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#1  2018-08-31 15:27:11

  091619EE - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2018-07-09

Korzystanie z Freenode przez TORa - jak wyjsc z bledngeo kola ?

Na stronie mozna znalezc nastepujaca informacje:

Accessing freenode Via Tor

freenode is also reachable via Tor, bound to some restrictions. You can't directly connect to via Tor; use the following hidden service as the server address instead:


The hidden service requires SASL authentication. In addition, due to the abuse that led Tor access to be disabled in the past, we have unfortunately had to add another couple of restrictions:

    You must log in using SASL EXTERNAL or ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE (more below)
    If you log out while connected via Tor, you will not be able to log in without reconnecting.

If you haven't set up the requisite SASL authentication, we recommend SASL EXTERNAL. You'll need to generate a client certificate and add that to your NickServ account. This is documented in our knowledge base.

Connecting using SASL EXTERNAL requires that you connect using SSL encryption.

Note that due to the SSL certificates not matching the hidden service, you might have to disable the verification in your client. If your client supports key pinning, you can verify our Tor server's public key fingerprint:


You'll then want to tell your client to try the EXTERNAL mechanism. We lack comprehensive documentation for this, but it's a feature in most modern clients, so please check their docs for instructions for now.

problem w tym ze po wygenerowaniu certyfikatu SASL trzeba zarejestrowac konto i certyfikat na ich serwerze

ale jak mozna sie spodziewac przy polaczeniu do freenodeok2gncmy.onion mamy:

*** Notice — You need to identify via SASL to use this server
* Closing Link: gateway/tor-sasl/account (SASL access only)
* Disconnected (Remote host closed socket)

a przy polaczeniu do mamy:

You are banned from this server- Your tor exit node must not allow connections to freenode (tor exit node (  Email when corrected.

Jest to bledne kolo, poniewaz zeby polaczyc sie z ich serwerem musze korzystac z SASL a zeby korzystac SASL musze najpierw polaczyc sie z ich serwerem.

Czy ktos wie jak rozwiazac ten paradoks ?

Ostatnio edytowany przez 091619EE (2018-08-31 19:50:53)



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