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#1  2006-08-30 17:44:25

  masonix - Użytkownik

Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Zarejestrowany: 2006-04-07

Server Quake 3


Zachciało mi się postawić serwer do tej gry.

Próbowałem zrobić to wg. tego opisu i

Zgrałem wg opisu:

zrobiłem skrypt startowy:




echo "staring Quake3 server at port $port... "

/home/q3a/q3ded +set fs_basepath /home/q3a +set fs_game osp +set dedicated 1 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +set net_ip $ip +set net_po$

i po jego odpaleniu wyświetla mi coś takiego:


Debian:/etc/init.d# ./quake3-server
staring Quake3 server at port 27960...
Q3 1.32b linux-i386 Nov 14 2002
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/home/q3a/osp/zz-osp-server1.pk3 (2 files)
/home/q3a/osp/zz-osp-pak1.pk3 (110 files)
/home/q3a/osp/zz-osp-pak0.pk3 (1045 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak8.pk3 (9 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak7.pk3 (4 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak6.pk3 (64 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak5.pk3 (7 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak4.pk3 (272 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak3.pk3 (4 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak2.pk3 (148 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak1.pk3 (26 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak0.pk3 (3539 files)

5230 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
execing q3config.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Opening IP socket:
ERROR: UDP_OpenSocket: bind: Address already in use
Opening IP socket:
ERROR: UDP_OpenSocket: bind: Address already in use
Opening IP socket:
ERROR: UDP_OpenSocket: bind: Address already in use
Opening IP socket:
Alias: Debian
Started tty console (use +set ttycon 0 to disable)
^3PunkBuster Server: 0 Power Players loaded from /root/.q3a/pb/pbpower.dat
^3PunkBuster Server: 0 PB Rcon Filters loaded from /root/.q3a/pb/pbrcon.dat
^3PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_SsNext = 0 (0 to 999999)
^3PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_LogNext = 2 (1 to 999999)
^3PunkBuster Server: File Not Found: pbsv.cfg
^3PunkBuster Server: File Not Found: pbsvuser.cfg
^3PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server (v0.993 | A1293 C0.993) Enabled
execing q3ded-osp-ffa.cfg
execing maprotate-osp-ffa.cfg
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: ospdm12
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/home/q3a/osp/zz-osp-server1.pk3 (2 files)
/home/q3a/osp/zz-osp-pak1.pk3 (110 files)
/home/q3a/osp/zz-osp-pak0.pk3 (1045 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak8.pk3 (9 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak7.pk3 (4 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak6.pk3 (64 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak5.pk3 (7 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak4.pk3 (272 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak3.pk3 (4 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak2.pk3 (148 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak1.pk3 (26 files)
/home/q3a/baseq3/pak0.pk3 (3539 files)

10460 files in pk3 files
Loading vm file vm/qagame.qvm.
VM file qagame compiled to 1883449 bytes of code
qagame loaded in 4952288 bytes on the hunk
------- Game Initialization -------
Game session settings: VQ3
gamename: osp
gamedate: Jan 27 2002
Game session settings: VQ3
InitGame: sv_punkbuster1capturelimit8sv_allowDownloadsv_maxclients8sv_privateClients2g_gametypetimelimitfraglimit15dmflagssv_floodProtect1sv_maxPingsv_minPingsv_maxRate10000sv_hostnameDFSP q3a osp ffaversionQ3 1.32b linux-i386 Nov 14 2002protocol68mapnameospdm12.Adminmasonix.emailmail@domain.tld.wwwwww.domain.tld/quake3/gamenameospgameversionOSP v1.01server_promodeserver_cq3g_needpassserver_ospauth
ServerTime:     20060830174348  17:43:48 (30 Aug 2006)
10 teams with 19 entities
24 items registered
------- BotLib Initialization -------
loaded weapons.c
loaded items.c
loaded syn.c
loaded rnd.c
loaded match.c
loaded rchat.c
------------ Map Loading ------------
trying to load maps/ospdm12.aas
loaded maps/ospdm12.aas
found 65 level items
33 bots parsed
50 arenas parsed
OSP Tourney DM/CA/CTF v(1.01)
26 Jan 02

*** Admin logging disabled! ***

>>> MOTD: Setting MOTD through cvars

*** Server custom graphics DISABLED! ***

>>> ERROR: Could not open decal file "decals/decal-ospdm12.txt"
INTERNAL Decal entry: 0 30 -90.00 1488.12 1178.77 546.96 1.00 0.00 0.00
INTERNAL Decal entry: 0 84 156.94 386.53 -78.33 256.12 0.00 0.00 1.00

Available alternate modes:
   0 - Free-For-All
   1 - 1v1
   2 - ClanBase TeamDM
   3 - TeamplayDM
   4 - CTF
   5 - ClanArena
(no custom modes defined)

>>> Start/Default mode: DISABLED

Loading viewcam positions from "cfg-viewcam/viewcam-ospdm12.cfg"
46 positions added to the viewcam for ospdm12.

Loading player filters from "filters.txt"
0 player filters added.

*** Player name restrictions DISABLED.

AAS initialized.
Hitch warning: 4837 msec frame time

ERROR: Could not open maps list file "maps.txt"

Map entry: "ospdm5" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm3" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm2" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm12" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm11" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm1" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospca1" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: clanarena] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "ospctf1" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: ctf] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "ospctf2" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: ctf] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "ospdm10" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm4" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm6" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm7" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm8" (autofind add)
Map entry: "ospdm9" (autofind add)
Map entry: "pro-q3dm13" (autofind add)
Map entry: "pro-q3dm6" (autofind add)
Map entry: "pro-q3tourney2" (autofind add)
Map entry: "pro-q3tourney4" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm9" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3tourney6_ctf" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: ctf] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "q3ctf1" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: ctf] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "q3ctf2" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: ctf] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "q3ctf3" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: ctf] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "q3ctf4" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: ctf] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "q3dm0" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: single] (looking for: ffa)
Map entry: "q3dm1" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm10" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm11" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm12" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm13" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm14" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm15" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm16" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm17" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm18" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm19" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm2" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm3" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm4" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm5" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm6" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm7" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3dm8" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3tourney1" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3tourney2" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3tourney3" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3tourney4" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3tourney5" (autofind add)
Map entry: "q3tourney6" (autofind add)
Map entry: "test_bigbox" (autofind) - IGNORED - [type: ] (looking for: ffa)
41 maps added to maplist.

Hitch warning: 7468 msec frame time

i w tym miejscu sie zatrzymuje...
co robie źle?




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