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Strony: 1
tak, caly czas. Ja go wyciszam, wylaczam a po restarcie wlaczony i mi dzwonia glosniki. Alse juz 2 razy reinstalowalem, 4 razy konfigurowalem i nic.. co restart mikrofon wlaczony :/
Pokaż ustawienia alsamixer'a .
state.nForce2 { control.1 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Master Playback Switch' value true } control.2 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 2 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -4650 comment.dbmax 0 iface MIXER name 'Master Playback Volume' value.0 31 value.1 31 } control.3 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Center Playback Switch' value false } control.4 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -4650 comment.dbmax 0 iface MIXER name 'Center Playback Volume' value 31 } control.5 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'LFE Playback Switch' value false } control.6 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -4650 comment.dbmax 0 iface MIXER name 'LFE Playback Volume' value 0 } control.7 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 2 iface MIXER name 'Surround Playback Switch' value.0 false value.1 false } control.8 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 2 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -4650 comment.dbmax 0 iface MIXER name 'Surround Playback Volume' value.0 0 value.1 0 } control.9 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Master Mono Playback Switch' value true } control.10 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -4650 comment.dbmax 0 iface MIXER name 'Master Mono Playback Volume' value 23 } control.11 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'PC Speaker Playback Switch' value false } control.12 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 15' comment.dbmin -4500 comment.dbmax 0 iface MIXER name 'PC Speaker Playback Volume' value 0 } control.13 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Phone Playback Switch' value false } control.14 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -3450 comment.dbmax 1200 iface MIXER name 'Phone Playback Volume' value 0 } control.15 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Mic Playback Switch' value true } control.16 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -3450 comment.dbmax 1200 iface MIXER name 'Mic Playback Volume' value 0 } control.17 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Mic Boost (+20dB)' value true } control.18 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Line Playback Switch' value false } control.19 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 2 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -3450 comment.dbmax 1200 iface MIXER name 'Line Playback Volume' value.0 0 value.1 0 } control.20 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'CD Playback Switch' value true } control.21 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 2 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -3450 comment.dbmax 1200 iface MIXER name 'CD Playback Volume' value.0 25 value.1 25 } control.22 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Video Playback Switch' value false } control.23 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 2 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -3450 comment.dbmax 1200 iface MIXER name 'Video Playback Volume' value.0 0 value.1 0 } control.24 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Aux Playback Switch' value false } control.25 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 2 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -3450 comment.dbmax 1200 iface MIXER name 'Aux Playback Volume' value.0 31 value.1 31 } control.26 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'PCM Playback Switch' value true } control.27 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 2 comment.range '0 - 31' comment.dbmin -3450 comment.dbmax 1200 iface MIXER name 'PCM Playback Volume' value.0 28 value.1 28 } control.28 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type ENUMERATED comment.count 2 comment.item.0 Mic comment.item.1 CD comment.item.2 Video comment.item.3 Aux comment.item.4 Line comment.item.5 Mix comment.item.6 'Mix Mono' comment.item.7 Phone iface MIXER name 'Capture Source' value.0 Mic value.1 Mic } control.29 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Capture Switch' value true } control.30 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 2 comment.range '0 - 15' comment.dbmin 0 comment.dbmax 2250 iface MIXER name 'Capture Volume' value.0 3 value.1 3 } control.31 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name '3D Control - Switch' value false } control.32 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type ENUMERATED comment.count 1 comment.item.0 Mix comment.item.1 Mic iface MIXER name 'Mono Output Select' value Mix } control.33 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type ENUMERATED comment.count 1 comment.item.0 Mic1 comment.item.1 Mic2 iface MIXER name 'Mic Select' value Mic1 } control.34 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 15' iface MIXER name '3D Control - Center' value 0 } control.35 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 15' iface MIXER name '3D Control - Depth' value 0 } control.36 { comment.access read comment.type IEC958 comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'IEC958 Playback Con Mask' value '0fff000f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' } control.37 { comment.access read comment.type IEC958 comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'IEC958 Playback Pro Mask' value cf00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 } control.38 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type IEC958 comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'IEC958 Playback Default' value '0082000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' } control.39 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'IEC958 Playback Switch' value true } control.40 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type INTEGER comment.count 1 comment.range '0 - 3' iface MIXER name 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' value 3 } control.41 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Duplicate Front' value false } control.42 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Surround Down Mix' value false } control.43 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Center/LFE Down Mix' value false } control.44 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Exchange Center/LFE' value false } control.45 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Swap Surround Slot' value false } control.46 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type ENUMERATED comment.count 1 comment.item.0 Shared comment.item.1 Independent iface MIXER name 'Surround Jack Mode' value Shared } control.47 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type ENUMERATED comment.count 1 comment.item.0 '2ch' comment.item.1 '4ch' comment.item.2 '6ch' iface MIXER name 'Channel Mode' value '2ch' } control.48 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'IEC958 Capture Switch' value false } control.49 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'Analog to IEC958 Output' value false } control.50 { comment.access 'read write' comment.type BOOLEAN comment.count 1 iface MIXER name 'External Amplifier' value true } } co fajne.. kilka godzin temu jak wlaczylem system to wyciszylem mikrofon.. a teraz sam sie wlaczyl... wtf ??
Strony: 1