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Więcej informacji na
Jak w temacie. Jak należy prawidłowo edytować plik sysv-rc-conf by nie trzeba było wprowadzać każdorazowo zmian/poprawek w kernelu po każdym uruchomieniu?
[yampress@debian ~]$ aptitude search sysv-rc-conf
p sysv-rc-conf - Narzędzie konfiguracji poziomów rozruchu S
[yampress@debian ~]$
To narzędzie działało chyba jeszcze w wydaniach debiana przed systemd...
Ostatnio edytowany przez uzytkownikubunt (2016-12-01 01:19:23)
Chodzi o monity awarri virtualboxa przy próbie uruchomienia vmki. Przed każdym pierwszym uruchomieniem muszę wykonać jako root
user@host:~$ su Hasło: root@host:/home/user# /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
No ale do tego nie potrzeba sysv-rc-conf ...
To nie żadna awaria. On Ci po prostu w trakcie instalacji nie zbudował modułów. A nie zbudował bo brak mu było zależności, dzięki którym by zbudował.
Wchodzisz tak jak każą w ten katalog i uruchamiasz polecenie....
Oczywiście headersy i kernel-kbuil musisz mieć zainstalowane...
Jeśli to polecenie nie podziała to to odinstaluj virtualbxa i zainstaluj go od nowa..
Instalowałeś virtualboxa z repo czy ze strony?
Dodałem repo z oracle i zainstalowałem najnowszego virtualboxa. Po każdym uruchomieniu komputera i pierwszej próbie uruchomienia dowolnej maszyny wirtualnej pojawiają się monity
Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root. If it is available in your distribution, you should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.
Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Whonix-Gateway. The virtual machine 'Whonix-Gateway' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Whonix-Gateway. The virtual machine 'Whonix-Gateway' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: Machine Interface: IMachine {480cf695-2d8d-4256-9c7c-cce4184fa048}
Virtualboxa próbowałem już przeinstalować i problem się powtarza.
Ostatnio edytowany przez alfa444 (2015-06-21 22:53:03)
A po tym:
'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'
Nie zmieniasz za każdym razem wersji kernela?
Na wszelki wypadek zainstaluj:
gnejusz pompejusz napisał(-a):
Na wszelki wypadek zainstaluj:
Na wszelki wypadek wyłączyłbym repo z Oracle, wywalił Virtualbox'a i wrzucił wersję z repo:
logan@toshiba:~$ dpkg -l | grep virtualbox ii virtualbox 4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3 amd64 x86 virtualization solution - base binaries ii virtualbox-dkms 4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3 all x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources for dkms ii virtualbox-guest-additions-iso 4.3.18-3 all guest additions iso image for VirtualBox ii virtualbox-qt 4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3 amd64 x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface
A po tym:
'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'Działa?
Po tym działa, ale muszę tą czynność powtarzać zawsze po każdym uruchomieniu komputera.
Na wszelki wypadek wyłączyłbym repo z Oracle, wywalił Virtualbox'a i wrzucił wersję z repo:
Ale ten nowszy VirtualBox -4.3.28, jest przecież lepszy? Czy nie da się go używać, mając reszte składników z repo debiana jessie/stable (w wersji 4.3.18)?
user@host:~$ dpkg -l | grep virtualbox rc virtualbox 4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3 amd64 x86 virtualization solution - base binaries ii virtualbox-4.3 4.3.28-100309~Debian~wheezy amd64 Oracle VM VirtualBox ii virtualbox-guest-dkms 4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3 all x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module source for dkms ii virtualbox-guest-utils 4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3 amd64 x86 virtualization solution - non-X11 guest utilities ii virtualbox-guest-x11 4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3 amd64 x86 virtualization solution - X11 guest utilities rc virtualbox-qt 4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3 amd64 x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface user@host:~$
Na wszelki wypadek zainstaluj:
To mam, jak widać, ale w wersji 4.3.18...
Ostatnio edytowany przez alfa444 (2015-06-22 20:14:49)
To usuń virtualbox-dkms i zobacz, co się stanie.
Pomyłka. Virtualbox-dkms nie jest zainstalowany. Jak próbuje go wybrać w synapticu to otrzymuje zapowiedź odinstalowania virtualbox 4.3.28 i zainstalowania virtualbox 4.3.18. Powinienem się na to zgodzić?
Myślę, że masz zainstalowane dwie wersje: z repo Oracle i Debiana. Masz pakiet dkms, który przy starcie buduje moduł dla wersji z repo Debiana. Dlatego jak uruchamiasz wersję z repo Oracle potrzeba ponownego zbudowania modułu.
Najlepiej będzie, jeżeli usuniesz jedną z wersji. (np. usuń wszystko i zainstaluj tylko jedną).
Próbowałem tak zrobić. Później okazało się że problem ten sam nadal występuje, do tego mam burdel w sources.list - pokasowała się większość wpisów poza jednym, mimo że nie wprowadzałem tam żadnych modyfikacji. Dzieje się to zarówno wraz z odinstalowaniem virtualbox wersji debianowej, jak i jej zainstalowaniem. Nic podobnego nigdy wcześniej mi się nie przytrafiało.
P.s. Do czego służy folder sources.list.d ? Czy tam też powinien być plik sources.list?
Po reinstalacji problem występuje nadal. Tu jest log z reinstalacji. Oto log z reinstalacji:
user@host:~$ su Hasło: root@host:/home/user# apt-get install virtualbox Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe Budowanie drzewa zależności Odczyt informacji o stanie... Gotowe Package virtualbox is a virtual package provided by: virtualbox-4.3 4.3.28-100309~Debian~wheezy [Not candidate version] E: Package 'virtualbox' has no installation candidate root@host:/home/user# nano /etc/apt/sources.list root@host:/home/user# cp '/home/user/Dokumenty/sources.list' '/etc/apt/' root@host:/home/user# nano /etc/apt/sources.list root@host:/home/user# apt-get remove synaptic Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe Budowanie drzewa zależności Odczyt informacji o stanie... Gotowe Następujące pakiety zostały zainstalowane automatycznie i nie są już więcej wymagane: libafflib0 libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libvncserver0 Aby je usunąć należy użyć "apt-get autoremove". Następujące pakiety zostaną USUNIĘTE: synaptic 0 aktualizowanych, 0 nowo instalowanych, 1 usuwanych i 1 nieaktualizowanych. Po tej operacji zostanie zwolnione 7856 kB miejsca na dysku. Kontynuować? [T/n] t (Odczytywanie bazy danych ... 393734 pliki i katalogi obecnie zainstalowane.) Usuwanie pakietu synaptic (0.81.2) ... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu man-db ( Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu desktop-file-utils (0.22-1)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu mime-support (3.58)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu gnome-menus (3.13.3-6)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu menu (2.1.47)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1)... root@host:/home/user# apt-get install virtualbox synaptic Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe Budowanie drzewa zależności Odczyt informacji o stanie... Gotowe Następujące pakiety zostały zainstalowane automatycznie i nie są już więcej wymagane: libafflib0 libsdl-ttf2.0-0 Aby je usunąć należy użyć "apt-get autoremove". Zostaną zainstalowane następujące dodatkowe pakiety: virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-qt Sugerowane pakiety: dwww deborphan vde2 virtualbox-guest-additions-iso Zostaną zainstalowane następujące NOWE pakiety: synaptic virtualbox virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-qt 0 aktualizowanych, 4 nowo instalowanych, 0 usuwanych i 1 nieaktualizowanych. Konieczne pobranie 1522 kB/22,6 MB archiwów. Po tej operacji zostanie dodatkowo użyte 94,2 MB miejsca na dysku. Kontynuować? [T/n] t Pobieranie:1 stable/main synaptic amd64 0.81.2 [1522 kB] Pobrano 1522 kB w 9s (157 kB/s) Wybieranie wcześniej niewybranego pakietu virtualbox. (Odczytywanie bazy danych ... 393462 pliki i katalogi obecnie zainstalowane.) Przygotowywanie do rozpakowania pakietu .../virtualbox_4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3_amd64.deb ... Rozpakowywanie pakietu virtualbox (4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3) ... Wybieranie wcześniej niewybranego pakietu virtualbox-dkms. Przygotowywanie do rozpakowania pakietu .../virtualbox-dkms_4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3_all.deb ... Rozpakowywanie pakietu virtualbox-dkms (4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3) ... Wybieranie wcześniej niewybranego pakietu virtualbox-qt. Przygotowywanie do rozpakowania pakietu .../virtualbox-qt_4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3_amd64.deb ... Rozpakowywanie pakietu virtualbox-qt (4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3) ... Wybieranie wcześniej niewybranego pakietu synaptic. Przygotowywanie do rozpakowania pakietu .../synaptic_0.81.2_amd64.deb ... Rozpakowywanie pakietu synaptic (0.81.2) ... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu systemd (215-17+deb8u1)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu man-db ( Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu menu (2.1.47)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu shared-mime-info (1.3-1)... Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-alchemy' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-cache' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-cactvs-ascii' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-cactvs-binary' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-cactvs-table' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-cdx' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-cdxml' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-chem3d' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-cif' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-cml' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-daylight-smiles' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-dmol' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-gamess-input' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-gamess-output' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-gaussian-input' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-gaussian-log' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-genbank' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-gulp' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-hin' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-inchi' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-inchi-xml' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-jcamp-dx' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-macromodel-input' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mdl-molfile' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mdl-rdfile' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mdl-rxnfile' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mdl-sdfile' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mdl-tgf' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mmcif' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mol2' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mopac-graph' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mopac-input' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-mopac-out' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-msi-car' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-msi-hessian' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-msi-mdf' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-msi-msi' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-ncbi-asn1' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-ncbi-asn1-binary' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-ncbi-asn1-xml' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-pdb' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-shelx' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-vmd' Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-xyz' Unknown media type in type 'all/all' Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles' Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms' Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst' Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu' Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm' Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt' Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu' Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu desktop-file-utils (0.22-1)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu mime-support (3.58)... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu gnome-menus (3.13.3-6)... Konfigurowanie pakietu virtualbox (4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3) ... insserv: script vboxdrv: service vboxdrv already provided! Konfigurowanie pakietu virtualbox-dkms (4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3) ... Loading new virtualbox-4.3.18 DKMS files... First Installation: checking all kernels... Building only for 3.16.0-4-amd64 Building initial module for 3.16.0-4-amd64 Done. vboxdrv: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/updates/dkms/ vboxnetadp.ko: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/updates/dkms/ vboxnetflt.ko: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/updates/dkms/ vboxpci.ko: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/updates/dkms/ depmod.... DKMS: install completed. Konfigurowanie pakietu virtualbox-qt (4.3.18-dfsg-3+deb8u3) ... Konfigurowanie pakietu synaptic (0.81.2) ... Przetwarzanie wyzwalaczy pakietu menu (2.1.47)... root@host:/home/user# nano /etc/apt/sources.list root@host:/home/user# nano /etc/apt/sources.list root@host:/home/user#
Oto obecny stan mojej sources.list (stan po reinstalacji virtualbox):
GNU nano 2.2.6 Plik: /etc/apt/sources.list deb jessie contrib main non-free [ Wczytano 1 linię ] ^G Pomoc ^O Zapisz ^R Wczyt.plik^Y Poprz.str.^K Wytnij ^C Bież.poz. ^X Wyjdź ^J Wyjustuj ^W Wyszukaj ^V Nast.str. ^U Wklej ^T Pisownia
W synapticu nie da się zaznaczyć/odznaczyć sekcji repozytoriów (contrib, nonfree, itp.) - brak reakcji pól zaznaczenia, stąd zreinstalowałem też synaptica - bez rezultatu.
Ostatnio edytowany przez alfa444 (2015-06-24 18:19:23)
alfa444 napisał(-a):
Do czego służy folder sources.list.d ? Czy tam też powinien być plik sources.list?
Można podzielić wpisy na oddzielne pliki.
Operacja, która działała przy pakiecie z repo oracle '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' , nie działa przy wersji debianowej
root@host:/home/user# /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules ...done. Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: 302: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/do_dkms: not found ...done. Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: 327: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/do_dkms: not found ...failed! (Failed, trying without DKMS) Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules ...failed! (Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong) root@host:/home/user#
Tu wykonałem jeszcze polecenia /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start oraz dmseg
user@host:~$ /etc/init.d/vboxdrv Usage: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv {start|stop|stop_vms|restart|force-reload|status|setup} user@host:~$ /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start Starting VirtualBox kernel modules ...failed! (modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why) user@host:~$ dmesg [ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset [ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu [ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct [ 0.000000] Linux version 3.16.0-4-amd64 ( (gcc version 4.8.4 (Debian 4.8.4-1) ) #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1 (2015-05-24) [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64 root=/dev/mapper/LVM-ROOT ro quiet [ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map: [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000097bff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000097c00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000e1000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x00000000bdd7ffff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bdd80000-0x00000000bdd8efff] ACPI data [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bdd8f000-0x00000000bdddffff] ACPI NVS [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bdde0000-0x00000000bddfffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed20000-0x00000000fed3ffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fee00000-0x00000000fee00fff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000ffb00000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x000000013fffffff] usable [ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active [ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.5 present. [ 0.000000] DMI: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. K50IJ /K50IJ , BIOS 218 04/09/2010 [ 0.000000] e820: update [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff] usable ==> reserved [ 0.000000] e820: remove [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff] usable [ 0.000000] AGP: No AGP bridge found [ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x140000 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000 [ 0.000000] MTRR default type: uncachable [ 0.000000] MTRR fixed ranges enabled: [ 0.000000] 00000-9FFFF write-back [ 0.000000] A0000-BFFFF uncachable [ 0.000000] C0000-D3FFF write-protect [ 0.000000] D4000-DFFFF uncachable [ 0.000000] E0000-EFFFF write-through [ 0.000000] F0000-FFFFF write-protect [ 0.000000] MTRR variable ranges enabled: [ 0.000000] 0 base 000000000 mask F00000000 write-back [ 0.000000] 1 base 100000000 mask FC0000000 write-back [ 0.000000] 2 base 0C0000000 mask FC0000000 uncachable [ 0.000000] 3 base 0BDE00000 mask FFFE00000 uncachable [ 0.000000] 4 base 0BE000000 mask FFE000000 uncachable [ 0.000000] 5 disabled [ 0.000000] 6 disabled [ 0.000000] 7 disabled [ 0.000000] x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106 [ 0.000000] e820: update [mem 0xbde00000-0xffffffff] usable ==> reserved [ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0xbdd80 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000 [ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000ff780-0x000ff78f] mapped at [ffff8800000ff780] [ 0.000000] Base memory trampoline at [ffff880000091000] 91000 size 24576 [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff] [ 0.000000] [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff] page 4k [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01af4000, 0x01af4fff] PGTABLE [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01af5000, 0x01af5fff] PGTABLE [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01af6000, 0x01af6fff] PGTABLE [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x13fe00000-0x13fffffff] [ 0.000000] [mem 0x13fe00000-0x13fffffff] page 2M [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01af7000, 0x01af7fff] PGTABLE [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x13c000000-0x13fdfffff] [ 0.000000] [mem 0x13c000000-0x13fdfffff] page 2M [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x100000000-0x13bffffff] [ 0.000000] [mem 0x100000000-0x13bffffff] page 2M [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00100000-0xbdd7ffff] [ 0.000000] [mem 0x00100000-0x001fffff] page 4k [ 0.000000] [mem 0x00200000-0xbdbfffff] page 2M [ 0.000000] [mem 0xbdc00000-0xbdd7ffff] page 4k [ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x35f7a000-0x36fb4fff] [ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F93E0 000024 (v02 ACPIAM) [ 0.000000] ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000BDD80100 000084 (v01 040910 XSDT1622 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x00000000BDD80290 