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Prosimy o pomoc dla małej Julki — przekaż 1% podatku na Fundacji Dzieciom zdazyć z Pomocą.
Więcej informacji na
Zwyczajnie startując teamviewer z konta użytkownika nie uruchamia się GUI.
Wersja najnowsza 64 bit, demon uruchomiony, netstat pokazuje że słucha.
Ktoś używa?
Log użytkownika pełen błędów:
2020/04/24 09:33:41.354 3755 140084237503936 G Logger started. 2020/04/24 09:33:41.356 3755 140084237503936 G Found 0 stack dump files ... 2020/04/24 09:33:41.356 3755 140084237503936 G Found 0 core dump files ... 2020/04/24 09:33:41.357 3755 140084237503936 G systemd: logind service available 2020/04/24 09:33:41.358 3755 140084237503936 G systemd: New seat seat0 [path=/org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0, activeSession='1', canGraphical=1, canTTY=1, canMultiSession=1] 2020/04/24 09:33:41.358 3755 140084237503936 G LogindSessionInfo: New session LogindSessionInfo [id=1 user=jacek state=user active=1 reliable=1 infoId=2212294583] [path=/org/freedesktop/login1/session/_31 TTY=tty1 seat=seat0 display= vtnr=1 owner=[SysUser: jacek [uid=1000, gid=1000 home=/home/jacek gecos=jacek,,, shell=/bin/bash]] idle=1(1587708459004907) active=1 type=tty class=user state=active timestamp=1587708460599726 service=login defaultCG= leader=543 audit=1 remote=0 rHost= rUser= killProc=0] 2020/04/24 09:33:41.359 3755 140084237503936 G SysSessionInfoManager: observing sessions from logind is marked as reliable 2020/04/24 09:33:41.359 3755 140084237503936 G SysSessionInfoManager: Session Information provided by VT [priority: 2] 2020/04/24 09:33:41.360 3755 140084237503936 G! FrameBuffer: Cannot access /dev/fb0, frame buffer support unavailable 2020/04/24 09:33:41.361 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found! 2020/04/24 09:33:41.361 3755 140084237503936 G Running on Qt 5.12.5 2020/04/24 09:33:41.380 3755 140084237503936 G Initialised XRandR extension 1.5 (base=89 error=147) 2020/04/24 09:33:41.409 3755 140084237503936 G MonitorInfo: [XRandR 1.2] CRTC HDMI2 1920x1080@60Hz [0, 0, 1920, 1080] - 1 2020/04/24 09:33:41.409 3755 140084237503936 G MonitorInfo: [XRandR 1.2] CRTC 1 has no outputs 2020/04/24 09:33:41.409 3755 140084237503936 G MonitorInfo: [XRandR 1.2] CRTC 2 has no outputs 2020/04/24 09:33:41.409 3755 140084237503936 G Virtual Desktop [0, 0, 1920, 1080] 2020/04/24 09:33:41.409 3755 140084237503936 G MonitorInfo: [XRandR 1.2] CRTC HDMI2 1920x1080@60Hz [0, 0, 1920, 1080] - 1 2020/04/24 09:33:41.409 3755 140084237503936 G MonitorInfo: [XRandR 1.2] CRTC 1 has no outputs 2020/04/24 09:33:41.409 3755 140084237503936 G MonitorInfo: [XRandR 1.2] CRTC 2 has no outputs 2020/04/24 09:33:41.409 3755 140084237503936 G Virtual Desktop [0, 0, 1920, 1080] 2020/04/24 09:33:41.417 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found! 2020/04/24 09:33:41.423 3755 140084237503936 G!! ResourceLoader: loaded file '/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/resources/' version () is not matching with application version (15.4.4445) 2020/04/24 09:33:41.423 3755 140084237503936 G Loaded language 'pl', using locale 'pl' 2020/04/24 09:33:41.423 3755 140084237503936 G InterProcessBase::SecureNetwork created 2020/04/24 09:33:41.424 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.426 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.427 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.428 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.429 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.430 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.431 3755 140084237503936 G AutoLogin::Login: enabled: 1 2020/04/24 09:33:41.431 3755 140084237503936 G AccountLoginStateMachine::Reset 2020/04/24 09:33:41.432 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.432 3755 140084237503936 G!! ApplicationLookOfflineState::ApplicationAppearanceOfflineState: state not loaded, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.433 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.433 3755 140084237503936 G!!!Own session could not be resolved, unable to startup, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.434 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.434 3755 140084237503936 G Chat::Stop: Stopping chat 2020/04/24 09:33:41.435 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.437 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.438 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.439 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.440 3755 140084237503936 G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.440 3755 140084237503936 G InterProcessBase::ShutdownIPC: Shutdown IPC 2020/04/24 09:33:41.440 3755 140084237503936 G!! ConfigurationHub::HandleRegistrationResponse(): registering for feature 9 failed with error 2, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.440 3755 140084237503936 G!! ConfigurationHub::HandleRegistrationResponse(): registering for feature 5 failed with error 2, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.440 3755 140084237503936 G!! ConfigurationHub::HandleRegistrationResponse(): registering for feature 6 failed with error 2, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.440 3755 140084237503936 G!! ConfigurationHub::HandleRegistrationResponse(): registering for feature 14 failed with error 2, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.440 3755 140084237503936 G!! ConfigurationHub::HandleRegistrationResponse(): registering for feature 10 failed with error 2, Errorcode=11 2020/04/24 09:33:41.440 3755 140084237503936 G interprocessbase::SecureNetwork destroyed 2020/04/24 09:33:41.442 3755 140084237503936 G Shutting down DBus IOHandler
udało mi się do tej pory naprawić tylko problem z:
G! FrameBuffer: Cannot access /dev/fb0, frame buffer support unavailable
należało dodać swojego użytkownika do grupy video.
Teraz to:
G!! SysSessionInfoManager::GetOwnProcessSession: No session found!
Mam stosunkowo minimalną konfiguracje która startuje bez display managera
(w pliku ~/.profile mam po prostu startx, a autologowanie przez getty@tty1.service )
i wolałbym by tak pozostało,
a wygląda na to, że to jest przyczyna tego błędu: … ewer_to_work/
Może ktoś ma jakiś pomysł co z tym zrobić?