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Baaardzo dawno tu nie pisałem
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próbuję w proxmoxie odpalić kartę ixgbe z opcją wsparcia dla niewspieranych ( bez loga intel ) adapterów sfp+
i teraz tak idąc po koleji
domyślnie ładując system mam
dmesg | grep ixgbe ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 48 (level, low) -> IRQ 48 ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: setting latency timer to 64 ixgbe: 0000:08:00.0: ixgbe_check_options: FCoE Offload feature enabled ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: failed to load because an unsupported SFP+ or QSFP module type was detected. ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: Reload the driver after installing a supported module. ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: PCI INT A disabled ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 52 (level, low) -> IRQ 52 ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: setting latency timer to 64 ixgbe: 0000:08:00.1: ixgbe_check_options: FCoE Offload feature enabled ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: failed to load because an unsupported SFP+ or QSFP module type was detected. ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: Reload the driver after installing a supported module. ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: PCI INT B disabled ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 48 (level, low) -> IRQ 48 ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
po załadowaniu systemu daję rmmod ixgbe && modprobe ixgbe allow_unsupported_sfp=1,1
i efekt jest taki
ixgbe: 0000:08:00.0: ixgbe_check_options: FCoE Offload feature enabled ixgbe: allow_unsupported_sfp Enabled ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: (unregistered net_device): WARNING: Intel (R) Network Connections are quality tested using Intel (R) Ethernet Optics. Using untested modules is not supported and may cause unstable operation or damage to the module or the adapter. Intel Corporation is not responsible for any harm caused by using untested modules. ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 80 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 81 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 82 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 83 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 84 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 85 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 86 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 87 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: irq 88 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: PCI Express bandwidth of 32GT/s available ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: (Speed:5.0GT/s, Width: x8, Encoding Loss:20%) ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: eth2: MAC: 2, PHY: 14, SFP+: 5, PBA No: G28774-000 ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: a0:36:9f:24:79:9c ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: eth2: Enabled Features: RxQ: 8 TxQ: 8 FdirHash ixgbe 0000:08:00.0: eth2: Intel(R) 10 Gigabit Network Connection ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 52 (level, low) -> IRQ 52 ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: setting latency timer to 64 ixgbe: 0000:08:00.1: ixgbe_check_options: FCoE Offload feature enabled ixgbe: allow_unsupported_sfp Enabled ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: (unregistered net_device): WARNING: Intel (R) Network Connections are quality tested using Intel (R) Ethernet Optics. Using untested modules is not supported and may cause unstable operation or damage to the module or the adapter. Intel Corporation is not responsible for any harm caused by using untested modules. ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 89 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 90 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 91 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 92 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 93 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 94 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 95 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 96 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 97 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 98 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 99 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 100 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: irq 101 for MSI/MSI-X ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: PCI Express bandwidth of 32GT/s available ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: (Speed:5.0GT/s, Width: x8, Encoding Loss:20%) ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: eth3: MAC: 2, PHY: 14, SFP+: 6, PBA No: G28774-000 ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: a0:36:9f:24:79:9e ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: eth3: Enabled Features: RxQ: 12 TxQ: 12 FdirHash ixgbe 0000:08:00.1: eth3: Intel(R) 10 Gigabit Network Connection
Czyli grejt
Zatem przechodzę do /etc/modules i dodaję wpis ixgbe allow_unsupported_sfp=1,1, reboot i komunikat jak z pierwszego boxu
No dobra zatem zostawiam samo ixgbe i w /etc/modprobe.d/ixgbe.conf dodaję linię options ixgbe allow_unsupported_sfp=1,1, reboot i nosz kurna znów to samo - 1 box
Kolejna opcja usuwam ixgbe z /etc/modules i kolejny reboot i znów to samo.
Czemu do jasnej ciasnej nie chce mi to ruszyć z automatu. A musi.
Linux proxmox-100 2.6.32-26-pve #1 SMP Mon Oct 14 08:22:20 CEST 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux
, pisałem tez na forum proxmoxa ( jednoczesnie w kilku miejscach licząc na ratunek )
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