0000F4 (v03 040910 FACP1622 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Gpe0Block: 128/64 (20140424/tbfadt-618) [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000BDD80680 00D06F (v01 K50IJ K50IJ218 00000218 INTL 20051117) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x00000000BDD8F000 000040 [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x00000000BDD80390 00005C (v01 040910 APIC1622 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: MCFG 0x00000000BDD80430 00003C (v01 040910 OEMMCFG 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMX 0x00000000BDD80470 000176 (v01 040910 OEMX1622 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: ECDT 0x00000000BDD80620 000054 (v01 040910 OEMECDT 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: DBGP 0x00000000BDD803F0 000034 (v01 040910 DBGP1622 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: BOOT 0x00000000BDD805F0 000028 (v01 040910 BOOT1622 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMB 0x00000000BDD8F040 000071 (v01 040910 OEMB1622 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: HPET 0x00000000BDD8D6F0 000038 (v01 040910 OEMHPET 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: GSCI 0x00000000BDD8F0C0 002024 (v01 040910 GMCHSCI 20100409 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: ATKG 0x00000000BDD912F0 008024 (v01 022008 OEMATKG 20080220 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000BDD99E00 0004F0 (v01 PmRef CpuPm 00003000 INTL 20051117) [ 0.000000] ACPI: DMI detected: ASUS K50IJ [ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000 [ 0.000000] No NUMA configuration found [ 0.000000] Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000013fffffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x00000000-0x13fffffff] [ 0.000000] NODE_DATA [mem 0x13fff8000-0x13fffcfff] [ 0.000000] [ffffea0000000000-ffffea00045fffff] PMD -> [ffff88013b600000-ffff88013edfffff] on node 0 [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x00001000-0x00ffffff] [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x01000000-0xffffffff] [ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x100000000-0x13fffffff] [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00001000-0x00096fff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00100000-0xbdd7ffff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x100000000-0x13fffffff] [ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 1039638 [ 0.000000] DMA zone: 56 pages used for memmap [ 0.000000] DMA zone: 21 pages reserved [ 0.000000] DMA zone: 3990 pages, LIFO batch:0 [ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 10576 pages used for memmap [ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 773504 pages, LIFO batch:31 [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 3584 pages used for memmap [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 262144 pages, LIFO batch:31 [ 0.000000] Reserving Intel graphics stolen memory at 0xbe000000-0xbfffffff [ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x808 [ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000 [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x00] enabled) [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x01] enabled) [ 0.000000] ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x02] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0]) [ 0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 2, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23 [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl) [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level) [ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ0 used by override. [ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ2 used by override. [ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ9 used by override. [ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information [ 0.000000] ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a301 base: 0xfed00000 [ 0.000000] smpboot: Allowing 2 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs [ 0.000000] nr_irqs_gsi: 40 [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00097000-0x00097fff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00098000-0x0009ffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000a0000-0x000e0fff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000e1000-0x000fffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbdd80000-0xbdd8efff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbdd8f000-0xbdddffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbdde0000-0xbddfffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbde00000-0xbdffffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbe000000-0xbfffffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xc0000000-0xfed1ffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfedfffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee01000-0xffafffff] [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xffb00000-0xffffffff] [ 0.000000] e820: [mem 0xc0000000-0xfed1ffff] available for PCI devices [ 0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware [ 0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:512 nr_cpumask_bits:512 nr_cpu_ids:2 nr_node_ids:1 [ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 27 pages/cpu @ffff88013fc00000 s80896 r8192 d21504 u1048576 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s80896 r8192 d21504 u1048576 alloc=1*2097152 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 1 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 1025401 [ 0.000000] Policy zone: Normal [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64 root=/dev/mapper/LVM-ROOT ro quiet [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) [ 0.000000] xsave: enabled xstate_bv 0x3, cntxt size 0x240 [ 0.000000] AGP: Checking aperture... [ 0.000000] AGP: No AGP bridge found [ 0.000000] Calgary: detecting Calgary via BIOS EBDA area [ 0.000000] Calgary: Unable to locate Rio Grande table in EBDA - bailing! [ 0.000000] Memory: 4006716K/4158552K available (5209K kernel code, 946K rwdata, 1832K rodata, 1204K init, 840K bss, 151836K reserved) [ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] RCU dyntick-idle grace-period acceleration is enabled. [ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=512 to nr_cpu_ids=2. [ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=2 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:33024 nr_irqs:512 16 [ 0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 [ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled [ 0.000000] hpet clockevent registered [ 0.000000] tsc: Fast TSC calibration using PIT [ 0.000000] tsc: Detected 2194.555 MHz processor [ 0.004012] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 4389.11 BogoMIPS (lpj=8778220) [ 0.004016] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.004026] ACPI: Core revision 20140424 [ 0.018538] ACPI: All ACPI Tables successfully acquired [ 0.020046] Security Framework initialized [ 0.020060] AppArmor: AppArmor disabled by boot time parameter [ 0.020061] Yama: disabled by default; enable with sysctl kernel.yama.* [ 0.020408] Dentry cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes) [ 0.025639] Inode-cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes) [ 0.026692] Mount-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.026701] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.027080] Initializing cgroup subsys memory [ 0.027088] Initializing cgroup subsys devices [ 0.027100] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer [ 0.027103] Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls [ 0.027110] Initializing cgroup subsys blkio [ 0.027116] Initializing cgroup subsys perf_event [ 0.027118] Initializing cgroup subsys net_prio [ 0.027152] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0 [ 0.027154] CPU: Processor Core ID: 0 [ 0.027157] mce: CPU supports 6 MCE banks [ 0.027165] CPU0: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI [ 0.027169] process: using mwait in idle threads [ 0.027175] Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 128, 2MB 4, 4MB 4 Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 256, 2MB 0, 4MB 32, 1GB 0 tlb_flushall_shift: -1 [ 0.027274] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 20K (ffffffff81a1b000 - ffffffff81a20000) [ 0.028833] ftrace: allocating 21623 entries in 85 pages [ 0.040216] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1 [ 0.080190] smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz (fam: 06, model: 17, stepping: 0a) [ 0.084000] Performance Events: PEBS fmt0+, 4-deep LBR, Core2 events, Intel PMU driver. [ 0.084000] ... version: 2 [ 0.084000] ... bit width: 40 [ 0.084000] ... generic registers: 2 [ 0.084000] ... value mask: 000000ffffffffff [ 0.084000] ... max period: 000000007fffffff [ 0.084000] ... fixed-purpose events: 3 [ 0.084000] ... event mask: 0000000700000003 [ 0.084000] x86: Booting SMP configuration: [ 0.084000] .... node #0, CPUs: #1 [ 0.008000] CPU1: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI [ 0.095261] x86: Booted up 1 node, 2 CPUs [ 0.095266] smpboot: Total of 2 processors activated (8778.22 BogoMIPS) [ 0.095357] NMI watchdog: enabled on all CPUs, permanently consumes one hw-PMU counter. [ 0.096156] devtmpfs: initialized [ 0.100611] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xbdd8f000-0xbdddffff] (331776 bytes) [ 0.101804] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.101899] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.102043] cpuidle: using governor ladder [ 0.102046] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 0.102086] ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support PCIe ASPM, so disable it [ 0.102089] ACPI: bus type PCI registered [ 0.102091] acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5 [ 0.102191] PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000) [ 0.102194] PCI: