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Więcej informacji na
Mam problem z odpaleniem jacka.
z roota:
krasnaja_plosciac linux # jackd -d alsa -dhw0 jackd 0.120.1 Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn and others. jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details JACK compiled with System V SHM support. loading driver .. creating alsa driver ... hw0|hw0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit ALSA lib control.c:882:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw0 control open "hw0" (No such file or directory) ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM hw0 ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM hw0 ALSA: Cannot open PCM device alsa_pcm for playback. Falling back to capture-only mode cannot load driver module alsa
z usera:
$ jackd -d alsa -dhw0 jackd 0.120.1 Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn and others. jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details JACK is running in realtime mode, but you are not allowed to use realtime scheduling. After applying these changes, please re-login in order for them to take effect. You don't appear to have a sane system configuration. It is very likely that you encounter xruns. Please apply all the above mentioned changes and start jack again!
media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.120.1 USE="alsa -3dnow (-altivec) (-coreaudio) -cpudetection -debug -doc -examples -mmx -oss -sse"
$ cat .asoundrc ctl.equal { type equal; } pcm.plugequal { type equal; # Modify the line below if you don't # want to use sound card 0. slave.pcm "plug:dmix"; } # pcm.equal { # Or if you want the equalizer to be your # default soundcard uncomment the following # line and comment the above line. pcm.!default { type plug; slave.pcm plugequal; }
Towarzysz Torrentow
Ostatnio edytowany przez torrentow (2011-05-29 22:11:29)
A tak towarzyszu ?
jackd -p512 -d alsa -r44100 -p1024 -n2
eix jack-audio [i] media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit Available versions: [m]0.109.2-r1{tbz2} [m](~)0.116.2{tbz2} [m](~)0.116.2{tbz2}[1] [m]0.118.0{tbz2} [m](~)0.118.0{tbz2}[1] [m](~)0.120.1 [M](~)1.9.2[1] [m](~)1.9.3[1] [m](~)1.9.4[1] [m](~)1.9.5[1] (~)1.9.6{tbz2}[1] [m](~)1.9.7[1] [m]**1.9999[1] [m]**2.9999[1] {3dnow alsa altivec caps celt coreaudio cpudetection debug doc examples freebob ieee1394 mmx netjack oss sse} Installed versions: 1.9.6{tbz2}[1](20:56:47 05.02.2011)(32bit alsa doc -dbus -debug -freebob -ieee1394) Homepage: Description: A low-latency audio server [1] "pro-audio" /usr/local/portage/layman/pro-audio
user $ jackd -dalsa -dhw:2 jackdmp 1.9.6 Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others. Copyright 2004-2010 Grame. jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10 creating alsa driver ... hw:2|hw:2|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit Using ALSA driver HDA-Intel running on card 2 - HDA Intel at 0xfdff8000 irq 41 configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 2 periods ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for capture ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for playback Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/10)(1: Operation not permitted) AcquireSelfRealTime error
- też miauczy o Realtime - ale działa.
p jackd user 4623 0.5 2.1 93220 89180 pts/2 SLl+ 22:56 0:00 jackd -dalsa -dhw:2
Czy przypadkiem nie kompilowałeś Jacka kompilatorem gcc-4.6?
Poza tym asoundrc jest nieprawidłowy.
Do jacka musi by zawierać jacka.
Inne przykł:
To by było na tyle
Ostatnio edytowany przez Jacekalex (2011-05-29 23:11:40)
Jeśli karta ma więcej "odnóg" to nie wystarczy dać -dhw:0
Trzeba dać 0,0 0,1 itp zależy od układu urządzeń dźwiękowych.
Najlepiej puścić jacka w realtime ale to trzeba grzebać w uprawnieniach.
Nie pamiętam już czy pod gentoo sposób debianowy działał.
W /etc/security/limits.conf
@audio - rtprio 99 @audio - memlock unlimited @audio - nice -19
Faktycznie, zamiast hw0 lepiej dać hw:0,0 - choć u mnie zawsze łapie na wskazaniu karty.
jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:2 -r96000 -p1024 -n2
Co do realtime, ja mam tak:
w /etc/security/limits.conf
@audio - rtprio 90 @audio - nice -10 @audio - memlock 500000
I bez grsecurity działał w realtime bez problemu ,ale obecnie grsec go nie puszcza na RT.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Jacekalex (2011-05-29 23:52:34)
ilin działa ale pluje
$ jackd -p512 -d alsa -r44100 -p1024 -n2 jackd 0.120.1 Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn and others. jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details JACK compiled with System V SHM support. cannot lock down memory for jackd (Cannot allocate memory) loading driver .. apparent rate = 44100 creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit control device hw:0 configuring for 44100Hz, period = 1024 frames (23.2 ms), buffer = 2 periods ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for capture ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for playback JACK: unable to mlock() port buffers: Cannot allocate memory JACK: unable to mlock() port buffers: Cannot allocate memory
Jeżeli to Gentoo, to pokaż wynik:
gcc --version qlist -IvU jack-audio
I jeśli masz gcc 4.6, to przypomnij sibe, co bylo z trickle.
To by było na tyle
$ gcc --version gcc (Gentoo 4.5.2 p1.1, pie-0.4.5) 4.5.2 Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. $ qlist -IvU jack-audio media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.120.1 (alsa)
Hmm, ciekawe.
U mnie:
media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-1.9.6 (32bit alsa)
zainstalowany z overlaya pro-audio (layman)
Overlay zablokowany na wszelki wypadek:
grep pro-audio /etc/portage/package.mask */*::pro-audio
gcc --version gcc (Gentoo Hardened 4.4.5 p1.2, pie-0.4.5) 4.4.5 Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Wcześniej gcc-4.5.1, więcej
też działał.
Ze stabilnych chodziła tylko wersja 0.118, ale kompilowana gcc-4.4.4, po kompilacji gcc-4.5.1 przestała.
GCC 4.5.2 w Gentoo ma status testowy (w chwili obecnej), nie wszystko musi na nim działać, jak na stabilnej wersji.
Rzuć też okiem na to...
To by było na tyle.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Jacekalex (2011-06-05 16:16:56)