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Więcej informacji na
Strony: 1
Ostatnio dostałem do administracji serwer z redhatem , podczas używania yum dostaje
There was an error communicating with RHN.
RHN support will be disabled.
Error Message:
Service not enabled for system profile: "zircon11"
Error Class Code: 31
Error Class Info:
This system does not have a valid entitlement for Red Hat Network.
Please visit
or login at, and from the "Your RHN" tab,
select "Subscription Management" to enable RHN service for this system.
Your organization does not have enough Management entitlements to register this
system to Red Hat Network. Please notify your organization administrator of this error.
You should be able to register this system after your organization frees existing
or purchases additional entitlements. Additional entitlements may be purchased by your
organization administrator by logging into Red Hat Network and visiting
the 'Subscription Management' page in the 'Your RHN' section of RHN.
A common cause of this error code is due to having mistakenly setup an
Activation Key which is set as the universal default. If an activation key is set
on the account as a universal default, you can disable this key and retry to avoid
requiring a Management entitlement.
To znaczy że nie dęde miał miał dostępu do niektórych repo dopóki nie zarejestruje systemu na stronie?
która to wersja RH ?
Strony: 1