not using MMCONFIG [ 0.102196] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access [ 0.112082] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device) [ 0.112082] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device) [ 0.112082] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions) [ 0.112082] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device) [ 0.112082] ACPI: Deleted _OSI(Windows 2009) [ 0.117537] ACPI : EC: EC description table is found, configuring boot EC [ 0.125337] ACPI: Executed 1 blocks of module-level executable AML code [ 0.127552] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored [ 0.136341] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load: [ 0.136349] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF88013A906000 000206 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20051117) [ 0.136939] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load: [ 0.136946] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF88013A905000 000765 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20051117) [ 0.137780] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load: [ 0.137786] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF88013A8D6200 0000CC (v01 PmRef Cpu1Ist 00003000 INTL 20051117) [ 0.138297] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load: [ 0.138302] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF88013A8FBC40 000085 (v01 PmRef Cpu1Cst 00003000 INTL 20051117) [ 0.139012] ACPI: Interpreter enabled [ 0.139021] ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S1_] (20140424/hwxface-580) [ 0.139026] ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S2_] (20140424/hwxface-580) [ 0.139042] ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5) [ 0.139044] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing [ 0.139072] PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000) [ 0.139072] PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] reserved in ACPI motherboard resources [ 0.139072] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug [ 0.145724] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff]) [ 0.145731] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC: OS supports [ExtendedConfig ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI] [ 0.146082] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC: OS now controls [PCIeHotplug PME AER PCIeCapability] [ 0.146417] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.146420] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.146423] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0x0cf7] [ 0.146425] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0d00-0xffff] [ 0.146427] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] [ 0.146430] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff] [ 0.146432] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xbde00000-0xffffffff] [ 0.146442] pci 0000:00:00.0: [8086:2a40] type 00 class 0x060000 [ 0.146466] DMAR: Forcing write-buffer flush capability [ 0.146467] DMAR: Disabling IOMMU for graphics on this chipset [ 0.146561] pci 0000:00:02.0: [8086:2a42] type 00 class 0x030000 [ 0.146576] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xfe400000-0xfe7fffff 64bit] [ 0.146584] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0xd0000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref] [ 0.146590] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x20: [io 0xdc00-0xdc07] [ 0.146695] pci 0000:00:02.1: [8086:2a43] type 00 class 0x038000 [ 0.146707] pci 0000:00:02.1: reg 0x10: [mem 0xfe800000-0xfe8fffff 64bit] [ 0.146861] pci 0000:00:1a.0: [8086:2937] type 00 class 0x0c0300 [ 0.146925] pci 0000:00:1a.0: reg 0x20: [io 0xd880-0xd89f] [ 0.147045] pci 0000:00:1a.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.147103] pci 0000:00:1a.1: [8086:2938] type 00 class 0x0c0300 [ 0.147167] pci 0000:00:1a.1: reg 0x20: [io 0xd800-0xd81f] [ 0.147284] pci 0000:00:1a.1: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.147342] pci 0000:00:1a.2: [8086:2939] type 00 class 0x0c0300 [ 0.147406] pci 0000:00:1a.2: reg 0x20: [io 0xd480-0xd49f] [ 0.147524] pci 0000:00:1a.2: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.147594] pci 0000:00:1a.7: [8086:293c] type 00 class 0x0c0320 [ 0.147623] pci 0000:00:1a.7: reg 0x10: [mem 0xfe9fbc00-0xfe9fbfff] [ 0.147746] pci 0000:00:1a.7: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold [ 0.147837] pci 0000:00:1a.7: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.147904] pci 0000:00:1b.0: [8086:293e] type 00 class 0x040300 [ 0.147931] pci 0000:00:1b.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xfe9f4000-0xfe9f7fff 64bit] [ 0.148050] pci 0000:00:1b.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold [ 0.148103] pci 0000:00:1b.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.148163] pci 0000:00:1c.0: [8086:2940] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 0.148278] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold [ 0.148334] pci 0000:00:1c.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.148392] pci 0000:00:1c.1: [8086:2942] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 0.148516] pci 0000:00:1c.1: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold [ 0.148630] pci 0000:00:1c.5: [8086:294a] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 0.148753] pci 0000:00:1c.5: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold [ 0.148809] pci 0000:00:1c.5: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.148870] pci 0000:00:1d.0: [8086:2934] type 00 class 0x0c0300 [ 0.148934] pci 0000:00:1d.0: reg 0x20: [io 0xd400-0xd41f] [ 0.149051] pci 0000:00:1d.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.149112] pci 0000:00:1d.1: [8086:2935] type 00 class 0x0c0300 [ 0.149175] pci 0000:00:1d.1: reg 0x20: [io 0xd080-0xd09f] [ 0.149292] pci 0000:00:1d.1: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.149351] pci 0000:00:1d.2: [8086:2936] type 00 class 0x0c0300 [ 0.149415] pci 0000:00:1d.2: reg 0x20: [io 0xd000-0xd01f] [ 0.149533] pci 0000:00:1d.2: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.149604] pci 0000:00:1d.7: [8086:293a] type 00 class 0x0c0320 [ 0.149633] pci 0000:00:1d.7: reg 0x10: [mem 0xfe9fb800-0xfe9fbbff] [ 0.149756] pci 0000:00:1d.7: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold [ 0.149846] pci 0000:00:1d.7: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.149905] pci 0000:00:1e.0: [8086:2448] type 01 class 0x060401 [ 0.150015] pci 0000:00:1e.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.150074] pci 0000:00:1f.0: [8086:2919] type 00 class 0x060100 [ 0.150310] pci 0000:00:1f.2: [8086:2929] type 00 class 0x010601 [ 0.150341] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x10: [io 0xcc00-0xcc07] [ 0.150353] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x14: [io 0xc880-0xc883] [ 0.150365] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x18: [io 0xc800-0xc807] [ 0.150377] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x1c: [io 0xc480-0xc483] [ 0.150389] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x20: [io 0xc400-0xc41f] [ 0.150401] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x24: [mem 0xfe9fb000-0xfe9fb7ff] [ 0.150476] pci 0000:00:1f.2: PME# supported from D3hot [ 0.150656] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 0.150784] pci 0000:02:00.0: [168c:002b] type 00 class 0x028000 [ 0.150820] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xfeaf0000-0xfeafffff 64bit] [ 0.150989] pci 0000:02:00.0: supports D1 [ 0.150991] pci 0000:02:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot D3cold [ 0.160022] pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI bridge to [bus 02] [ 0.160030] pci 0000:00:1c.1: bridge window [mem 0xfea00000-0xfeafffff] [ 0.160155] pci 0000:03:00.0: [1969:1026] type 00 class 0x020000 [ 0.160191] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xfebc0000-0xfebfffff 64bit] [ 0.160207] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 0x18: [io 0xec00-0xec7f] [ 0.160352] pci 0000:03:00.0: PME# supported from D3hot D3cold [ 0.160388] pci 0000:03:00.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI [ 0.168018] pci 0000:00:1c.5: PCI bridge to [bus 03] [ 0.168024] pci 0000:00:1c.5: bridge window [io 0xe000-0xefff] [ 0.168029] pci 0000:00:1c.5: bridge window [mem 0xfeb00000-0xfebfffff] [ 0.168150] pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 04] (subtractive decode) [ 0.168164] pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0cf7] (subtractive decode) [ 0.168166] pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [io 0x0d00-0xffff] (subtractive decode) [ 0.168169] pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] (subtractive decode) [ 0.168171] pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff] (subtractive decode) [ 0.168173] pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0xbde00000-0xffffffff] (subtractive decode) [ 0.168209] acpi PNP0A08:00: Disabling ASPM (FADT indicates it is unsupported) [ 0.168823] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 *10 11 12) [ 0.168885] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 *5 10 12) [ 0.168943] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs *6) [ 0.169001] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *3 4 5 7 10 12) [ 0.169059] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 6) *0, disabled. [ 0.169116] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 *7 10 12) [ 0.169174] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 3 *4 5 6 7 10 12) [ 0.169231] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 *10 12) [ 0.169403] ACPI: Enabled 5 GPEs in block 00 to 3F [ 0.169481] ACPI : EC: GPE = 0x1b, I/O: command/status = 0x66, data = 0x62 [ 0.172019] vgaarb: setting as boot device: PCI:0000:00:02.0 [ 0.172021] vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:00:02.