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Więcej informacji na
Ostatnio się trochę męczyłem aby połączyć frreradiusa z LMS'em i PPPoE.
Opis uruchomienia jest na z tą różnicą, że jest to opis do ver. 1.6 LMS'a.
Ja pozmieniałem troche, żeby dane do bazy radiusa były zapisywane z LMS. Każde dodanie hosta, jego edycja powoduje odpowiednie wpisy w bazie radiusa. Dzieki temu możemy obserwowaś statystyki, itp., w dialup adminie.
glowne zmiany robimy w modulach LMS. do edycji bierzemy plik ../lms/lib/LMS.class.php.
dodajemy wpisy w sekcjiach:
function NodeUpdate($nodedata) { $this->SetTS('usergroup'); $this->DB->Execute('UPDATE usergroup SET GroupName=(?) WHERE UserName=?', array($nodedata['group'], $nodedata['name'])); $this->SetTS('radcheck'); $this->DB->Execute('UPDATE radcheck SET Value=(?) WHERE UserName=?', array($nodedata['passwd'], $nodedata['name'])); $this->SetTS('radreply'); $this->DB->Execute('UPDATE radreply SET name=LOWER(?), Value=(?) WHERE UserName=?', array($nodedata['ipaddr'], $nodedata['name'])); $this->SetTS('nodes'); return $this->DB->Execute('UPDATE nodes SET name=LOWER(?), ipaddr_pub=inet_aton(?), ipaddr=inet_aton(?), mac=UPPER(?),passwd=?, netdev=?, moddate=?NOW?, modid=?, access=?, warning=?, ownerid=?, info=? WHERE id=?', array($nodedata['name'], $nodedata['ipaddr_pub'], $nodedata['ipaddr'], $nodedata['mac'], $nodedata['passwd'], $nodedata['netdev'], $this->AUTH->id, $nodedata['access'], $nodedata['warning'], $nodedata['ownerid'], $nodedata['info'], $nodedata['id'])); } function DeleteNode($id,$name) { if (isset($name)) { $this->SetTS('radcheck'); $this->DB->Execute('DELETE from radcheck WHERE UserName=?', array($name)); $this->SetTS('usergroup'); $this->DB->Execute('DELETE from usergroup WHERE UserName=?', array($name)); $this->SetTS('radreply'); $this->DB->Execute('DELETE from radreply WHERE UserName=?', array($name)); } $this->SetTS('nodes'); return $this->DB->Execute('DELETE FROM nodes WHERE id=?', array($id)); } function NodeAdd($nodedata) { $this->SetTS('nodes'); if($this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO nodes (name, mac, ipaddr, ipaddr_pub, ownerid, passwd, creatorid, creation date, access, warning, info, netdev) VALUES (?, ?, inet_aton(?),inet_aton(?), ?, ?, ?, ?NOW?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array(strtolower($nodedata['name']), strtoupper($nodedata['mac']), $nodedata['ipaddr'], $nodedata['ipaddr_pub'], $nodedata['ownerid'], $nodedata['passwd'], $this->AUTH->id, $nodedata['access'], $nodedata['warning'], $nodedata['info'], $nodedata['netdev']))) { $this->SetTS('radcheck'); $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO radcheck (Attribute, Value, UserName, op) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('User-Password', $nodedata['passwd'], $nodedata['name'], '==')); $this->SetTS('radreply'); $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO radreply (Attribute, Value, UserName, op) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('Framed-IP-Address', $nodedata['ipaddr'], $nodedata['name'], '==') ); $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO radreply (Attribute, Value, UserName, op) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('Framed-Protocol', 'PPP', $nodedata['name'], '==') ); $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO radreply (Attribute, Value, UserName, op) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('Framed-IP-Netmask', '', $nodedata['name'], '==') ); $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO radreply (Attribute, Value, UserName, op) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('Framed-MTU', '1492', $nodedata['name'], '==') ); $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO radreply (Attribute, Value, UserName, op) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('Port-Limit', '1', $nodedata['name'], '==') ); $this->SetTS('usergroup'); $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO usergroup (UserName, GroupName) VALUES ( ?, ?)', array ( $nodedata['name'], $nodedata['group'] ) ); return $this->DB->GetOne('SELECT MAX(id) FROM nodes'); } else return FALSE; }
tabele radiusa wrzycamy do bazy LMS'a.
edytujemy jeszcze ../lms/templates/nodeeditbox.html, zebyśmy nie mogli zmienić nazwy hosta. niestety z tym sobie nie poradzilem. jeśli zmieni się nazwe hosta z panelu edycji, nie zostanie dokonana zmiana w tabelach radiusa ze wzgledu na inne id w tabeli nodes, radreply i radcheck, wiec trzeba bylo porownywac po nazwie.
<!--// $Id: nodeeditbox.html,v 1.61 2005/10/19 13:34:48 lukas Exp $ //--> <FORM NAME="editnode" METHOD="POST" ACTION="?m=nodeedit&id={$}"> <INPUT type="submit" class="hiddenbtn"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="nodeedit[id]" VALUE="{$}"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="nodeedit[name]" VALUE="{$}"> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3"> <TR CLASS="DARK"> <TD WIDTH="1%" CLASS="FLEFTU"> <IMG SRC="img/node.gif" ALT=""> </TD> <TD WIDTH="99%" CLASS="FRIGHTU" COLSPAN="2"> <B>{$} ({$|string_format:"%04d"})</B> </TD> </TR>
może ktoś zrobił to w inny sposób.
sposób mój można zastosować do każdej wersji LMS.
może komuś się to przyda