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Chciałbym zbudować w iptables taki firewall, który by umożliwiał jakiekolwiek połączenia sieciowe tylko wtedy, kiedy jestem połączony z VPNem. Jeśli nie ma połączenia lub zostało ono zerwane to chciałbym aby cały ruch sieciowy był zablokowany. Nie chciałbym też aby firewall miał wpływ na szybkość działania aplikacji np. p2p. Aktualnie mam coś takiego(zbudowane na podstawie google):
#!/bin/bash # iptables setup on a local pc # dropping all traffic not going trough vpn # allowes traffic in local area network FW="/sbin/iptables" LCL="" #all interfaces from which we will be able to connect to VPN local_interfaces=(eth0 wlan0) virtual_interface="tun0" #BolehVPN fully routed servers servers=( #BR4 (LUX) #BRLU01 (LUX) #BRLU02 (LUX) #BRLU03 (LUX) #Netherlands #Netherlands #Sweden #Switzerland #Switzerland #UK #UK #USA ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove old rules and tables #--------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Deleting old iptables rules..." #deleting all previous rules for all tables iptables -F #delete all previous user defined rules for all tables iptables -X #deleting all previous rules for nat table iptables -t nat -F #delete all previous user defined rules for nat table iptables -t nat -X #deleting all previous rules for mangle table iptables -t mangle -F #delete all previous user defined rules for mangle table iptables -t mangle -X echo "Setting up new rules..." #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Default Policy - Drop anything! #--------------------------------------------------------------- #drop all packeges that come in PC $FW -P INPUT DROP #drop all packeges that are routed using PC $FW -P FORWARD DROP #drop all packeges that from PC $FW -P OUTPUT DROP #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow all local connections via loopback. #--------------------------------------------------------------- $FW -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT $FW -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow Multicast for local network. what this is for? #--------------------------------------------------------------- for interface in ${local_interfaces[*]} do $FW -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p igmp -s $LCL -d -i $interface $FW -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -p igmp -s $LCL -d -o $interface done #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow all bidirectional traffic from your firewall to the # local area network #--------------------------------------------------------------- for interface in ${local_interfaces[*]} do $FW -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -s $LCL -i $interface $FW -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -d $LCL -o $interface done #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow all bidirectional traffic from your firewall to the # virtual privat network #--------------------------------------------------------------- $FW -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -i $virtual_interface $FW -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -o $virtual_interface #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Connection to BolehVPN servers (UDP 443) through all interfaces #--------------------------------------------------------------- server_count=${#servers[@]} for (( c = 0; c < $server_count; c++ )) do for interface in ${local_interfaces[*]} do $FW -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p udp -s ${servers[c]} --sport 443 -i $interface $FW -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -p udp -d ${servers[c]} --dport 443 -o $interface done done #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Log all dropped packages, debug only. # View in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages #--------------------------------------------------------------- #iptables -N logging #iptables -A INPUT -j logging #iptables -A OUTPUT -j logging #iptables -A logging -m limit --limit 2/min -j LOG --log-prefix "IPTables general: " --log-level 7 #iptables -A logging -j DROP
I działą tzn. jak nie jestem połączony z VPN-em to nie mam internetu po podłączeniu internet jest. Pytanie tylko czy nie ma gdzieś jakichś błędów? Czy taki firewall zabezpiecza mnie przed DNS leaks?
Z góry dziękuje za pomoc
Ostatnio edytowany przez latorion (2013-05-02 10:28:28)