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none [ 0.172027] vgaarb: loaded [ 0.172029] vgaarb: bridge control possible 0000:00:02.0 [ 0.172101] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing [ 0.180699] PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes [ 0.180768] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x00097c00-0x0009ffff] [ 0.180770] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbdd80000-0xbfffffff] [ 0.180944] HPET: 4 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer [ 0.180950] hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0, 0 [ 0.180955] hpet0: 4 comparators, 64-bit 14.318180 MHz counter [ 0.184032] Switched to clocksource hpet [ 0.192269] pnp: PnP ACPI init [ 0.192288] ACPI: bus type PNP registered [ 0.192404] system 00:00: [mem 0xfed10000-0xfed19fff] has been reserved [ 0.192408] system 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) [ 0.192505] pnp 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active) [ 0.192568] pnp 00:02: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0303 PNP030b (active) [ 0.192647] pnp 00:03: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs ETD0001 PNP0f0e PNP0f0b PNP0f03 PNP0f13 PNP0f12 (active) [ 0.192853] system 00:04: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved [ 0.192857] system 00:04: [io 0x0800-0x087f] could not be reserved [ 0.192860] system 00:04: [io 0x0400-0x041f] has been reserved [ 0.192862] system 00:04: [io 0x0500-0x057f] has been reserved [ 0.192865] system 00:04: [mem 0xfe9fac00-0xfe9facff window] has been reserved [ 0.192868] system 00:04: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff] has been reserved [ 0.192871] system 00:04: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff] has been reserved [ 0.192873] system 00:04: [mem 0xfed45000-0xfed89fff] has been reserved [ 0.192876] system 00:04: [mem 0xfed90000-0xfed90fff] has been reserved [ 0.192879] system 00:04: [mem 0xfed91000-0xfed91fff] has been reserved [ 0.192881] system 00:04: [mem 0xfed92000-0xfed92fff] has been reserved [ 0.192884] system 00:04: [mem 0xfed93000-0xfed93fff] has been reserved [ 0.192886] system 00:04: [mem 0xffb00000-0xffbfffff] has been reserved [ 0.192889] system 00:04: [mem 0xfff00000-0xffffffff] has been reserved [ 0.192892] system 00:04: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) [ 0.193011] system 00:05: [mem 0xffa00000-0xffbfffff] could not be reserved [ 0.193015] system 00:05: [mem 0xffe00000-0xffffffff] could not be reserved [ 0.193018] system 00:05: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) [ 0.193101] system 00:06: [mem 0xffc00000-0xffdfffff] has been reserved [ 0.193105] system 00:06: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) [ 0.193196] system 00:07: [io 0x0250-0x0253] has been reserved [ 0.193199] system 00:07: [io 0x0256-0x025f] has been reserved [ 0.193202] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff] could not be reserved [ 0.193204] system 00:07: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff] has been reserved [ 0.193207] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec10000-0xfec17fff] has been reserved [ 0.193210] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec18000-0xfec1ffff] has been reserved [ 0.193213] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec38000-0xfec3ffff] has been reserved [ 0.193216] system 00:07: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) [ 0.193326] system 00:08: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] has been reserved [ 0.193329] system 00:08: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) [ 0.193644] system 00:09: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved [ 0.193648] system 00:09: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000cffff] could not be reserved [ 0.193650] system 00:09: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff] could not be reserved [ 0.193653] system 00:09: [mem 0x00100000-0xbddfffff] could not be reserved [ 0.193656] system 00:09: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c01 (active) [ 0.193799] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 10 devices [ 0.193801] ACPI: bus type PNP unregistered [ 0.201200] pci 0000:00:1c.5: bridge window [mem 0x00100000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] to [bus 03] add_size 200000 [ 0.201216] pci 0000:00:1c.5: res[15]=[mem 0x00100000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] get_res_add_size add_size 200000 [ 0.201226] pci 0000:00:1c.5: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0xbde00000-0xbdffffff 64bit pref] [ 0.201229] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 0.201245] pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI bridge to [bus 02] [ 0.201251] pci 0000:00:1c.1: bridge window [mem 0xfea00000-0xfeafffff] [ 0.201262] pci 0000:00:1c.5: PCI bridge to [bus 03] [ 0.201266] pci 0000:00:1c.5: bridge window [io 0xe000-0xefff] [ 0.201272] pci 0000:00:1c.5: bridge window [mem 0xfeb00000-0xfebfffff] [ 0.201278] pci 0000:00:1c.5: bridge window [mem 0xbde00000-0xbdffffff 64bit pref] [ 0.201286] pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 04] [ 0.201302] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io 0x0000-0x0cf7] [ 0.201304] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [io 0x0d00-0xffff] [ 0.201306] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] [ 0.201308] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff] [ 0.201311] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 8 [mem 0xbde00000-0xffffffff] [ 0.201313] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 1 [mem 0xfea00000-0xfeafffff] [ 0.201316] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 0 [io 0xe000-0xefff] [ 0.201318] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 1 [mem 0xfeb00000-0xfebfffff] [ 0.201320] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 2 [mem 0xbde00000-0xbdffffff 64bit pref] [ 0.201323] pci_bus 0000:04: resource 4 [io 0x0000-0x0cf7] [ 0.201325] pci_bus 0000:04: resource 5 [io 0x0d00-0xffff] [ 0.201327] pci_bus 0000:04: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] [ 0.201329] pci_bus 0000:04: resource 7 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff] [ 0.201332] pci_bus 0000:04: resource 8 [mem 0xbde00000-0xffffffff] [ 0.201386] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.201658] TCP established hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) [ 0.201806] TCP bind hash table entries: 32768 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) [ 0.202013] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 32768) [ 0.202065] TCP: reno registered [ 0.202072] UDP hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.202106] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.202189] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.202210] pci 0000:00:02.0: Video device with shadowed ROM [ 0.203120] PCI: CLS 32 bytes, default 64 [ 0.203178] Unpacking initramfs... [ 0.580459] Freeing initrd memory: 16620K (ffff880035f7a000 - ffff880036fb5000) [ 0.580479] PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB) [ 0.580482] software IO TLB [mem 0xb9d80000-0xbdd80000] (64MB) mapped at [ffff8800b9d80000-ffff8800bdd7ffff] [ 0.580525] Simple Boot Flag at 0x51 set to 0x1 [ 0.580713] microcode: CPU0 sig=0x1067a, pf=0x80, revision=0xa07 [ 0.580721] microcode: CPU1 sig=0x1067a, pf=0x80, revision=0xa07 [ 0.580815] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.00 <>, Peter Oruba [ 0.581142] futex hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) [ 0.581185] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled) [ 0.581215] audit: type=2000 audit(1435161137.580:1): initialized [ 0.581656] HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.581682] zbud: loaded [ 0.581873] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2 [ 0.581892] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.581959] msgmni has been set to 7858 [ 0.582353] alg: No test for stdrng (krng) [ 0.582383] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252) [ 0.582437] io scheduler noop registered [ 0.582440] io scheduler deadline registered [ 0.582483] io scheduler cfq registered (default) [ 0.582704] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: irq 40 for MSI/MSI-X [ 0.582893] pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: irq 41 for MSI/MSI-X [ 0.583083] pcieport 0000:00:1c.5: irq 42 for MSI/MSI-X [ 0.583258] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt [ 0.583264] pcie_pme 0000:00:1c.0:pcie01: service driver pcie_pme loaded [ 0.583289] pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt [ 0.583291] pci 0000:02:00.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt [ 0.583296] pcie_pme 0000:00:1c.1:pcie01: service driver pcie_pme loaded [ 0.583320] pcieport 0000:00:1c.5: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt [ 0.583323] pci 0000:03:00.