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Prosimy o pomoc dla małej Julki — przekaż 1% podatku na Fundacji Dzieciom zdazyć z Pomocą.
Więcej informacji na
Odinstalowuje i instaluje na nowo lecz niestety nie działa.
2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: --------------------------- 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: wicd initializing... 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: --------------------------- 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: wicd is version 768 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: setting backend to external 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: trying to load backend external 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: successfully loaded backend external 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: trying to load backend external 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: successfully loaded backend external 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: Automatically detected wireless interface wlp12s0 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: setting wireless interface wlp12s0 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: automatically detected wired interface enp4s0 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: setting wired interface enp4s0 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: setting wpa driver wext 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: setting use global dns to False 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: setting global dns 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: global dns servers are None None None 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: domain is None 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: search domain is None 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops True 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: Setting dhcp client to 0 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: Wireless configuration file found... 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: Wired configuration file found... 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: dhclient.conf.template not found, copying... 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: File "/usr/share/wicd/daemon/", line 1859, in <module> 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: main(sys.argv) 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: File "/usr/share/wicd/daemon/", line 1822, in main 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: daemon = WicdDaemon(wicd_bus, auto_connect=auto_connect) 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: File "/usr/share/wicd/daemon/", line 116, in __init__ 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: self.ReadConfig() 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: File "/usr/share/wicd/daemon/", line 913, in ReadConfig 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: shutil.copy(dhclient_conf + ".default", dhclient_conf) 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 119, in copy 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: copyfile(src, dst) 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 82, in copyfile 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc: 2015/09/03 17:01:16 :: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/wicd/dhclient.conf.template.default' root@debian:/var/log/wicd#
wget -O /etc/wicd/dhclient.conf.template.default
Dzięki mati, program mi się już uruchamia lecz nie wyszukuje mi sieci bezprzewodowych :(
2015/09/03 18:10:08 :: wicd initializing... 2015/09/03 18:10:08 :: --------------------------- 2015/09/03 18:10:08 :: wicd is version 768 2015/09/03 18:10:08 :: setting backend to external 2015/09/03 18:10:08 :: trying to load backend external 2015/09/03 18:10:08 :: successfully loaded backend external 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: trying to load backend external 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: successfully loaded backend external 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: Automatically detected wireless interface wlp12s0 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: setting wireless interface wlp12s0 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: automatically detected wired interface enp4s0 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: setting wired interface enp4s0 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: setting wpa driver wext 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: setting use global dns to False 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: setting global dns 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: global dns servers are None None None 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: domain is None 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: search domain is None 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops True 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: Setting dhcp client to 0 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: Wireless configuration file found... 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: Wired configuration file found... 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: chmoding configuration files 0600... 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: chowning configuration files root:root... 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: Using wireless interface...wlp12s0 2015/09/03 18:10:09 :: Using wired interface...enp4s0 2015/09/03 18:10:14 :: Autoconnecting... 2015/09/03 18:10:16 :: No wired connection present, attempting to autoconnect to wireless network 2015/09/03 18:10:18 :: Unable to autoconnect, you'll have to manually connect 2015/09/03 18:10:19 :: Autoconnecting... 2015/09/03 18:10:19 :: No wired connection present, attempting to autoconnect to wireless network 2015/09/03 18:10:22 :: Unable to autoconnect, you'll have to manually connect 2015/09/03 18:10:24 :: Autoconnecting... 2015/09/03 18:10:24 :: No wired connection present, attempting to autoconnect to wireless network 2015/09/03 18:10:27 :: Unable to autoconnect, you'll have to manually connect 2015/09/03 18:10:29 :: Autoconnecting... 2015/09/03 18:10:29 :: No wired connection present, attempting to autoconnect to wireless network 2015/09/03 18:10:32 :: Unable to autoconnect, you'll have to manually connect 2015/09/03 18:11:33 :: attempting to set hostname with dhclient 2015/09/03 18:11:33 :: using dhcpcd or another supported client may work better 2015/09/03 18:11:34 :: attempting to set hostname with dhclient 2015/09/03 18:11:34 :: using dhcpcd or another supported client may work better
Ostatnio edytowany przez uzytkownikubunt (2016-12-01 01:23:15)
Gdy Ci się już uruchamia, to kliknij RfKill. Potem Odśwież
uzytkownikubunt napisał(-a):
purge próbowałeś?
apt-get --purge remove wicd wicd-daemon wicd-gtk && apt-get install wicd wicd-daemon
Wielkie dzięki - pomogło :)