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Więcej informacji na
gdy włączę spod konsoli operkę widzę piękny napis:
opera: X Shared memory extension is not available. ZPixmap not supported
Jako, że używam zamkniętych sterowników nvidii to poniższa opcja dodana do xorg'a nic nie daje
Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"
Co zrobić aby wymusić XAA na zamkniętych sterach nvidii?
Ostatnio edytowany przez (2009-01-28 14:35:38)
Tez używam opery i sterowników nvidii i żaden taki komunikat nie występuje.
Pokaz tego xorga.
Ja mam tak i w pracy.. i w domu.. najgorsze, że przez to przymula sama opera.. :(
btw zadna z opcji uzytych w konfiguracji sterownika nie powoduje tego efektu.. na czystym xorgu jest tak samo
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings # nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder63) Tue Jan 6 10:03:55 PST 2009 Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Layout0" Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0 InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard" InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer" EndSection Section "Files" EndSection Section "Module" Load "dbe" Load "xaa" Load "extmod" Load "type1" Load "freetype" Load "glx" EndSection Section "ServerFlags" Option "Xinerama" "0" EndSection Section "InputDevice" # generated from default Identifier "Mouse0" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "auto" Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "no" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" EndSection Section "InputDevice" # generated from default Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" EndSection Section "Monitor" # HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "Unknown" ModelName "LG L1753TR" HorizSync 30.0 - 83.0 VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0 Option "DPMS" EndSection Section "Monitor" # HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid Identifier "Monitor1" VendorName "Unknown" ModelName "LG L1753TR" HorizSync 30.0 - 83.0 VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0 Option "DPMS" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Device0" Driver "nvidia" VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation" BoardName "GeForce 7300 GT" Option "Coolbits" "1" Option "NoLogo" Option "BackingStore" "True" Option "RenderAccel" "true" Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true" Option "DamageEvents" "True" Option "UseEvents" "False" Option "DPMS" "true" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Device1" Driver "nvidia" VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation" BoardName "GeForce 7300 GT" Option "Coolbits" "1" Option "NoLogo" Option "BackingStore" "True" Option "RenderAccel" "true" Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true" Option "DamageEvents" "True" Option "UseEvents" "False" Option "DPMS" "true" BusID "PCI:3:0:0" Screen 1 EndSection Section "Screen" # Removed Option "TwinView" "0" # Removed Option "metamodes" "DFP: 1280x1024 +0+0" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Device0" Monitor "Monitor0" DefaultDepth 24 Option "TwinView" "1" Option "TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP-0" Option "metamodes" "CRT: 1280x1024 +1280+0, DFP: 1280x1024 +0+0;CRT: NULL, DFP: 1280x1024 +0+0" SubSection "Display" Depth 24 EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen1" Device "Device1" Monitor "Monitor1" DefaultDepth 24 Option "TwinView" "0" Option "TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder" "CRT-0" Option "metamodes" "CRT: 1280x1024 +0+0" SubSection "Display" Depth 24 EndSubSection EndSection #Section "Extensions" # Option "Composite" "Enable" #EndSection
Ja mam tak.
Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Default Layout" Screen "Default Screen" 0 0 InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" InputDevice "Configured Mouse" EndSection Section "Files" # path to defoma fonts FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi" FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType" EndSection Section "Module" Load "i2c" Load "bitmap" Load "ddc" Load "extmod" Load "freetype" Load "glx" Load "int10" Load "vbe" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Generic Keyboard" Driver "kbd" Option "CoreKeyboard" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "pc105" Option "XkbLayout" "pl" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "mouse" Option "CorePointer" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "H1770NST/L" Option "DPMS" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440]" Driver "nvidia" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Device "nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440]" Monitor "H1770NST/L" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Depth 1 Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 4 Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 8 Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 15 Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubSection EndSection
Używasz nvidia-glx czy binarki ze strony nvidii ?
Wydaje mi się, że masz glx'y
Binarki ze strony nvidia.
To nie wiem.. mój xorg wygenerował panel nvidii.. być może generuje inne/różne xorgi dla starszych i nowszych kart...
fakt faktem nie wiem co zrobić z tym :/
Sprobuj mojego xorga (ze zmianami pod Twój sprzęt) albo wygeneruj za pomoca X -configure
Spróbuj na próbe popodmieniać moze będzie ok.
wygenerowalem sobie nowego xorga.. automatycznie przydzielil sterownik "nv" do karty. Na tym sterowniku jest ok :)
Przy ustawieniu na "nvidia" nadal ten komunikat :(