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt [ 0.583328] pcie_pme 0000:00:1c.5:pcie01: service driver pcie_pme loaded [ 0.583348] pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5 [ 0.583393] pciehp 0000:00:1c.5:pcie04: Slot #0 AttnBtn- AttnInd- PwrInd- PwrCtrl- MRL- Interlock- NoCompl- LLActRep+ [ 0.583424] pciehp 0000:00:1c.5:pcie04: service driver pciehp loaded [ 0.583431] pciehp: PCI Express Hot Plug Controller Driver version: 0.4 [ 0.583459] intel_idle: does not run on family 6 model 23 [ 0.583528] GHES: HEST is not enabled! [ 0.583616] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled [ 0.584210] Linux agpgart interface v0.103 [ 0.584297] agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: Intel GM45 Chipset [ 0.584316] agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: detected gtt size: 2097152K total, 262144K mappable [ 0.584868] agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: detected 32768K stolen memory [ 0.585003] agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: AGP aperture is 256M @ 0xd0000000 [ 0.585143] i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f03:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12 [ 0.589547] i8042: Detected active multiplexing controller, rev 1.1 [ 0.592002] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 [ 0.592013] serio: i8042 AUX0 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 [ 0.592051] serio: i8042 AUX1 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 [ 0.592081] serio: i8042 AUX2 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 [ 0.592109] serio: i8042 AUX3 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 [ 0.592264] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice [ 0.592324] rtc_cmos 00:01: RTC can wake from S4 [ 0.592491] rtc_cmos 00:01: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0 [ 0.592524] rtc_cmos 00:01: alarms up to one month, y3k, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs [ 0.592540] ledtrig-cpu: registered to indicate activity on CPUs [ 0.592796] AMD IOMMUv2 driver by Joerg Roedel <> [ 0.592797] AMD IOMMUv2 functionality not available on this system [ 0.592900] TCP: cubic registered [ 0.592942] NET: Registered protocol family 10 [ 0.593186] mip6: Mobile IPv6 [ 0.593190] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 0.593196] mpls_gso: MPLS GSO support [ 0.593506] registered taskstats version 1 [ 0.594080] rtc_cmos 00:01: setting system clock to 2015-06-24 15:52:18 UTC (1435161138) [ 0.594145] PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded. [ 0.595256] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1204K (ffffffff818ee000 - ffffffff81a1b000) [ 0.595258] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k [ 0.597898] Freeing unused kernel memory: 924K (ffff880001519000 - ffff880001600000) [ 0.598522] Freeing unused kernel memory: 216K (ffff8800017ca000 - ffff880001800000) [ 0.631587] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0 [ 0.665710] systemd-udevd[63]: starting version 215 [ 0.666077] random: systemd-udevd urandom read with 3 bits of entropy available [ 0.685799] ACPI: bus type USB registered [ 0.685838] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 0.685852] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 0.685916] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 0.686580] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver [ 0.687577] uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver [ 0.687578] ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver [ 0.687731] ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.7: EHCI Host Controller [ 0.687739] ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 0.687756] ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.7: debug port 1 [ 0.691681] ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.7: cache line size of 32 is not supported [ 0.691703] ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.7: irq 18, io mem 0xfe9fbc00 [ 0.700109] ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.7: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00 [ 0.700173] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002 [ 0.700176] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.700178] usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller [ 0.700180] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 ehci_hcd [ 0.700182] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.7 [ 0.700836] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.700947] hub 1-0:1.0: 6 ports detected [ 0.703960] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.703969] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 0.703979] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: detected 2 ports [ 0.704034] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: irq 16, io base 0x0000d880 [ 0.704101] usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 [ 0.704104] usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.704106] usb usb2: Product: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.704108] usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 uhci_hcd [ 0.704110] usb usb2: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.0 [ 0.704261] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.704270] hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.704696] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.704703] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3 [ 0.704711] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: detected 2 ports [ 0.704744] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: irq 21, io base 0x0000d800 [ 0.704806] usb usb3: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 [ 0.704809] usb usb3: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.704811] usb usb3: Product: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.704814] usb usb3: Manufacturer: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 uhci_hcd [ 0.704816] usb usb3: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.1 [ 0.704947] hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.704955] hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.705375] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.705382] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4 [ 0.705390] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: detected 2 ports [ 0.705423] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: irq 19, io base 0x0000d480 [ 0.705483] usb usb4: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 [ 0.705485] usb usb4: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.705487] usb usb4: Product: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.705490] usb usb4: Manufacturer: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 uhci_hcd [ 0.705492] usb usb4: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.2 [ 0.705619] hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.705628] hub 4-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.707729] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.708106] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.708115] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5 [ 0.708124] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: detected 2 ports [ 0.708164] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: irq 23, io base 0x0000d400 [ 0.708227] usb usb5: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 [ 0.708230] usb usb5: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.708232] usb usb5: Product: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.708234] usb usb5: Manufacturer: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 uhci_hcd [ 0.708236] usb usb5: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.0 [ 0.708390] hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.708399] hub 5-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.708845] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.708852] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 6 [ 0.708860] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: detected 2 ports [ 0.708881] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: irq 19, io base 0x0000d080 [ 0.708935] usb usb6: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 [ 0.708938] usb usb6: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.708940] usb usb6: Product: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.708942] usb usb6: Manufacturer: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 uhci_hcd [ 0.708944] usb usb6: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.1 [ 0.709074] hub 6-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.709082] hub 6-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.709531] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.709538] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 7 [ 0.709545] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: detected 2 ports [ 0.709567] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: irq 18, io base 0x0000d000 [ 0.711165] usb usb7: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 [ 0.711169] usb usb7: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.711172] usb usb7: Product: UHCI Host Controller [ 0.711174] usb usb7: Manufacturer: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 uhci_hcd [ 0.711176] usb usb7: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.2 [ 0.711334] hub 7-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.711342] hub 7-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.712831] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.7: EHCI Host Controller [ 0.712841] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 8 [ 0.712860] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.7: debug port 1 [ 0.716764] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.7: cache line size of 32 is not supported [ 0.716867] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.7: irq 23, io mem 0xfe9fb800 [ 0.716909] libata version 3.00 loaded. [ 0.728285] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.7: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00 [ 0.728363] usb usb8: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002 [ 0.728366] usb usb8: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.728368] usb usb8: Product: EHCI Host Controller [ 0.728370] usb usb8: Manufacturer: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 ehci_hcd [ 0.728372] usb usb8: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.7 [ 0.728593] hub 8-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.728602] hub 8-0:1.0: 6 ports detected [ 0.752082] hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.752093] hub 5-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.776074] hub 6-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.776082] hub 6-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.800105] hub 7-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 0.800113] hub 7-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 0.800457] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: version 3.0 [ 0.800584] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: irq 43 for MSI/MSI-X [ 0.800624] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled [ 0.800659] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0200 32 slots 4 ports 3 Gbps 0x3 impl SATA mode [ 0.800662] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag pm led clo pio slum part ccc ems sxs [ 0.805174] thermal LNXTHERM:00: registered as thermal_zone0 [ 0.805177] ACPI: Thermal Zone [THRM] (38 C) [ 0.808619] scsi0 : ahci [ 0.808762] scsi1 : ahci [ 0.808877] scsi2 : ahci [ 0.808984] scsi3 : ahci [ 0.809050] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xfe9fb000 port 0xfe9fb100 irq 43 [ 0.809054] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xfe9fb000 port 0xfe9fb180 irq 43 [ 0.809055] ata3: DUMMY [ 0.809057] ata4: DUMMY [ 1.012031] usb 1-3: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-pci [ 1.128030] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300) [ 1.129067] ata1.