorg-video-nv 1:2.1.17-3 X.Org X server -- NV display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-openchrome 1:0.2.904+svn842-2 X.Org X server -- VIA displa y driver ii xserver-xorg-video-r128 6.8.1-3 X.Org X server -- ATI r128 d isplay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:6.13.1-2+squeeze1 X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI Ra deon display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd 1.3.0-3 X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI r5 xx-r7xx alternate display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-rendition 1:4.2.3-3 X.Org X server -- Rendition display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-s3 1:0.6.3-2 X.Org X server -- legacy S3 display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-s3virge 1:1.10.4-2 X.Org X server -- S3 ViRGE d isplay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-savage 1:2.3.1-2 X.Org X server -- Savage dis play driver ii xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion 1:1.7.3-2 X.Org X server -- SiliconMot ion display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-sis 1:0.10.3-1 X.Org X server -- SiS displa y driver ii xserver-xorg-video-sisusb 1:0.9.3-2 X.Org X server -- SiS USB di splay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-tdfx 1:1.4.3-2 X.Org X server -- tdfx displ ay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-tga 1:1.2.1-2 X.Org X server -- TGA displa y driver ii xserver-xorg-video-trident 1:1.3.3-2 X.Org X server -- Trident di splay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-tseng 1:1.2.3-2+squeeze1 X.Org X server -- Tseng disp lay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-vesa 1:2.3.0-3 X.Org X server -- VESA displ ay driver ii xserver-xorg-video-vmware 1:11.0.1-2 X.Org X server -- VMware dis play driver ii xserver-xorg-video-voodoo 1:1.2.3-2 X.Org X server -- Voodoo dis play driver ii xterm 261-1 X terminal emulator rc xulrunner-1.9 XUL + XPCOM application runn er rc xulrunner-1.9.1 XUL + XPCOM application runn er ii xz-utils 5.0.0-2 XZ-format compression utilit ies ii zip 3.0-3 Archiver for .zip files ii zlib1g 1: compression library - runtim e
Ile piw należy się za przejrzenie tego wszystkiego?
Wrzuć może lepiej całość na (i bez zawijania linijek jeśli można).
Oki, za godzinkę zrobię to w domu. Czy istnieje jakiś prosty sposób na unikanie zaijania linijek (usuwanie spacje w tej ilości opisów pakietów.... brrr)
piobia78 napisał(-a):
Czy istnieje jakiś prosty sposób na unikanie zaijania linijek (usuwanie spacje w tej ilości opisów pakietów.... brrr)
Rozciągnąć terminal? :)
Może inaczej. ;) Zainstaluj sobie program pastebinit, a potem daj:
dpkg -l | pastebinit
i wrzuć linka.
Terminal jest na maksimum. Mogę spróbować rozciągnąć monitor :)
Jutro lub pojutrze będę ponownie w przed maszyną i wkleję porządnie listę zainstalowanych pakietów.
Rozumiem, że Twoja ścieżka rozumowania odnosi się do możliwości blokowania pracy thunara przez jakiś inny pakiet?
dpkg -l >>pakiety.txt
Potem otwierasz:
I na dole strony masz takie pole:
Lub wybierz plik tekstowy:
Klik na Przeglądaj.......
i wybierasz z dysku pakiety.txt
A tutaj dajesz linka.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Jacekalex (2012-12-17 20:22:28)
Mniej więcej, takie przypadki się już zdarzały, aczkolwiek rzadko.
Bardziej zwięzłą listę paczek (zmieści się w terminalu) możesz wytargać np tak:
dpkg -l |egrep ^ii |awk '{print $2}'
Jakieś konfigi po pmount tam leżą (w sumie chyba nie powinno przeszkadzać). Puść:
aptitude purge ~c
A i jeszcze jedno pytanie: masz ten napęd zdefiniowany w fstabie?
EDIT: Zaktualizuj flasha:
update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
Usuń gnasha:
aptitude purge gnash~i
Jacekalex napisał(-a):
dpkg -l >>pakiety.txtPotem otwierasz:
I na dole strony masz takie pole:Lub wybierz plik tekstowy:
Klik na Przeglądaj.......
i wybierasz z dysku pakiety.txt
wchodząc na po prawej stronie na górze widnieje przycisk "Pobierz program" - lecz, nigdzie nie prowadzi. szkoda, że dugowe wklej nie ma jakiegoś skryptu albo opcji, wysyłania tekstu bezpośrednio z terminala. coś ala to
1. Lista pakietów wklejona na
2. Flash/Gnush - zaktualizowany/wywalony
3. Aptitude purge ~c wykonane. Sound juicer zaczął wydawać komunikat po wsunięciu płyty
Sound Juicer nie może odczytać ścieżki wypisanej na tej płycie CD. Powód: Nie można uzyskać dostępu do płyty CD: Podane położenie nie jest zamontowane
Co jest dosyć oczywiste, ale wcześniej nie reagował w ogóle.
4. Zawartość fstab (wygląda dobrze)
# /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 # /dev/hdb1 / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1 UUID=3ebcb03a-26f3-4e2e-90e4-b354c0fd0cc2 / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1 # /dev/hdb9 /home ext3 defaults 0 2 UUID=074e482b-5d1f-4850-8505-7de8dd2cb230 /home ext3 defaults 0 2 # /dev/hdb8 /tmp ext3 defaults 0 2 UUID=41249f85-7244-422d-bc1c-9a964fdae3e0 /tmp ext3 defaults 0 2 # /dev/hdb5 /usr ext3 defaults 0 2 UUID=d2748345-7674-4ded-a0b1-7cd28c47f784 /usr ext3 defaults 0 2 # /dev/hdb6 /var ext3 defaults 0 2 UUID=fdcb2254-b444-44b6-9987-6384938434e5 /var ext3 defaults 0 2 # /dev/hdb7 none swap sw 0 0 UUID=a5da0ba1-54c9-4ce0-bc9e-a6e78f6ac1d3 none swap sw 0 0 # /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0
Ostatnio edytowany przez piobia78 (2012-12-18 18:23:50)
Spróbuj z zakomentowanym wpisem napędu i może tej stacji dyskietek od razu.
EDIT: Wpis /proc chyba nie jest potrzebny, u siebie nie mam w każdym razie.
EDIT2: Masz osobną partycję na katalog /tmp?