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#1  2017-02-05 14:32:44

  siwczak - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2017-01-31

TOR zatrzymuje się na 10% --> Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%


eb 05 11:25:24.000 [notice] Tor (git-6350e21f2de7272f) opening new log file.
Feb 05 11:25:24.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server
Feb 05 11:25:24.000 [warn] Tried connecting to router at, but identity key was not as expected: wanted CF6$
Feb 05 11:25:25.000 [warn] Tried connecting to router at, but identity key was not as expected: wanted 74A$
Feb 05 11:26:27.000 [warn] Tried connecting to router at xx.xx.xx.38:443, but identity key was not as expected: wanted 847B1F$
Feb 05 11:31:32.000 [warn] Tried connecting to router at, but identity key was not as expected: wanted 7BE$
Feb 05 12:28:21.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count$
Feb 05 12:28:21.000 [warn] 7 connections have failed:
Feb 05 12:28:21.000 [warn]  4 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSL negotiation finished successfull$
Feb 05 12:28:21.000 [warn]  3 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv2/v3 read server hello A in HAND$
Feb 05 12:31:26.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count$
Feb 05 12:31:26.000 [warn] 8 connections have failed:
Feb 05 12:31:26.000 [warn]  4 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSL negotiation finished successfull$
Feb 05 12:31:26.000 [warn]  4 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv2/v3 read server hello A in HAND$
Feb 05 12:38:33.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count$
Feb 05 12:38:33.000 [warn] 9 connections have failed:
Feb 05 12:38:33.000 [warn]  5 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv2/v3 read server hello A in HAND$
Feb 05 12:38:33.000 [warn]  4 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSL negotiation finished successfull$
Feb 05 12:50:45.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count$
Feb 05 12:50:45.000 [warn] 10 connections have failed:
Feb 05 12:50:45.000 [warn]  6 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv2/v3 read server hello A in HAND$
Feb 05 12:50:45.000 [warn]  4 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSL negotiation finished successfull$
Feb 05 13:10:45.000 [notice] Catching signal TERM, exiting cleanly.

Zetknął się ktoś z takim problemem ? Przetrzepałem cały internet w poszukiwaniu rozwiązania i od dwóch tygodni, śmiało mogę powiedzieć że próbowałem już wszystkiego chyba co można znaleźć w internecie... nic nie pomaga... Dodam tylko, że nie mam skonfigurowane IPTABLES, nie wiem czy to może być wina właśnie tego czy nie, ale na wcześniejszych wersjach systemu na kompie nie miałem takich problemów mimo braku konfiguracji IPTABLES... heeeeeeeelppppp !



#2  2017-02-05 16:42:41

  mati75 - Psuj

Skąd: masz ten towar?
Zarejestrowany: 2010-03-14

Re: TOR zatrzymuje się na 10% --> Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%

Nie masz żadnego proxy albo vpn po drodze?



#3  2017-02-21 16:55:28

  siwczak - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2017-01-31

Re: TOR zatrzymuje się na 10% --> Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%

nie mam.



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