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:a0 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out [ 1.129239] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:06:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) succeeded [ 1.129243] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:03:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out [ 1.172157] ata1.00: ATA-8: ST9500325AS, 0002SDM1, max UDMA/133 [ 1.172160] ata1.00: 976773168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32) [ 1.174198] ata1.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:a0 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out [ 1.174499] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:06:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) succeeded [ 1.174502] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:03:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out [ 1.176384] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133 [ 1.176506] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA ST9500325AS SDM1 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 [ 1.188248] usb 1-3: New USB device found, idVendor=04f2, idProduct=b071 [ 1.188251] usb 1-3: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=1, SerialNumber=3 [ 1.188253] usb 1-3: Product: CNF7129 [ 1.188255] usb 1-3: Manufacturer: Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd. [ 1.188257] usb 1-3: SerialNumber: SN0001 [ 1.496031] ata2: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300) [ 1.498600] ata2.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:06:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) succeeded [ 1.498603] ata2.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:03:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out [ 1.498886] ata2.00: ATAPI: Slimtype DVD A DS8A3S, HA28, max UDMA/100 [ 1.500801] ata2.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:06:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) succeeded [ 1.500804] ata2.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:03:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out [ 1.503128] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/100 [ 1.505853] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM Slimtype DVD A DS8A3S HA28 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 [ 1.528673] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/8x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda pop-up [ 1.528677] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 [ 1.528846] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 [ 1.529418] scsi 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0 [ 1.529461] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5 [ 1.530660] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 976773168 512-byte logical blocks: (500 GB/465 GiB) [ 1.530700] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off [ 1.530703] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00 [ 1.530721] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA [ 1.580022] tsc: Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 2194.499 MHz [ 1.641732] sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 < sda5 > sda4 [ 1.642242] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk [ 1.688043] usb 5-1: new full-speed USB device number 2 using uhci_hcd [ 1.866047] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=c526 [ 1.866051] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 [ 1.866054] usb 5-1: Product: USB Receiver [ 1.866056] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: Logitech [ 1.873335] hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina [ 1.877348] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid [ 1.877352] usbhid: USB HID core driver [ 1.878229] input: Logitech USB Receiver as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0/0003:046D:C526.0001/input/input5 [ 1.878401] hid-generic 0003:046D:C526.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Logitech USB Receiver] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1/input0 [ 1.881138] input: Logitech USB Receiver as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.1/0003:046D:C526.0002/input/input6 [ 1.881454] hid-generic 0003:046D:C526.0002: input,hiddev0,hidraw1: USB HID v1.11 Device [Logitech USB Receiver] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1/input1 [ 2.095996] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3 [ 2.096117] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.27.0-ioctl (2013-10-30) initialised: [ 2.580081] Switched to clocksource tsc [ 9.578111] random: nonblocking pool is initialized [ 32.666607] NET: Registered protocol family 38 [ 33.218430] PM: Starting manual resume from disk [ 33.218436] PM: Hibernation image partition 254:1 present [ 33.218438] PM: Looking for hibernation image. [ 33.232928] PM: Image not found (code -22) [ 33.232931] PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded. [ 33.375689] EXT4-fs (dm-2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) [ 36.418667] systemd-sysv-generator[197]: Ignoring creation of an alias firewall.service for itself [ 36.493699] systemd-sysv-generator[197]: Overwriting existing symlink /run/systemd/generator.late/vboxdrv.service with real service [ 38.651903] lp: driver loaded but no devices found [ 38.680069] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver [ 38.778206] fuse init (API version 7.23) [ 38.897716] loop: module loaded [ 39.058210] systemd-udevd[243]: starting version 215 [ 40.997613] Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-1 state [ 40.997625] Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-3 state [ 40.997636] tsc: Marking TSC unstable due to TSC halts in idle [ 40.997643] ACPI: acpi_idle registered with cpuidle [ 40.998357] Switched to clocksource hpet [ 41.036402] input: Sleep Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0E:00/input/input7 [ 41.036409] ACPI: Sleep Button [SLPB] [ 41.036476] input: Lid Switch as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0D:00/input/input8 [ 41.037657] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID] [ 41.037722] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input9 [ 41.037725] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF] [ 41.348023] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery absent) [ 41.567371] ACPI: AC Adapter [AC0] (on-line) [ 41.655820] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810 [ 41.679946] shpchp: Standard Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.4 [ 41.728906] EXT4-fs (dm-2): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro [ 41.732492] [drm] Memory usable by graphics device = 2048M [ 41.732496] [drm] Replacing VGA console driver [ 41.733029] Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x25 [ 41.756098] i915 0000:00:02.0: irq 44 for MSI/MSI-X [ 41.756111] [drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013). [ 41.756113] [drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query. [ 41.756188] vgaarb: device changed decodes: PCI:0000:00:02.0,olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=io+mem:owns=io+mem [ 41.924023] [drm] GMBUS [i915 gmbus dpc] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 4 [ 41.952372] asus_laptop: Asus Laptop Support version 0.42 [ 41.952478] asus_laptop: K50IJ model detected [ 41.957707] asus_laptop: Backlight controlled by ACPI video driver [ 41.957772] input: Asus Laptop extra buttons as /devices/platform/asus_laptop/input/input10 [ 41.973270] fbcon: inteldrmfb (fb0) is primary device [ 42.000161] systemd-udevd[288]: renamed network interface eth0 to eth1 [ 42.024631] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain [ 42.153841] input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input13 [ 42.505182] ath: phy0: Enable LNA combining [ 42.506699] ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x60 [ 42.506700] ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a direct regpair map [ 42.506702] ath: Country alpha2 being used: 00 [ 42.506702] ath: Regpair used: 0x60 [ 42.549710] ieee80211 phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'minstrel_ht' [ 42.549982] ieee80211 phy0: Atheros AR9285 Rev:2 mem=0xffffc90010760000, irq=17 [ 42.616167] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 170x48 [ 42.619181] i915 0000:00:02.0: fb0: inteldrmfb frame buffer device [ 42.619183] i915 0000:00:02.0: registered panic notifier [ 42.626817] ACPI: Video Device [VGA] (multi-head: yes rom: no post: no) [ 42.629747] acpi device:37: registered as cooling_device2 [ 42.629832] input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input16 [ 42.629929] [drm] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20080730 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor 0 [ 42.630276] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X [ 42.630665] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000828-0x000000000000082f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000800-0x000000000000084f (\PMIO) (20140424/utaddress-258) [ 42.630672] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver [ 42.630676] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000530-0x000000000000053f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000057f (\GPIO) (20140424/utaddress-258) [ 42.630679] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver [ 42.630681] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000052f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000057f (\GPIO) (20140424/utaddress-258) [ 42.630685] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver [ 42.630686] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich [ 42.885043] sound hdaudioC0D0: autoconfig: line_outs=1 (0x1c/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) type:speaker [ 42.885048] sound hdaudioC0D0: speaker_outs=0 (0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) [ 42.885051] sound hdaudioC0D0: hp_outs=1 (0x1d/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) [ 42.885053] sound hdaudioC0D0: mono: mono_out=0x0 [ 42.885055] sound hdaudioC0D0: inputs: [ 42.885057] sound hdaudioC0D0: Internal Mic=0x1e [ 42.885060] sound hdaudioC0D0: Mic=0x1a [ 42.889436] input: HDA Intel Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input17 [ 42.889518] input: HDA Intel Headphone as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input18 [ 43.016782] psmouse serio4: elantech: assuming hardware version 2 (with firmware version 0x040101) [ 43.050467] psmouse serio4: elantech: Synaptics capabilities query result 0x7e, 0x13, 0x0d. [ 43.178317] input: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio4/input/input15 [ 43.659970] Adding 3903484k swap on /dev/mapper/LVM-SWAP. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:3903484k FS [ 43.735655] media: Linux media interface: v0.10 [ 43.761286] Linux video capture interface: v2.00 [ 44.138391] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device CNF7129 (04f2:b071) [ 44.161302] input: CNF7129 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.7/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/input/input19 [ 44.161428] usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo [ 44.161430] USB Video Class driver (1.1.1) [ 44.224474] iTCO_vendor_support: vendor-support=0 [ 44.226604] iTCO_wdt: Intel TCO WatchDog Timer Driver v1.11 [ 44.226653] iTCO_wdt: Found a ICH9M TCO device (Version=2, TCOBASE=0x0860) [ 44.226838] iTCO_wdt: initialized. heartbeat=30 sec (nowayout=0) [ 44.316216] systemd-udevd[279]: renamed network interface wlan0 to wlan1 [ 44.985315] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated: [ 44.985319] cfg80211: DFS Master region: unset [ 44.985321] cfg80211: (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp), (dfs_cac_time) [ 44.985324] cfg80211: (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) [ 44.985327] cfg80211: (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) [ 44.985329] cfg80211: (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) [ 44.985331] cfg80211: (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz, 160000 KHz AUTO), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) [ 44.985334] cfg80211: (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz, 160000 KHz AUTO), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (0 s) [ 44.985337] cfg80211: (5490000 KHz - 5730000 KHz @ 160000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (0 s) [ 44.985339] cfg80211: (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) [ 44.985341] cfg80211: (57240000 KHz - 63720000 KHz @ 2160000 KHz), (N/A, 0 mBm), (N/A) [ 47.155745] EXT4-fs (sda2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) [ 48.054439] systemd-journald[225]: Received request to flush runtime journal from PID 1 [ 49.574602] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module. [ 49.574606] RPC: Registered udp transport module. [ 49.574607] RPC: Registered tcp transport module. [ 49.574608] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module. [ 49.608653] FS-Cache: Loaded [ 49.640763] FS-Cache: Netfs 'nfs' registered for caching [ 49.730467] Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 [ 53.028894] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 53.755719] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max) [ 61.257505] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready [ 61.318145] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan1: link is not ready [ 63.568530] wlan1: authenticate with 00:1d:7e:92:a3:23 [ 63.576309] wlan1: send auth to 00:1d:7e:92:a3:23 (try 1/3) [ 63.578496] wlan1: authenticated [ 63.584095] wlan1: associate with 00:1d:7e:92:a3:23 (try 1/3) [ 63.586679] wlan1: RX AssocResp from 00:1d:7e:92:a3:23 (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=2) [ 63.586731] wlan1: associated [ 63.586753] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan1: link becomes ready [ 151.380879] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 158.371375] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 [ 158.371379] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <> [ 193.043986] perf interrupt took too long (2506 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000 [ 274.776961] Null scan: IN=tun0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=36 ID=42264 PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=45959 WINDOW=53 RES=0x00 ACK FIN URGP=0 [ 707.630574] systemd-sysv-generator[5341]: Ignoring creation of an alias firewall.service for itself [ 707.645056] systemd-sysv-generator[5341]: Overwriting existing symlink /run/systemd/generator.late/vboxdrv.service with real service [ 708.929779] systemd-sysv-generator[5360]: Ignoring creation of an alias firewall.service for itself [ 708.931939] systemd-sysv-generator[5360]: Overwriting existing symlink /run/systemd/generator.late/vboxdrv.service with real service [ 1048.622730] systemd-sysv-generator[8010]: Ignoring creation of an alias firewall.service for itself [ 1048.630198] systemd-sysv-generator[8010]: Overwriting existing symlink /run/systemd/generator.late/vboxdrv.service with real service [ 1122.469294] systemd-sysv-generator[9278]: Ignoring creation of an alias firewall.service for itself [ 1122.477462] systemd-sysv-generator[9278]: Overwriting existing symlink /run/systemd/generator.late/vboxdrv.service with real service [ 1122.781624] systemd-sysv-generator[9455]: Ignoring creation of an alias firewall.service for itself [ 1122.788087] systemd-sysv-generator[9455]: Overwriting existing symlink /run/systemd/generator.late/vboxdrv.service with real service [ 1200.224759] systemd-sysv-generator[11798]: Ignoring creation of an alias firewall.service for itself [ 1200.230132] systemd-sysv-generator[11798]: Overwriting existing symlink /run/systemd/generator.late/vboxdrv.service with real service [ 1217.284554] capability: warning: `VirtualBox' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) [ 3138.710627] systemd-sysv-generator[17945]: Ignoring creation of an alias firewall.service for itself [ 3138.718416] systemd-sysv-generator[17945]: Overwriting existing symlink /run/systemd/generator.late/vboxdrv.service with real service user@host:~$
Ostatnio edytowany przez alfa444 (2015-06-24 18:59:23)
cat /var/log/vbox-install.log
user@host:~$ cat /var/log/vbox-install.log /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: 334: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/build_in_tmp: not found user@host:~$ su Hasło: root@host:/home/user# cat /var/log/vbox-install.log /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: 334: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/build_in_tmp: not found root@host:/home/user#
apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
user@host:~$ su Hasło: root@host:/home/user# apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe Budowanie drzewa zależności Odczyt informacji o stanie... Gotowe linux-headers-3.16.0-4-amd64 jest już w najnowszej wersji. 0 aktualizowanych, 0 nowo instalowanych, 0 usuwanych i 7 nieaktualizowanych. root@host:/home/user# /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules ...done. Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: 302: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/do_dkms: not found ...done. Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: 327: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/do_dkms: not found ...failed! (Failed, trying without DKMS) Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules ...failed! (Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong) root@host:/home/user# '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' bash: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
A virtualbox nie działa?
Samo okno "Oracle VM Virtualbox Manager" otwiera się, ale już próba uruchomienia maszyny wirtualnej kończy w/w logami. Nic więcej nie da się zrobić.
Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules ...failed!
(Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong)
root@host:/home/user# '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'
bash: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
Masz przecież jasno napisane gdzie zajrzeć i co ewentualnie wkleić na forum, zamiast bezmyślnego wklepywania /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
vbox-install.log :
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: 334: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/build_in_tmp: not found
Wywal wszystko co ma cokolwiek wspólnego z Virtualboksem i zainstaluj tylko jedną wersję. Z repozytourium Debiana lub ze strony Virtualboksa.
W takim bałaganie nigdy nie dojdziesz do ładu.
PS Temat wątku w tym przypadku jest bez sensu.
Ale ja już tego próbowałem i jedynym rezultatem usunięcia lub zainstalowania na nowo virtualboksa lub zależności jest wyczyszczenie sources.list do 1 wpisu. Nie rozumiem tego co się dzieje. Repo z oracle zahashowałem.