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Więcej informacji na
Strony: 1
mam takie pytanie odnośnie instalacji debiana na virtulaBoxie
w konsoli.
Stworzyłem sobie wirtualną maszynę::
vboxmanage createhd --filename New.vdi --size 8192 vboxmanage createvm --name Debian64 --register vboxmanage modifyvm Debian64 --ostype Debian --memory 512 --pae on vboxmanage storagectl Debian64 --name ide --add ide vboxmanage storageattach Debian64 --storagectl ide --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium New.vdi vboxmanage storageattach Debian64 --storagectl ide --port 1 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium /home/toor/Pobrane/debian-8.2.0-i386-CD-1.iso vboxmanage modifyvm Debian64 --nic1 bridged --bridgeadapter1 eth0 vboxmanage modifyvm Debian64 --vrde on --vrdeport 3390 vboxmanage list vms vboxmanage showvm info vboxmanage showvminfo Debian64 vboxmanage startvm Debian64
teraz szukam jak uruchomić instalację samego debiana ( używając np RDP )
Miał ktoś kiedyś styczność z taką instalacja?
alias vbm='VBoxManage' vbm stopvm Debian64 vbm startvm Debiam64 --type headless vncviewer `vbm guestproperty get "Debian64" "/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP" | awk '{ print $2 }'`
Jakoś takoś to szło :)
hmmm...dalej nie odpala... wszystko niby uruchomione z poziomu powłoki w virtualboxie.. ale jak z windy łaczę się przez RDP
to guzik mam....
Właśnie firewall jest ok.
Ale po odpaleniu nie nasłuchuje na porcie 3390...
kiedy odpalam na porcie 3389 też nie nasłuchuje....spotkał ktoś podobny problem?
Już łączy. problemem była niekompatybilna wersja extpacks'a
Zainstalowałem kompatybilną do wersji zgodnej z Virtualboxem.
Teraz łaczę się przez RDP...połaczenie jest, ale wyświetla mi czarny ekran...
moje ustawienia:
Name: SmtpLocal Groups: / Guest OS: Debian (32-bit) UUID: 58e00473-42dc-4a90-81e6-704f2f39ec80 Config file: /root/VirtualBox VMs/SmtpLocal/SmtpLocal.vbox Snapshot folder: /root/VirtualBox VMs/SmtpLocal/Snapshots Log folder: /root/VirtualBox VMs/SmtpLocal/Logs Hardware UUID: 58e00473-42dc-4a90-81e6-704f2f39ec80 Memory size: 2048MB Page Fusion: off VRAM size: 32MB CPU exec cap: 100% HPET: off Chipset: piix3 Firmware: BIOS Number of CPUs: 1 PAE: on Long Mode: on Synthetic CPU: off CPUID overrides: None Boot menu mode: message and menu Boot Device (1): Floppy Boot Device (2): DVD Boot Device (3): HardDisk Boot Device (4): Not Assigned ACPI: on IOAPIC: off Time offset: 0ms RTC: local time Hardw. virt.ext: on Nested Paging: on Large Pages: off VT-x VPID: on VT-x unr. exec.: on State: running (since 2016-07-13T08:54:17.176000000) Monitor count: 1 3D Acceleration: off 2D Video Acceleration: off Teleporter Enabled: off Teleporter Port: 0 Teleporter Address: Teleporter Password: Tracing Enabled: off Allow Tracing to Access VM: off Tracing Configuration: Autostart Enabled: off Autostart Delay: 0 Default Frontend: Storage Controller Name (0): IDE Storage Controller Type (0): PIIX4 Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0 Storage Controller Max Port Count (0): 2 Storage Controller Port Count (0): 2 Storage Controller Bootable (0): on IDE (0, 0): /VM/smtplocal/Debian_smtp.vdi (UUID: 43bcdc7b-d5ce-41e5-af38-8c8522b9c86e) IDE (1, 0): /VM/debian-8.5.0-i386-netinst.iso (UUID: 8f960790-9051-4ae1-896a-c34e6cc58789) NIC 1: MAC: 0800274846DA, Attachment: Bridged Interface 'eth0', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: Am79C973, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none NIC 2: disabled NIC 3: disabled NIC 4: disabled NIC 5: disabled NIC 6: disabled NIC 7: disabled NIC 8: disabled Pointing Device: PS/2 Mouse Keyboard Device: PS/2 Keyboard UART 1: disabled UART 2: disabled LPT 1: disabled LPT 2: disabled Audio: disabled Clipboard Mode: disabled Drag'n'drop Mode: disabled Session type: headless Video mode: 640x480x24 at 0,0 VRDE: enabled (Address, Ports 3390, MultiConn: off, ReuseSingleConn: off, Authentication type: null) VRDE port: 3390 Video redirection: enabled (Quality 75) VRDE property: TCP/Ports = "3390" VRDE property: TCP/Address = "" VRDE property: VideoChannel/Enabled = "true" VRDE property: VideoChannel/Quality = "75" VRDE property: VideoChannel/DownscaleProtection = <not set> VRDE property: Client/DisableDisplay = "1" VRDE property: Client/DisableInput = <not set> VRDE property: Client/DisableAudio = <not set> VRDE property: Client/DisableUSB = <not set> VRDE property: Client/DisableClipboard = <not set> VRDE property: Client/DisableUpstreamAudio = <not set> VRDE property: Client/DisableRDPDR = <not set> VRDE property: H3DRedirect/Enabled = <not set> VRDE property: Security/Method = <not set> VRDE property: Security/ServerCertificate = <not set> VRDE property: Security/ServerPrivateKey = <not set> VRDE property: Security/CACertificate = <not set> VRDE property: Audio/RateCorrectionMode = <not set> VRDE property: Audio/LogPath = <not set> USB: disabled EHCI: disabled USB Device Filters: <none> Available remote USB devices: <none> Currently Attached USB Devices: <none> Bandwidth groups: <none> Shared folders: <none> VRDE Connection: active Clients so far: 4 Start time: 2016/07/13 09:05:40 UTC Sent: 1716 Bytes Average speed: 525 B/s Sent total: 1716 Bytes Received: 3699 Bytes Speed: 1133 B/s Received total: 3699 Bytes User name: Domain: Client name: DESKTOP-QU7EFTR Client IP: Client version: 10586 Encryption: RDP4 Video capturing: not active Capture screens: 0 Capture file: /root/VirtualBox VMs/SmtpLocal/SmtpLocal.webm Capture dimensions: 1024x768 Capture rate: 512 kbps Capture FPS: 25 Guest: Configured memory balloon size: 0 MB OS type: Debian Additions run level: 0 Guest Facilities: No active facilities.
Strony: 1