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Strony: 1
fetchmail nie da rady?
procmail + jakiś zmyślny skrypcik powinien dać radę.
Taki mały skrypcik do zapisywania załączników z pliku emaila do jakiegoś katalogu. Powinien działać.
Jako parametr podaje się plik emaila. Można też podać docelowy katalog do zapisu, ale nie wiem czy działa, nie przetestowałem dobrze skryptu.
#!/usr/bin/env python import base64 import email import sys from os.path import exists, normpath from re import match, search switches = { 'catalog':['-c','--catalog'], } args = sys.argv[1:] decode = base64.standard_b64decode default_dir = '/tmp' def parse_args(args,switches): """Save all passed switches to params dictions. Reast of argumets are treated like filenames. Keyword arguments: args - list of command lines argumets switches - dict of defined command switches """ params = dict() for i,switch in enumerate(switches,1): tmp_switch = switches[switch] for j in tmp_switch: if j in args: index = args.index(j) try: params.update({switch:args.pop(index+1)}) except IndexError: print "Not given value for %s switch" % j args.pop(index) return params def save_attachments(mail_file,dir=default_dir): """Save attachments from email. Keywords arguments: mail_file - file object dir - string dir to save attachments into """ mail = email.message_from_file(mail_file) item = 'Content-Disposition' for i in mail.get_payload(): items = dict(i.items()) if item in items.keys(): if match(r'^attachment',items[item]): file = decode(i.get_payload()) # Create file object for attachment. match_name = search(r'filename="(.*)"',items[item]) a_file_name = dest_dir_param = 'catalog' if dest_dir_param in params.keys(): dir = params[dest_dir_param] file_path = ''.join([default_dir,'/',a_file_name]) file_path = normpath(file_path) ap = open(file_path,'w') ap.write(file) ap.close() params = parse_args(args,switches) for mail_file in args: if exists(mail_file): mf = open(mail_file,'r') save_attachments(mf,default_dir) mf.close()
Strony: 1