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Prosimy o pomoc dla małej Julki — przekaż 1% podatku na Fundacji Dzieciom zdazyć z Pomocą.
Więcej informacji na
Strony: 1
Chciałem, wczxoraj zainstyalować dystrybucję ELIVE 2.0 TOPAZ
Niestety instal;ator wyświetlił monit o uiszczenie opłagty za pobranie jakiegoś modułu instalatora ;
Po raz pierwszy spotykam się z czymś takim
Na stronie domowej tej dystrybucji jest nawet uzasadnienie wprowadzenia tej opłaty;
Hey, This is not FREE ! If you are a truly defender of the free software you must know better what are you defending, you can start from here. Free software has no relation with gratis, please read this explanation from You need to know also that due to this confusion of terms, the word free software has changed to open source software in 1998. After that you know that free has no relation with cost. This payment is required to pay the development of Elive, that is the full time work of the Developer 'Thanatermesis' and also to pay external development and/or services. Think that more money is made and more development can be possible to pay and so, a better final product (Elive). But in any of the cases, you are not obliged to pay for Elive, nobody obliges you to use Elive. Without any cost, Elive would not be the same, at least not with all its features, usefriendly things, and the lot of work involved. By other side, if your problem is that you can't possibly pay for any personal reason, we don't want to prevent anybody from using Elive so we propose alternatives which are described in the payment process.
Czy ktoś może z tego forum zna jakiś sposób na pominięcie tej opłaty ?
Z góry dzięki za wszelkie porady .
[..]we don't want to prevent anybody from using Elive so we propose alternatives which are described in the payment process.
I słusznie "nie ma darmowych obiadów".
Trzeba zdawać sobie sprawę, że za naszymi ulubionymi dystrybucjami ich jakością i dostępnością stoi praca i koszty.
Strony: 1